Dom Q’s spot - IEMs and Photography

Hello all,

I’ll be attending CanJam NYC as the title suggests, this coming weekend. I didn’t want to muddy up any official threads with my impressions but I plan on listening to a specific few IEMs and Headphones whilst I am at the show, writing down some notes and sharing my thoughts on the forum for all to read.

My current priority list consist of (updated 2/25/23)

  • UM Mentor
  • CA SuperMoon (if available)
  • U12t
  • Tia Trio and Nio (Rinderkappajoe)
  • Audeze HPs
  • Dan Clarke HPs (Expanse, Stealth. Corina - J)
  • Focal HPs
  • ThieAudio Prestige
  • ZMF Caldera
  • Elysian Diva
  • Elysian Annihilator
  • Hifiman Susvara
  • Noble audio (Goober)
  • Fir audio (Goober)
  • Hiby RS8 (OhmBoy)
  • MMR IEMs (OhmBoy) (Thummim)
  • Vision Ears EXT (Saltire)
  • xMEM tech (Erokh)
  • Final Audio IEMs (SoundEater)

I can also take requests if you guys would even be interested in that. Of course, my impressions may differ from yours but I can do my absolute best to come to a objective conclusion for you all.

Anyways, thanks for reading! If you’re coming to CanJam, I’d love to meet some of you.

Till Saturday and Sunday,
Cheers :+1:


@domq422 Neat idea. Have a great time!


Thank you, sir! First CanJam for me so I’m pretty excited to say the least.


I wish there was still a canjam Denver. I would love to go to one


Have a blast Dom. Looking forward to your Diva impressions :metal:


Thanks brother! I’ll do my best! I’ve heard the Diva is a vocal masterpiece, so maybe it’s the natural upgrade from the Dark Magicians for me … we shall see!


Damn, sorry brother - maybe So-Cal later this year for you? A hell of a lot closer than NYC.


Wish I could’ve gone, but I know you’ll do us proud!


True plus the weather is nicer haha

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I’m gonna try no doubt, next time for sure!

Hope you have a good time buddy :+1: my first stops would be Hiby to try their RS8 followed by Elysian and MMR to demo their IEM’s.

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Your opinion on Mest MK2 and Thieaudio Prestige will be interesting. Diva is also interesting. I’m on the other side of the world, otherwise I’d be happy to attend. Have a good time! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice, I am sure you’ll be having a blast there! :sunglasses:

You might wanna not only check out U12t but maybe 64Audio Tia Trio and Nio aswell.

At least these are the ones I would be interested in and as you like the Maestro Mini quite a lot I think these should be on your list too

Would love to hear your impressions of them.

Will probably also get a chance to demo them soon :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you, brother!

I’ll absolutely add those on my list and give you a shout :+1:

The MEST has always been that IEM that could of been … I chose the Monarch’s over the MEST a year ago so it’s been a curiosity ever since. Wish you could join us!

Interesting … I hadn’t thought about those offerings from 64 that much if I’m honest. I’ll add em to my list to check out, I appreciate the suggestions, man! :handshake::handshake::handshake:


Would be especially interested in your thoughts on the MMR Thummim as I’ve almost bought that s/h twice just hadn’t drunk enough :smile:


LOL, I got you brother :sweat_smile:


Hell yeah, enjoy!
The Vision Ears EXT is one that always intrigued me - I’ll likely never hear it, happy to live vicariously through your ears if you happen to come across them :grin: (plus the Phonix looks :fire: )


Thanks, man!

I’ll absolutely throw the EXTs on my list to give a whirl, thank for your the Rec :handshake::handshake::handshake:

The wife and I were supposed to go…It is my birthday weekend, but unfortunately I had some health issues come up…I am kind of bummed about it was really looking forward to it…There is always next year.

That sucks…I at least hope that you’re better now!

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