Discussion thread on THIEAUDIO Valhalla, Origin, HYPE 2/4/10...; THIEAUDIO Prestige LTD/OG

Seems like the Hype is more of a series moniker than the identity of any one IEM - not much in common between the 2 and 4 configuration and another Hype (10?) to drop soon. I too would rather a slower release schedule from them and others as well. Having a hard time keeping track of what’s out there, let alone what each release is bringing to the table in comparison to what I already have housed. Thankfully (appropriately to the season) so many of these new releases seem to tread the same old ground, so I feel comfortable laying back and waiting to peruse some “best of '23” lists from some of the commentators that I’m starting to get a bead on… (where my popcorn @?)


Depends on the pricing really. To me the Hype 2 is pretty much in Godilocks range. I don’t know how much of an improvement one can get especially when it’s split between that and the monarchs.

Also yeah the shell is so gaudy.

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Price wise I agree, Hype2 is in a good bracket. It would be easy for me to recommend it to a newbie in the hobby and not be worried that it’s bad or over priced. However for me, price to performance wise it is too expensive. It would be hard to justify buying it for myself.

It seems that Thie has develop a platform and has several variation on the same platform. It would have made more sense for them to release both at the same time but it would have also cannibalized some sales.


I am so curious as to why you feel this way, mostly because I feel the exact opposite if I’m honest. Obviously we’re two different people and I get that. I’m just curious to hear your opinion :slightly_smiling_face:

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I agree with @Cameleon30 only because I think the Hype 2, while good, is not particularly special or engaging to me. It’s easy to get a well tuned all rounder for under $200. Going over $200 I expect something special in some area.


The bass to me is the stand out, at least with the overall balanced tuning. I can’t think of another IEM I would take over it currently.

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I thought the bass was meh but to be fair I feel like the bass on all the thie offerings are a bit meh


Same as @cal_lando . Hype 2 lacks the special sauce in looking for.
If the bass was a bit better, it would be a slam dunk fun set.

Since I don’t jump on any IEMs first thing when they are released, the hype 2 has to compete with Chopin for example which is $80 cheaper.

Edit: my current favorite is Vulkan, and I also think that’s not worth MSRP. Thankfully I bought it used.


I’m not new to the hobby and yet I prefer the HYPE2 over some much more expensive IEMs I have.
The special sauce is that for $270 (on sale) you get excellent bass - punchy and well separated, fast and textured with perhaps the best mid-bass under $1000. The other thing you won’t find easily in an IEM is improved timbre and tonal accuracy, and these are abundant in the HYPE2. The isobaric design seems to work. You get a versatile IEM for $270 with special sauce, very good for metal and electronic music!!!


Also honestly really do love the presentation of the mids. It’s one of the standouts to me. just the right mix between detail and note weight and sweetness vs darkness.

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The mids, bass and tonal accuracy are to die for. Also cymbals don’t pierce your brain. On good recordings with a good source, everything is as it should be. It has a distinct kick section with good drum texture, the double pedal is amazing - I haven’t heard it on much more expensive IEMs. Most people listen to poorly mastered recordings and therefore misjudge IEMs. :wink:

To each their own, while there was nothing inherently wrong with the Hype 2 to my ears, it was 100% a forgetful set for me. I definitely don’t listen to poorly mastered tracks so that’s not it. I think this is just a difference in ears


I’m not saying you’re listening to bad records, but others are. I guess you don’t like Thieu’s house sound, which is just a matter of taste. But there’s no denying that for $270, this thing beats more expensive IEMs in a lot of ways. :sunglasses:

I don’t think we are denying that. It offers great performance for the price.

On paper (squig), it’s my ideal IEM, in a quick demo I found it fine and forgettable. I may buy a used one some day to see if this is true or not during longer listening and brain burn in. Unless Hype4 delivers.


Yes, definitely anyone who loves a good IEM should have one or at least try it.
For me, the uniqueness of the mids in HYPE2 is due to the new sonion drivers, which have great potential for development. According to many people, HYPE2 is 80% of Mon MK3, which is impressive in itself.
P.S. I have to say that I have nothing to do with Thieaudio and I do not advertise shiller for them. :wink:. I’m just genuinely impressed because I’ve already listened to a lot of IEMs from $20 to $2000 on demo, friends, and in my personal collection.


In fact, I think it’s worthy of a collection. They have added new colors which is good.
FR looks very good.


HYPE10 :love_you_gesture:

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Totally fair, I don’t share the same opinion but I can understand where you guys are coming from. It sure is weird how our sets of ears work and how different they can be from one another! Thanks for sharing


The HYPE2 is a very recognizable IEM with very good bass and impressive mids - dense, textured. And one more thing - the guitars are not grainy and flashy, they have the right amount of energy, accurate tonality and good timbre for BA. <------I think the special sauce is in this depending on your library.


That dark blue looks so good I’m tempted to get it just based off of the looks :joy:

I don’t love how the 15k - 20k region goes down to the core of the earth, though…

Hype 10 also looks visually, and neutral at 300Hz is to my preference. Shame it’s 900 dollars for a 2dd+10BA, when you get MMK3 for 100 more…