Мajestic - UP/Down → Basshead dream with:
@SoundEater And now I know you listen to Al Di Meola - man of taste
What’s your preference for:
Friday Night in San Francisco (absolutely have worn out this album - seen them all live individually but would have died to have seen the trio when it was still possible)
Yep. One of my favorite albums:
Otherwise, 60% of the time I listen to acoustic music, not metal.
Cheap mids drivers. Not very impressive DD. And all this for $1800. Cmon man…
These do look really good too, reminds me a little of the markIV continental wheels xD
Thats a sick lookin set!
According to Shanling:
1DD for subbass/1DD for midbass- dual 10mm liquid silicone dynamic drivers are arranged in opposed parallel design
4 BA for mids
2 BA for treble
4 Sonion EST for ultra-highs
And finally, everything tickles your ears with an outstanding soundstage with: