DCS Audio Suing Reviewer for Negative Review

I think they did not expected the move will backfire like this.


Well that was quite the flash fire. Seems like things have been basically worked out. dCS should feel fortunate that they are dealing with someone like Cameron who appears to be quite the honorable man, and not one to back down from this kind of fight.

For me, I found the reaction from dCS to be juvenile and not well thought out. This was going to be a path to nowhere for them, and Iā€™m just glad cooler heads prevailed. As for the business/operational side, Personally I could never afford one of their overpriced audio bobbles and will probably never even get to listen to one anyway, so it doesnā€™t even matter. The equipment will be forgotten about almost immediately. The outlandish behavior - That will stick for a long time.


When customers start cancelling ordersā€¦

That kind of unawareness and lack of PR and marketing savvy make it hard to believe these clowns are still in business.


Heh, hi-end audio isnā€™t like the Chifi IEM market. Their customers are buying more than an audio product; itā€™s like a part of their identity in some ways. Honestly, I doubt this causes much of a long term blip for them. The main issue facing hi-end is the aging-out of their clientele, an issue that pre-existed this brouhaha and will remain after it blows over (and it will blow over; we humans seem to have the attention spans lasting the lifetime of a fruit fly).

I doubt most of their customers will pay this much mind beyond defending dCS to the hilt.