so far when I am in the new posts tab and click dismiss, the pop up just sits there and nothing is done. click the x and refresh the page and then the threads disappear like they should.
okay, so the dismiss button works properly when in the new tab, just doesn’t work in the top tab.
just a heads up that it appears to be fixed now.
LoL!!! It’s borked again, LoL!!!
Think you wore it out
…and it started working properly this morning…
Yeah I’ve been working on it bro …
I find no fault…just reporting the deets as I see them…bro.
LoooL!!! it’s borked again! LoooL!!!
Fuck it’s fighting back…
if it helps Ob, when I click the dismiss button under new, they disappear. when I click the dismiss button under latest, it pops up a box with the dismiss button and when I click that, nothing happens. click x and close out and refresh ‘latest’ and everything disappears. perhaps the stage where it pops up a box asking you to click dismiss again should be removed?
seems you made that change and stopped the dismiss popup and when I clicked dismiss, it dismissed!
the darn dismiss button is neurotic!!! works for days and then doesn’t and then starts working again.
…is this the beginnings of the AI rebellion?..