DCS Audio Suing Reviewer for Negative Review

Chap that is comedy gold…

Sensitive much… Hit a nerve…

Overreaction to some banter of the fucking year but let’s ride this out now

Firstly, big man, you know your allowed to swear on here - you don’t need to use metaphors like a 13 year old would - but gold star for the attempt and use of big words :+1: not so much for your pervey use of grandma AI art - but to each their own kinks.

You been riding some white knight bullshit narrative for awhile now but anyone that has been here for any amount of time knows your low-level shilly flavour of the month nature that we all let slide as who gives a fuck when most people here are experienced enough to know how this audio hobby works and can remember how you started here as one of us hobbyists and even after this exchange I do appreciate what you provide to the community albeit in an ever diminishing sense. So don’t fuck around with the benefit of the doubt afforded.
No one cares on this forum and when is that shady episode (which anyone can freely look up) even brought up, but conversely expect to sometime get ripped about it when you forget your posting for sympathy or likes here and not Head-fi.

If you wanna earn those “big bucks” shilling and reselling review sets you gotta accept some shit occasionally. You gotta learn to take a joke or atleast you could use the free legal advice on defamation - well that is if you did receive those types of letters - wouldn’t want anyone to be placed in the position Goldensound is in - would be weird to ride genuine victim coat-tails. Contrary to what you may have experienced in your own head I am able to not have to pick an alliance to have an opinion. I can think Hidizs have ran more than one, less than clean and ethical campaign, and were verging on more extreme allegations regarding the whole whale donation incident - I also don’t own any Hidizs products. But that doesn’t, as a consequent, necessarily mean you didn’t do as documented and if I remember you fessed up to (do we need to dig screenshots out before you try and delete…) But again who cares… Ohh except you - since your the one who brought Hidizs up in the first place.

Did you have a case of hippy brain and forget that I have been a longstanding member here also when you try to accuse me for being paid for :joy: laughable is not the word. Try harder than boilerplate when you make accusations - at the very least have them be believable or backed by some semblence of truth. I see that may be hard for you…

Seemingly in opposition to your mind set & behaviour, I don’t need the cash - paid for every set I own - try find a Collab/ promotional material/ video or review of mine / doesn’t exist as audio is a hobby for me not a business. Keep your try hard 80s homo erotic insults for your own bedside fantasy and deleting your comments on multiple threads now whenever you make shitty remarks that you later regret - won’t save you - you didn’t have to shit yourself that much

It was only banter in the first place.

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I watched both videos yesterday, and it is a fucked up situation that happens far too often in the product review space. Companies use these scare tactics to strong arm those without the financial means to defend themselves in court (granted that I understand in many cases a judge would throw it out). Prior to getting into the audio space, I watched and read many PC tech reviews, and this issue came up quite often ( at least far more than it should). The other tactic companies like to use is gate keeping, in that they will remove you from the review sample rotations.

I wish Goldensound luck, and I hope that if this case makes it to court it gets thrown out immediately.

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Response from dCS.

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That statement is shocking, tbh. The parts about how they never threatened “litigation” and never demanded the review be taken down or edited were already disproven by the emails GoldenSound published. That puts any of their claims about a different timeline than GoldenSound reported or whether or not meetings took place and when under high levels of suspiscion.

In a Head-Fi post, GoldenSound says he’s working on a response:

I don’t know if that will be a video or Head-Fi post. I would guess video, but that’s just a guess. Either way, this isn’t over…


Now that’s suspicious…

A response from headphones dot com CEO:


But they never used the WORD “Litigation”… LMAO
What lying, gaslighting, pieces of shit…


Wow strong responses from headphones…com. Will be interesting to see how those get twisted by dCS in response.

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Wow, that was such a good and concise rebuttal from Andrew. DCS needs to fold and pack it up at this point… just stop it DCS… This behavior is ridiculous.


DCS is trying to play the victim in that ridiculous “sorry not sorry” response. They are for independent reviews in the same way a fox is for chickens. There are other small businesses out there that have better sense when it comes to dealing with criticism of their products. Not one product has universal approval, and companies should have thicker skin when it comes to dealing with their public image and responses.


this response is pretty meh. This is like, we need to respond to the matter, let’s say that we lend a hand but it was not taken. They are admitting “Some” of their emails were not right and blah blah blah.

I honestly don’t understand since when does asking a reviewer to pull down his review, can be termed as, we want him to remove inaccuracies. What is inaccuracy in a subjective hobby :face_with_thermometer:


Interesting if Headfi will still allow dCS to exhibit at the upcoming CanJams after this, funny if they put them next to Headphones.com booth :rofl:


Controversy aside, business aside :cowboy_hat_face:

DCS desperately trying to somehow lift their foot of the landmine without it going off not realising that its not possible.

Funny thing is that i really liked the Bartok with the HE1000…it was the standout combo from canjam 5 years ago.
No way id buy one now even if i could afford one.
Feel sorry for the guy in the DCS booth over the coming weekend.


Looks like things were resolved. A proper apology was issues. Somebody got fired. And both parties are made up, apparently.


While I still feel that this is a ‘caught with our pants down’ reaction, it was the only way out with minimal damage for all parties involved.
Also, sending a Lina system to Cameron with the off-the-cuff remark that he can keep it, sell it or donate it for a good cause is a smart move. The only option for Cameron here is to review the unit and sell/donate with all proceeds going to a good cause unless he wants to look like a pos for keeping it.


The Lina full system is $30k… jfc. Yeah, I didn’t even realize it was that much. I personally wouldn’t care if he kept it but selling it and using the proceeds for more review equipment or donating to a charity would probably be for better optics.


Hopefully other companies will learn from what transpired in this case (doubtful though). :roll_eyes:

I agree that he should donate the unit after his review and/or comparison videos are done. It will be the best end to this whole mess.

Now hopefully Goldensound can now work on his Yggdrasil variant comparison. I have been really looking forward to that comparison video since he announced it. :wink:


@Ohmboy I take it that you are interested in that comparison video as well :laughing:

Isn’t Cameron working with Ferrum on a colab too :man_shrugging:

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