Discussions, memes and sound impressions of @SE

I want one so bad :frowning:

hopefully they’ll exist by the time I can afford one, I doubt it though

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“We are about to launch the MEGA5EST-HBB LIMITED EDITION in-ear monitors, specially DESIGNED and TUNED by HBB, manufactured by HISENIOR and distributed by Angelears Audio Store.
Premium new features include 5dB BOOSTED SUB-BASS, enhanced DYNAMICS and WIDER SOUNDSTAGE, also 50Khz EXTREME TREBLE EXTENSION…”


Thanks for the impression! :slight_smile:

What i just found… :grin:
Nice that Glacier was able to change your mind

I was interested in a comparison with Cadenza 12 but did Not find anything.

@Timmy-Gizaudio Could you maybe leave a few words If you will?
Also i was surprised that you did not rank Glacier and Cadenza 12 :thinking:


Yes, I thought it would be too cold and clinical, without midbass, but it’s not. Mirai really doesn’t :nerd_face:

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And I wonder why most don’t rank Cadenza 12 and Glacier, which are clearly better than many other IEMs that are on the charts. Strange :no_mouth:.

contracts? conspiracy?
We´ll never know :smiley:

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does that mean you demoed C12?

Comparing C12 with Glacier by graph I´d probably prefer the top end and the midbass and more musical/meaty lower mids of C12 and for subbass I´d eq C12 to something in between.

C12 is still my unbeaten (most special) champ of all the totl IEMs I´ve heard
Penon Impact close second but not as special as C12.


Listen to both these back to back at CanJam London, both got a massive :+1: from me…


Yes OG 07 is also great and really special in its presentation but it needs to be blasted pretty loud to get there.

Cadenza was the first IEM where i did not want to crank up all the time because everything was there at low volume already…details, dynamics…just chef´s kiss and a good measure to preserve my hearing ability when getting older :smiley:
(see what i did there? how i found a health regarded reason to buy C12 :rofl:)

I´m afraid Cadenza will haunt me until i finally buy it…super excited about that 2024 version, hopefully chris will upload his video soon.

I wrote an e-mail to Letshuoer with several questions but no answer for a week now.
Also no answer on head-fi.

I wonder what happened to Joseph, he was always super responsive :slight_smile: @shuoer


I’ve read a lot of reviews about C12, but haven’t tried it. I guess it is a very good IEM and expensive of course. Maybe a bit more refined than Glacier, but it’s a different tuning. For myself, I’ve found that a lot of midbass affects separation and layering in general. I prefer a raised sub-bass with clean mid-bass presence, like the Glacier. The bad (or not so bad) is that it doesn’t smooth and fix the recording, it plays it as it is. Now I listen to this and there is nothing exaggerated in the recording - the guitars are like guitars, the cymbals are like cymbals, the bass is like bass, the drums are amazing texture and are like drums etc - uncolored sound. Glacier’s specialty is coherence - it sounds like a huge 1DD and stage, of course, It has fast bass and very fast transients,without shouting!

I use this album as a test for coherence, guitars and drums. Dual pedals are divine… :wink: :drum:


Your description sounds as if you are describing C12 to me.

Mid-bass is actually super clean on C12 and pretty dry and snappy with stunning texture.
Also I have not heard any better seperation and layering, i think that´s where the 6 way crossover comes into play.
It sounded like every instrument got its own space and it is so so clearly audible.
Stage may not be the widest but you will totally forget about the wideness when you hear the instrument placement and layering.

I gotta say Estrella was very close when it comes to seperation but I was not able to compare that by A/B´ing.


Yes, because of the crossover, I think C12 will have better layering. And Glacier might have a bit better coherence, I don’t know. Overall, the C12 should be a step up from the Glacier. I imagine the sound will also be a bit warmer on the C12, making it a bit more versatile, perhaps.

Yeah I´d say it is warm neutral with a slight treble emphasis.
Very musical and smooth but treble is borderlining on being too bright sometimes.
Coherence is top notch!

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Yep me too…C12 caught me totally off guard, I only listened because of the Letshuoer guy asked if I’d heard their flagship after loving the EJ07 so much lol.


It’s weird how Cadenza did Not really get the reputation that it deserves when it first came out, probably also due to the price, but i got a feeling that it will find its way into the spotlight and will be mentioned more
U12t is also very expensive, still everybody talks about it.
For me C12>U12t




I think this helps explain the retuning: gives them another shot at releasing it in a way. Might make more waves this time around.

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That´s what i thought too! Also chris seems to be more “on board” now.
I remember his Cadenza video was not too hyped…i searched for it a few weeks ago and did not even find it anymore.
He seems to enjoy it though but never really mentioned it a lot…maybe also due to the problems he had with Letshuoer and the Kinda Lava release