Discussion thread on THIEAUDIO Valhalla, Origin, HYPE 2/4/10...; THIEAUDIO Prestige LTD/OG

" Designed for Music-Loving Audiophiles
The Hype 10 was designed from the ground-up specifically for music enthusiasts and audiophiles who want the most engaging and discerning sound."

I think for music, not audiophile dissection, the HYPE10 will kill the Mon MK3. I think that the HYPE series is not for critical listening, for the enjoyment of music. They have more special sauce than their other IEMs.


I actually prefer the hype 2 to the mkIII.

Crazy they are already dropping a hype 10 though…


​10 looks like an absolute beast and end game for people who want to listen to music, but my wallet doesn’t like that. I guess I won’t pull the trigger, but…my hand is itching… :shushing_face:

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Do it 10’n done…no more ifs, ands or buts just music…did the same with Z1R and probably now after 2 years there’s only 2 sets I’d be interested in MMR Thumimm and Fir Rn6…Save yourself loads of stress and :dollar: be happy :notes::om:


You’re right… :ok_hand:

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It’s not even out yet yall :joy:

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Pre-order is available…


Yes but they’re fantasizing about it before anybody has had a chance to report on it - this kind of stuff is cool to a point but I personally disagree getting far too caught up in the hype

Glad they’re excited, but I find it obsessive - which I suppose any hobbyist gets to eventually! :joy:


I’m not the most obsessive person in this hobby. nymz is much more obsessive but now in fatherhood :grinning:


This to be honest. Once you found a set you just love, there really is no need to go higher.

I had this for the longest time with my Oracle and Vari, and now the MMk3 closed the circle.

Although I am surprised they turned this into a product line so fast, with three different models no less.


Off topic, but to this note, guilty as they come is me. The longest hiatus I took from the hobby was about 3 years, during which I for whatever reason lost even the attention span to listen to music. All the while, I passed on much of my knowledge to my nephew. Soon as he had enough in the bank to purchase his first ever “high-end” cans (Meze 109 Pro), the spark in me rekindled and I’m once again in just as deep as ever.

On the plus side, I’ve retained most of my 15+ year collection. I spent the entire night with the Final Audio FI-BA-SS, and my love for it is equally as strong today as it was on first listen.

On a related note, I really need to give the Prestige LTD or Monarch MKII/MKIII a listen. With the Moondrop S8 as my $1k gatekeeper, I’m very curious to hear for myself what the Prestige/Monarch brings. EOY bonus couldn’t come sooner… (sighs; first-world problems, indeed)


phew, that makes me feel much better instantly

Nymzy is much worse haha :smiley: :smiley:


Mmmmm…yeah. Compared to Thie, the others look like tuning amateurs…
IMHO :expressionless:

All the emotion and soul of this record is conveyed flawlessly by HYPE2. I listened to this with many IEMs and none could capture the nuances quite like the HYPE2. It digs deep. Unbelievable.

The upcoming Hype 10 is very interesting.
By the way, the name Hype that they’ve chosen is an abbreviation of the words “Hybrid Performance”.

I’ve never heard a hybrid with 4 BA ultra-tweeters taking care of treble like in Hype 10, but I have heard 3 IEMs with EST tweeters:

Alambic Ears Mundaka, Xenns Up & MEST MK2.

Only the MEST I think brought something special that may have been the ESTs doing their thing, but on the whole ESTs has been a let down with overly soft, indecisive, overly diffuse treble.

I guess my question is: does anyone here prefer well implemented BA tweeters over ESTs?


When they are well-implemented, I honestly can’t tell the difference across multiple sets. It’s pretty hard to even discern the specifics without two units almost identically tuned anyway, IMO.

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Most companies find it difficult to implement ESTs. That’s why I prefer well-implemented BAs.


Makes sense. Definitely the vast majority of early EST attempts were failures it seems.

I think the danger with BA is when you ask too few BA’s to cover too much frequency area; that’s when it can become steely, distorted and metallic. That is why I find Hype 10 (at the price point) to be interesting with 4 BA’s covering treble up to 40kHz. Heard great things about IMPACT2 subwoofer system too.

I think it’s going to be a beast if they get the tuning right. I love seeing them write that it’s a music lover set as opposed to being a studio tool. It’s $100 less than Monarch MK3 but with 2 extra drivers per side!


It’s not necessarily a matter of how many are used, so much as you need drivers designed to cover a given range of frequencies at a desirable SPL matching the rest of your output. This could be done with any number of BAs or ESTs (or planar, DD, etc) provided that the output desired matches the rest of the drivers implemented without excessive distortion, introduction of resonances and/or phase mismatch. An easy way around this is “use more drivers” for increased SPL but they still have to be implemented well with the rest of the design.


Impressions of Thieaudio HYPE2 or when you are better …

Before I write my impressions of this IEM, I would like to start with a thought of Socrates: “I only know that I know nothing. But I know what others do not know that I know.” If I had to paraphrase this thought according to my audio experience, it could be written like this: “I know that I know nothing. But what I hear, I know that others do not. Also you hear things that I can’t hear!” This hobby is subjective in every aspect of sound perception and all thoughts on HYPE2 are based on my sound sensations, experience, HRTF and music library, so take everything with a pinch of salt and a big smile.

My music library is diverse, but my favorite styles are Technical/Progressive Death Metal, Drum&Bass/Jungle, Trance, Psytrance, Techno, Modern Jazz and other e-genres.
Critical listening was done with Shanling M7, FLAC files. To demonstrate the sound and technical capabilities, I have used the following recordings:

Soen- “Hollowed (Elisa)”
The Zenith Passage - “The Axiom of Error”
Cryptopsy-“Lascivious Undivine”
Leifur James-“Angel in Disguise”
Kruhl-“Dark Cosmic Inflation”
Red Latter-"Digital&Outrage
Archspire-“Dron Corpse Aviator”
Morandi-“Mind Fields”
Metallica-“Crown of Barbed Wire”
Soul Intent - “Everything and Nothing”
Sade-“Smooth Operator”
and others…

From a nameless group of DIY enthusiasts to one of the best acclaimed IEM brands in the world, THIEAUDIO has made an incredible journey in the pursuit of high-fidelity audio. THIEAUDIO has become a staple brand in audiophile communities around the world, beloved for its best-in-class tunings, superb technical performances, and budget-friendly pricing. From the start, the THIEAUDIO team has put audio quality at the forefront of each project, aiming to be the Robin Hood of the audio world by bringing the best sounding audio solutions at the most affordable prices.
Since its launch in 2019, THIEAUDIO’s legacy of in-ear monitors has forever changed the world of IEM’s, influencing how global manufacturers of earphones engineer their products. THIEAUDIO’s international team of few, but dedicated engineers from China and South Korea are committed to continuing this legacy by creating innovative, yet affordable, audio solutions that will leave you in awe.
General Information
New Generation 2DD + 2BA In-Ear Monitor
Introducing IMPACT²​
The IMPACT² (“Impact Squared”) is THIEAUDIO’s latest technological innovation to change the personalized audio industry. IMPACT² is a new subwoofer solution consisting of two 10mm composite diaphragm drivers arranged in an isobaric design. The addition of another 10mm subwoofer significantly enhances the power and texture of the bass, while our in-house isobaric chamber design keeps the frequency and pressure constant. This means you can enjoy better quality bass without sacrificing tonal integrity.
Latest Gen Sonion Driver​
The Hype 2 utilizes two of the latest iterations of Sonion drivers. The 2356 and E25ST have been well established and used by many of the largest brands in the IEM industry. The latest generation of these drivers, the P2356HF/4 and E25ST001/D have been selected for the Hype 2 after extensive testing with different driver types.

The updated P2356HF/4 has significantly enhanced output with reduced THD, allowing higher resolution and clarity compared to similar BA drivers of its class. Similarly, the E25ST001/D super tweeter provides excellent tone while effectively extending the treble at an audible range until 18kHz. This super tweeter has excellent upper treble performance like the beloved electrostatic (EST) drivers, but with a smoother and more coherent tone.
Balanced Tuning​
Keeping in tradition with THIEAUDIO’s commitment to tonal balance, the Hype 2 features the classic and beloved studio-monitor-esque tuning. The bass is powerful and thunderous, thanks to IMPACT² , but well controlled by keeping a tight 200Hz bass shelf. This means that the mids are flat and neutral, which accurately represents the tone of studio monitors used by professional audio engineers. The treble is respectfully tamed throughout the whole range, never peaking, but also never dipping as to maintain a balance between detail retrieval and pleasant listening. The overall tonality will be familiar to THIEAUDIO fans who have enjoyed the upper-end THIEAUDIO series, while newer audiences will be introduced to the true definition of an in-ear monitor.

Sound and technical impressions:


¬ Very good mid-bass, one of the best I’ve heard - textured, fast, tight, controlled, no mids bleeding, punchy and powerful, very impressive. The isobaric design technology works 9.8/10
¬Good sub bass, sub-bass rumble helps the drum section 8/10
¬One of the best drums and dual pedals not only for the price 9/10
¬Very organic and natural sound aimed at audiophiles and audio enthusiasts who want to listen to music, not IEM. Tonally correct. Authoritative and powerful sound with captivating musicality 9.5/10
¬ Mids are very good 9.2/10
¬ Images are very good and above the price point in my opinion, but not that sharp 9.2/10
¬The soundstage has some depth, it has excellent height, the presentation is front without a big 3D effect. The special thing is that it can change like a chameleon depending on the recording !!! 8.9/10
¬Good layering 8.9/10
¬Male vocals are clean, crisp, a bit back in the mix but not recessed 8.5/10
¬The female vocals are good, but personally I would put them a step behind the male vocals on this IEM 8/10
¬The timbre and coherence is close to DD. They sound very cohesive 9.0/10
¬Excellent micro dynamics and very good macro dynamics, overall explosive and textured sound with dynamic capabilities above the price. Fast transients 9.6/10
¬The guitars sound accurate and musical, on older or bad recordings a BA timbre can be noticed. Sometimes they are a bit dry but also depends on the record. The damping and bite of the guitars is extremely good. TBH it is better than quality DD. I guess the reason is the new Sonion BAs. Acoustic guitars sound realistic and full, with incredible micro-dynamics and emotion, without excess warmth, the reverb is on point. The atypical rhythms are presented with chops and authority that is difficult to find in IEMs at any price 9.7/10
¬The treble is tastefully done and the cymbals don’t pierce your brain, the decay is fast but they sound a bit dry 7.5/10
¬Easy to drive, but it’s good to give it a little boost 9.5/10
¬The cable is excellent - soft, good looking and has an excellent match with the HYPE2. The silicone tips are of perfect quality! 10/10
¬Very comfortable, fit like a glove 10/10


¬The soundstage could be a bit wider, but that would take a bit away from the dynamics. This is offset by an excellent height that reaches well above the top of the head!
¬A little more musical instruments separation would be nice, but the separation is there
¬The mid-bass could be better separated from the sub-bass
¬The lower mids can sound a bit dry for some, but not for me
¬The resolution could be a little better, but you hear a lot of things in the mix
¬It can sound a little overdriven on fast tracks
¬They are suitable for some genres, but not as versatile as some other IEMs. I recommend for metal (if it matches well with your HRTF) and electronic music, modern jazz ,pop and some others.

Good choice of hardware - the new Soninon BAs have huge potential.

Overall, I would describe this IEM as a genius unfinished painting of Leonardo, waiting for its artist to finish it into a memorable masterpiece. Maybe HYPE10 will end it all…

Technical performance: A+
Tonal performance: А+/S-
Personal preference level: S=

I highly recommend :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: :boom: