Darkvoice 336SE tube rolling

Hey All, I fairly recently replaced my power tube with a '50s RCA Black Plate 6AS7G. It worked great for about a week and this morning I flip it on to hear that the left side has no output. If I were to guess it’s got about 40 hours of use on it. Is this thing toast, or could further burn-in bring back the left channel? luckily I’ve got the original tube that the amp came with so I can narrow the problem down to being due to this new tube

If a channel is gone there’s no way back


OK - figured. Now to find a new power tube…Thanks for the quick reply

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would you be interested in sending some of the ones you dont care for my way so i can try them out id make a deal with ya

I’d try taking a soldering iron to the pins to reflow the solder in there. That or resoldering the pins entirely.

I have some nice tubes that I’d let go if your interested in them. PM me.

Some British military Mullards. Too expensive for my blood but maybe one of you guys will want.

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That’s a great tube, have one copy of that one. price is spot on for that one there.

That shirt is fantastic. would you mind shaing the design or where to purchase?

Hey guys I still have tubes up for sale if anyone is interested, send me a PM . I might have what Your looking for. : )

Yes, there is no copy, but there is a very good alternative.
The 6080 Sylvania is a good tube and relatively cheap.
It is a bit more organic than the Mullard, and the price is not as low as the Mullard.
Otherwise I had the impression that everything is very similar.
Or rather, that was the only thing I noticed.
Roughly speaking, I’d say it’s the closest tube to the Mullard.

The Gold Brand Sylvania 6080 is the one to look for…that one outshines the regular Sylvania 6080. And about half the price of the Millard. If you look around, you might find one. I had three of them at one point and gave one away to a member. Another 6080 worth looking for is the Tung Sol 6080.

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Add me to the list of people who can vouch for the Tung-Sol 7236; across the board it is an improvement vs stock, and the noise floor has dropped significantly. Thanks again @JKDjEdi



I’ve had a Darkvoice for the last few months and I want to change my tubes. I’ve heard great things about the tung-sol variants and I found this 6SN7:


The thing is I’m not able to find the power tube (tung-sol 7236) on Amazon. This is a deal-breaker for me because I live in South America so yeah. My question is, ¿Is it worth it to only change the 6sn7 tube? If not, ¿Any common tube you would recommend to go along with the tung-sol 6sn7?


That one is just ok compared to what’s available in NOS tubes. New Old Stock of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s. Now if you can find a black based Tung Sol …6SN7GTB or a grey glassed RCA 6SN7GT, or even a Westinghouse (Reliatron) 6SN7GTB (D shaped getter) you’d have a better experience than with the Russian made (red based) Tung Sol. And yes the Output Tube (the large tube in the back) does make a difference. The one (not expensive) output tube that’s good for beginners is the Winged C Svetlana 6H13C . (6AS7 equivalent) yes Russian made, but they’re NOS 1970 and below… Not expensive at all. Want something nice… Mullard 6080, Chatham 6as7g, Tung Sol 5998, Bendix 6080 (Graphite plated) and middle road would be any 1950’s Army Navy issued RCA 6as7g… Good Luck!!

Interestingly enough I actually preferred the stock 6AS7G over either the Winged C or 1950s RCA JAN.

The stock tube? :thinking: I gave them a listen after my little collection grew and trashed them after a sit down. My favorites are the Western Electric 421a, Bendix (slotted graphite plates) 6080, Chatham 5998, Chatham 6AS7g, and GEC 6AS7G. When I want something different I’ll try a Tung Sol 6520, Sylvania GB 6080, Chatham 6080, and maybe the Cunningham (RCA) 6AS7G. The 6H13 Winged C rarely gets used. Might have a few in there that Ived missed but way too many. I only listen to them on the weekends in the mornings, and that’s if I’m home…:joy: So my tubes rarely get used. I have to do an inventory soon of my driver tubes. Ive honestly forgotten what I got. I know I have some keepers in there. Or should have some…

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Yup. I forget which one it was but one of them I found to sound somewhat bright by comparison (not the sound i am going for), and the other gave the midrange somewhat of a hollow-esque quality which I found unpleasant. Like I said before, though, the 7236 by comparison appears to be quite noticeably better. It’s too bad that there aren’t any good ways of properly ab-ing tubes without owning a second amp.

It’s a deep rabbit hole… . I keep warning my coworker who wants to get an amp… :smiley: so much to learn from this hobby.

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Psvane CV181-T Mk2

Very clean sound compared to a lot of other tubes I’ve tried. Sounds great with the Auteur, but the 6xx sounds better with the Tung Sol imo