Discussions, memes and sound impressions of @SE

And again the eternal dispute. Do you actually find a change in sound with different cables (don’t have to be expensive)?
Maybe Elysian read this article and decided to release Noir next, lol.

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IEM without crossover = bliss for your ears. :hear_with_hearing_aid: :nerd_face:
I have yet to hear a hybrid/triybrid that sounds like a DD. Maybe Z1R, I don’t know.


Dark review for dark IEM :wink:

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I’d have bought both if noir was purchasable without anything else for a reduced price

as for cable sound changes, I’ve never done a deep dive and I refuse to, I’d rather buy an iem and buy a cable around 20% max of its price because expensive cables is a slippery slope on an already incredibly perilous hobby



I can’t buy it, I’m brOAK


Looks like an Abyss 1266 prototype




DTE900 with E-music , switches 0/0…

:nerd_face: :fire:

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ISN Audio H60

4BA+ 2DD Hybrid Audiophile IEM

Handmade , durable and solid.

Medical grade resin material, light and comfortable to wear

3-way crossover

4 Balanced Armature + 2 Dynamic driver hybrid

2 x 8mm liquid silicone gel diaphragm for low frequency

2 x Knowles BA for high frequency

2 x Sonion BA for middle frequency



Mmmm, gooooood……

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“Dear AüRists
The new price of Aehta will be 1430 dollars after the rise of the materials cost.
Neon Pro is too costly to make after the rise of materials cost and it will no longer be available. Your Neon Pro will be a collector IEM now. A truly King of Metal IEM. I will be keeping my two pairs of handmade Neon Pro
Please take this opportunity to buy as we do not know when will be the next price surge. The more you hesitate, the higher price that you are paying
The store is open to take orders now
Thank you”

What the hell is this bs? :joy:


Nicholas Teo from AuR audio - FB :smile:

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Neon Pro is now only in private collections. King of metal :nerd_face:

Oh, did he edit the post and take out the quote I pointed out? Probably a good move lol

Never mind, he didn’t edit the post, it’s still there

Ps. did he… like his own post? That’s… weird.

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