Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

Awww dude, I am so sorry to hear about your health concerns, I really hope you’re all good and 100% now, man. Maybe I’ll catch you there next year!

Anything you’d like me to demo specifically for you? I’d be happy to send you some impressions on whatever you’d like, brother.


Hello dom,

I would be very interested in your feedback about xMEM technology. It seems Ifi and singularity have paired up in a solution for that : News! iFi audio attends CanJam NYC 2023 supporting new xMEMs technology - iFi audio

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Hey brother!

I’ll be more than happy to give my thoughts and opinions on the xMEM tech, I’ll add it to the list!

I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about this solid state tech for speakers lately and I saw this article posted on Head-Fi yesterday I believe, definitely really cool. I don’t know much about the actual tech involved, but the fact that they’ll have an IEM on display, I’m sure it’ll be a popular booth over the weekend. My plan is to get in early on Sunday morning to get some proper time with the big boys of CanJam :sunglasses:

Thanks for the Rec, brother!

I’m not sure this post would be the right place for an explanation about the tech so I’ll make it short:
it just means they use microchips to produce the actual sound, rather than a “traditionnal driver”. it is in short piezo-electric drivers; so the tech is not that new and is used in many other appliances right now (mic, gyroscope for console pads, ink printers,…), but xMEMs claims are interesting nonetheless.

I may add a little peace of advice for you: focus on enjoying your trip in canJam, and prioritize your choices. In my experience, they’re is less things more frustrating than losing time in queue to hear somebody else’s request while you can’t try something you wanted to hear.

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I am getting there slowly but surely…All of my tests came back negative which was a huge sigh of relief…Thank you for the kind words


I appreciate it @domq422…The wife and I were going to get away for my birthday weekend…I was mostly going to check out a few different amps and dacs…I also wanted to stop by the ZMF room to check out the new closed Atrium…


I appreciate that explanation especially since you put it in such simple terms, it was easier for me to grasp for sure. It definitely seems interesting … sounds to me almost like the driver can be extremely small, while still producing significant sound. I’m now interested in it, so no worries in me missing out. I totally understand and appreciate your point brother. It snowed here on the east coast last night and actually is still going right now - I’ve heard that sundays were the quieter days during CJ and I’m hoping that with the snow, less people will make the trek but we shall see.

Regardless, I appreciate that advice, man. I want to go there to represent hifiguides the best I can :handshake:

Thank goodness the tests came back negative, brother. I’ll definitely be stopping by ZMF, I’ve always wanted to hear those cans as well. I’ll make sure to share my thoughts and opinions! Take care, man. Hopefully, I’ll see you next year :pray:


I second this advice. This is your trip and experience first. Make the most of it for you. Trust that you doing your thing is more what we want than “listen to this set and tell me what you think”


Definitely appreciate the advice, brohans - I just wanna do y’all proud. I wish we could all roll up in there with our HifiGuides badges and avatars on it :sunglasses:

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Currently on my way to the big city, gents :handshake:

See you on the other side!



Enjoy the trip (but really, enjoy the Simgots, if you do have them for the trip).

God bless, and have safe travels!


If you get the chance, try to get your ears on the DCA Expanse, Stealth, and their new Corina estat that they just announced. I’d love to hear how the Corina sounds and I’d also be interested to hear what you think of the Stealth and Expanse.

The most important part is to have fun bro! Make sure you take a source or two, any cables or adapters you think might be useful, and even stuff like tips for IEMs. Basically, any accesories you may want to test with the gear that’s there and anything you might need for connecting your source to things. Most of the displays will have their own source setups for folks to use, but a lot are cool with you plugging in your DAP or whatever to listen to a couple of your own tracks for testing. My other best advice is not to rush through enjoyable testing experiences while trying to complete your list of gear you want to demo. It’s definitely good to have a list you’re looking to try out, but rushing through experiences to get to all the items can end up being a lot less satisfying and fun at the end of the day.

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Thank you, gents, @JAnonymous5150 & @GooberBM - I wasn’t able to get the Simgots in time unfortunately, the fam was eager to get going! And thanks for the advice, J! I promise I’ll reply back soon with a longer post but we’re just settling in, 4.5 hour drives are a killer! :sweat_smile:

All worth it, though. We made it, boys :handshake:


Enjoy your time there, dude!


Man, I really wish I could have brought the Simgots along with me on the trip, but the good thing is, they’re waiting at home and the package is secured, so there’s that. It’s a weird feeling … endless Audiophile experiences await me just 2 days from now, and I’m excited about a sub $100 pair of IEMs back in Boston … strange this hobby is. Anyways, thanks man! We got here safe and sound! :handshake:

Unfortunately I don’t have much in the way of adapters, however, I did bring my 2 modular cables along and I’m going to attach those to my favorite IEMs atm, and try out different amps. I forgot to add this to my list but I’m really looking forward to hopefully finding a FiiO K7 somewhere to test out before I actually go ahead and buy one my self. Speaking of Dan Clark’s, those are all absolutely on my list. Especially the Expanse! I haven’t heard of the 3rd model so I’ll definitely keep those in mind, thanks for the Rec, J! And I’ll definitely be keeping in mind that I’m there to have fun and enjoy my time here in the big apple. I appreciate that reminder, brother :handshake:

I appreciate you, Guy! :handshake::handshake::handshake::handshake:


If you don’t have 'em you probably won’t need 'em. I just meant any adapters that you might regularly use. TBH, since the first CanJam I went to in 2016 the manufacturer/dealer displays have become much more organized, standardized, and you run into much fewer situations where you need your own solutions anyways.

Forget all that and have fun, bro! I have to admit that even though I went to CanJam SoCal in Sept. I’m definitely a bit jealous as it looks like there are several good releases that are “premiering” in NYC this weekend, the DCA Corina electrostatic headphones mentioned in my earlier post being one that I’d love to check out.

I hope you and your’s have a killer time! If this is your first Jam it should be pretty epic and if it’s not it’ll still be loads of fun! :metal::sunglasses:

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Lately I’ve been gravitating around DD. It would be interesting if Fimal Audio were there with their A8000. I think it’s at the top of the DD pyramid. Its graphics are bad, but everyone’s opinion is that it is a unique DD. That’s why someone from HFGF should try it! Enjoy! :wink:

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Have fun Dom :sunglasses:

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@JAnonymous5150 hmm good point, actually. My set up has been slowly evolving the last year or so, and I really focused heavily on the Transducer part of my chain, mostly buying IEMs and only two small portable sources as my listening is only done on the go - I rock a BTR7 daily as my main source so 4.4mm is pretty much the only termination I use. However, I promised my self that 23’ is going to be the year I invest in desktop and honestly, as early as 3 months ago, I didn’t expect to visit CanJam … I didn’t think I’d be able to convince the wife :rofl: let me stop rambling … this is basically why I don’t have or really use any adapters ^ but that advice is definitely very useful. I fully expect that by next year, I’ll have a different outlook on what I’m interested in trying out but for now, I’m all about them transducers :sunglasses: I’ll check out them Estats from DCA, brother! Looked em up last night before bed and boy …. They are sick :tired_face:

@SoundEater I got you, brother! I’ll definitely check out some Final Audio stuff if they have some sets there! I’d definitely be interested in hearing more high end single DDs as well so this is a solid rec :handshake:

@VIVIDICI_111 Gracias, dog :sunglasses::handshake:


Hey all :pray:

I wanted to say thank you to everyone that’s contributed so far, giving me some amazing recs that I would of otherwise never considered. I may be searching for a few things come tomorrow in order to give some of you guys my honest impressions but they also fall into the category of experiences for me personally as well, so I wanted to say, don’t worry about me enjoying my self because I have to be honest - just being in NYC is an experience for me.

I won’t bore you guys and go into unnecessary detail but NYC has been my favorite place in the world since I was younger than my son is now (he’s 6). I grew up loving Spider-Man, I was probably exposed to the character around 2 or 3? And I just never let go of that obsession. To this day, my office space is filled with Spidey memorabilia, from action figures from the first Raimi movie that my father bought me new when I was only 7 years old, to my limited edition Spidey PS4 pro - point being, Spider-Man plays a huge part of my child hood and honestly, the lessons I’ve learned from those first few movies probably shaped me as an adult in some ways. The by product is me loving NYC. NYC is a character all on its own. There’s a certain electricity that I feel when I’m here and that’s always been the case for me. Just being here with my wife and my son and being able to share that with them makes the entire weekend very special. This being my first CanJam makes it a little more special no doubt, but it’s almost like I’m using CanJam as an excuse to visit this amazing city.

I wanted to share some more personal thoughts and feelings here to establish that maybe I’ll use this thread as a personal place to share audio impressions and other things - I hope y’all don’t mind :pray:

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to tomorrow no doubt!

But first, New York Bagels for breakfast :face_exhaling: