Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

Listened to it recently in the local shop. One of the most resolving sets i’ve experienced, but with pretty unpleasant tuning. Those forced highs are too annoying. Probably even more than in mest/mk2.

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huh, that’s interesting. I’m revisiting the graph now (It’s been a while) and I don’t see any crazy peaks or valleys to say there is any forced treble. In your listening experience, was it in the vocals, cymbal strikes, guitars etc?

Edit; mmm on second look, there is a hill around 6k which I know is a troublesome area for lots of folks…

I really, really, really appreciate all the photos and (of course) the impressions, Dom! Lots of impressions on sets I have been wondering about :fist_right::fist_left:

What I don’t appreciate is having to fork up for the Titan… Cause now I feel I need it
I’m sure I’ll be thanking you again once I have it in my ears though :smile:


you’re the man, thanks for dropping by and taking a peak at the impressions, brother. I’m happy to share them!

LOL Allow me to empty your pockets, bro :sweat_smile: At least get the chance to listen to them somehow, I never condone blind buying any IEM over $100, let along a kilobuck set. But If you’re a fan of good quality bass with a fantastic overall sound sig, these will most likely be for you.


Doesn’t sound like it graphs…it’s hard to graph because of the BC…if you get a chance to try it…I think you’ll like it…but what do I know

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The Great Battle of The Brothers! The Ziigaat Doscinco & Cincotres!

Where do I begin with these two titans of the hobby… First off, I’d like to thank my good buddy Guy (@Sonofholhorse) for allowing me and the rest of my tour group the chance to listen to both of these back to back and take our sweet time with them. Both of these IEMs seem to carry lots of attention and hype so I wanted to take my time with this comparison. As I wrote in my Cinno impressions, Ziigaat is a brand that seemingly came out of nowhere, bursting onto the scene with the HBB Collab, Jupiter, and then the Nuo and Cinno following shortly after. In my humble opinion, the Cinno is a fantastic IEM that has been an absolute joy to own and use as an EDC for the last 2 months or so. My love for the set has only grown more and more as time went on. I was very excited to get my hands on the bigger, younger twin brothers I’ll call the Dos and Tres from this point forward to make things a little simpler - As @cal_lando pointed out to me when I was still damn confused about the naming scheme, the Dos in the name Doscinco could be highlighting the isobaric dual DD alluding to a slightly bass dominant signature, and the Tres in Cincotres could be highlighting the 3 BAs alluding to a more balanced, slightly treble focused signature… seems logical right?! I felt the same way. I can say that if that’s the idea, they nailed it.

TLDR version; Both of the Ziigaat Twins accomplish many things through their fantastic tuning philosophies. A healthy bass response with punchy mid-bass and sufficient rumble in the sub-bass with a slight edge to the Dos. Clean and clear mids with a slight edge to the Tres on that front, and well extended treble that’s both detailed and natural sounding. The Tres is for the mid-range and treble lover who can’t live without textured vocals from both male and female vocalists while still having the support for the low end, and the Dos gives you a little extra warmth from the lower mids, plus a slightly laid back treble for a truly enjoyable, chill-out kind of experience. My pick is the Tres due to the extra treble extension and cleaner mids without sacrificing on mid-bass, but they’re both great choices in the under $300 camp. If I had one complaint, it would be that neither of them has any kind of special sauce about them. Neither has that one quality where I go “Yes! There it is.”. Which just happens to be something I look for in an IEM to break that B/B+ barrier.

The Hype 2 is totally dead as far as I’m concerned.

Music Playlist, Sources, and Disclaimer;


Test tracks

  • Give Life Back to Music - daft punk - Overall clarity
  • Infinity Repeating - daft punk - Lower mids control
  • Voyager - daft punk - Bass line clarity/busy track layering
  • Overnight - Parcels - mid bass punch
  • Tieduprightnow - Parcels - bass line/sibilance test
  • Everyroad -Parcels - Imaging/Sub bass @ 7 minute mark
  • Daytime - Lunar Vacation - Staging/female vocals w/ heavy bass
  • Days - No Vacation - Vibe test/treble energy
  • Fruiting Body - Goon - Sub bass
  • Wavy Maze - Goon - Mid bass
  • Together - Maggie Rodgers - Female Vocals
  • Slide Tackle - Japanese Breakfast - Sibilance test/consonants harshness
  • Decode - Paramore - Vibe test/stage depth
  • Vinta - Crumb - Stage depth/layering
  • Kim’s Caravan - Courtney Barnett - Female Vocals/resolution test
  • Small Poppies - Courtney Barnett - Distorted Guitar
  • Lifelong Song - Men I Trust - Sub/mid bass texture
  • One and Only - Adele - Female Vocals/consonants harshness test
  • Waves - Wild Painting - Overall Enjoyment and stage depth/width/Bass guitar speed
  • Not the One - Highnoon - Female Vocals
  • Cowboy Killer - Varsity - Layering
  • Alone in My Principles - Varsity - Distorted female vocals
  • Summer Madness - Kool & The Gang - Treble Harshness
  • They Are Growing - Renata Zeiguer - Mid bass impact


  • Apple Music Streaming Hi-Res Lossless when available
  • Topping D10s + Topping L30
  • Moondrop Dawn 4.4
  • Dunu DTC 500
  • FiiO BTR7 BT


I am not a reviewer, don’t take anything I say as an objective stance, of course, this is what I hear, y’all. This hobby should be fun! It’s purely my opinion. I personally value timbre over everything. If a set has a strange tonality or timbre, it’s an immediate turn off.


I feel as though the bass might just be the easiest section of the FR to compare between these two; The Dos comes across as slightly more full compared to the Tres. Simply put, the added lower mids support, lower pinna, and subdued treble extension all add up to be a fairly big difference in the listening experience compared to the Tres. The entire sound profile on the Dos comes across as more full, warm, and a little less separated. On songs like Overnight & Tieduprightnow the bassline is fantastically funky, really driving the music forward and giving you this groovy playback. The Tres, on the other hand, has more pop & more snap to the mid-bass kicks and less thump and rumble from the Sub bass, which helps give the sound a little more of an open feel to my ears. I just straight-up prefer the latter. I think the better definition in the mid-bass on the Tres lends better to improving the dynamics of the entire playback. On songs with less of a disco/dance feel like Days, Vinta & Waves I found that the bass guitar is somewhat hard to distinguish on the Dos, albeit a little more amplified in overall volume. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but hear me out. The bassist is plucking individual strings fairly quickly on each of those songs, especially on Waves, the dude is really going in but what’s happening is that it just comes off as a blob of bass notes at times with the overall tone coming through. It’s no doubt a fun time, and it works for simpler dance music like Voyager and Give Life Back to Music, but with a busier track, it falls apart a bit. The Tres really keeps it nice and clean, allowing me to pick out the individual plucks and pulls, while also keeping the pop on the kicks. In terms of sub-bass, unfortunately, neither set really does it for me. This may come down to the type of magnets being used for the DDs or the implementation of the isobaric setup, but I expected more texture and more rumble from both the Dos and Tres. My go-to sub-bass test song Fruiting Body just did not jump out to me. I love the entire song, don’t get me wrong, but I’m telling you guys, using the right IEM, that bass line has your head ROCKING. Conclusion; Do you like cleaner bass with a little more pop and less warmth for the mid-range? Get the Tres. If you like a warmer lower mids that also happens to affect the rest of the FR, a thicker presentation so to speak, get the Dos.


The mids of both are good. Yes, simply put, both are able to express vocals, both male and female in a non-offensive and enjoyable way for sure. The story for the mids follows a similar script here, with the Tres coming across as an overall cleaner and slightly more resolute musical experience. Neither ever come across as sibilant, shouty, harsh, poisonous … you get my point. My personal preference probably leans more towards the Dos in my current Audiophile journey, with it being a touch more laid back. The trade-off is that the Tres absolutely has more texture and more emotion when it comes to female singers especially, which is a majority of my library. In a perfect world, I’d have the Bass from the Tres and the upper mids from the Dos, but then again, we can’t have it all, right? Save that for the TOTL stuff. I’ll note a few things without droning on here; The Dos comes across as a bit smoother, and more natural. My HRTF really has a tough time with peaks around 3k more often than not and if we can be dirty graph sniffers here for a second, that’s exactly what you’ll find at 3k on the Tres; a small isolated peak, followed by a drop-off. All this to say that while the Tres is going to give you that bump in resolution during female vocalists singing sweet melodies into your ears, the Dos is ultimately my winner. The slightly laid-back approach lends well to a slightly deeper stage at times and helps with a more nuanced playback. For other instruments like guitar, for example, you can apply a similar mindset as I said above, so, pick your poison! Or, not poison but… you get me.


Funnily enough… I’m back in love with the Tres for the treble… Can’t catch a break comparing these two. The treble on the Dos is fine, inoffensive for sure, but definitely a touch too laid back for me personally. Songs like Days simply do not have that airy feeling I’ve come to expect, with all of the floaty synths and super forward and crunchy snare and cymbal hits in that song, the Tres really opens up here. The same can be said on songs like Fool In The Rain by Zeppelin - It isn’t on my test playlist but just the other day I tried my hand at a quick classic rock comparison between these two sets and the opening and closing of the hats by Bonzo, coupled with the big SPLASH hits on the crash just hit home on the Tres. The Dos came back as a little too laid back in that area. In the more modern part of my library, with songs like Alone in My Principals I think the treble energy is sufficient for a natural and expected replay for me, but if I’m being honest with myself, and if you know me at all, you know I’d like quite a bit more here. Coming straight from the Meteors, I confirmed that late treble energy is just all that and a bag of chips, man. The extra, almost unnatural air and splashiness just happens to be my jam. With the Tres, there is more than enough energy here for most folks I’d expect, and I know I’m in the minority with my unhealthy late treble obsession here, so as long as you know what my preferences are, you’ll know if these would work for you. In conclusion and to keep it short and sweet; The Dos is simply far too laid back for my tastes, the Tres is still too laid back but I can recognize that it is high-quality treble with plenty of details and air for the majority of the community.

Just give me Meteor’s treble and I’m good.


While I think both IEMs warrant their respective price tags when we’re talking about the techs, I’m going to go ahead and say that the Tres punches above its price tag here. Neither set has a substantially wide, tall, or deep stage, but neither is cramped either. Imaging, resolution, and detail retrieval all stand out to me when I’m listening to the Tres, no doubt about it. Layering and separation are also very very good on the Tres; A song like Infinity Repeating is wonderfully layered with all the different instruments, nuances, and space in between said instruments and nuances. I found myself genuinely jamming a few times just because of all the little things I was effortlessly picking up during the song. My library is not filled with complex pieces of music, however, and most IEMs can at least sound decently resolute with most of my songs. The layering is the real test though; Again, another daft punk song Voyager gets pretty crazy towards the end where all of the different elements come together (somehow… the robots are magicians) in a cohesive way and a lot of budget and even sub $200 sets fail here, stumbling all over themselves and it just sounds like one huge blob of sound. But not the Tres, it does it in a pretty effortless way, which I am impressed with if I’m honest here. For sub $300, this is probably some of the best separation I’ve heard in an IEM.


There wasn’t much to report here to be quite honest; both of the Ziigaat bros are fairly easy to drive and whatever source I had them playing off of seemed to handle it well, with none of them sounding off. My favorite, in this case, would be the Desktop stack, providing just better overall separation, better definition in the bass, and better uppermids control, but only maybe by 5%-10%.

In Summary, either one of these IEMs is for someone. I haven’t tried all of the IEMs under or near that $300 mark, but I think this is the new standard for the sweet spot in the market. 90% of folks could end up around here and just call it quits altogether. If you had asked me the same question a year or two ago, I would have said $600 was that sweet spot. It just goes to show how quickly the hobby is moving. To get some of those special sauces, you do have to dig a little deeper in the ol’ pockets, but the Ziigaat Doscinco and Cincotres are 2 fantastic IEMs with no real flaws. Bravo, Ziigaat, Bravo.

Thanks so much for reading and a very special shoutout to my wife who’s been putting up with me the last week, letting me get the listening and writing time in, bless her patient heart <3

Edit; I was so tired last night posting this I forgot to fully proofread it, my bad


Beautiful pictures and writing on the two sets dom🤙. Helped me out a little bit more on which one I’m getting during Ali anniversary. Always a pleasure reading your stuff brother. Keep it up!


Good. Cause that set sucked (relative to price and competition) anyway. Never was a fan.

Great review, sir. Looking forward to checking out the twins next


I was thinking about how you felt about Penon Fan 2 when I loaned it to you, and how you feel about Cinno.

Would you say this assessment is fair?


You’re the man, always so supportive and right on it with feedback on my posts. I appreciate you brother, thank you! I have to ask, which set are you planning on going with?

Thank you, brother, I appreciate you! LOL classic goober impression… I thought the Hype 2 was pretty good, too bad Ziigaat has Thie’s #

I’ll get them over to you sometime this week for sure, they’re packed up and ready to go :ok_hand:

And replying to your Cinno impressions, I’d say you’re spot on with your impressions, but I found the Fan 2 was darker and laid back, to my ears at least. The Cinno comes across as very balanced, with an emphasis on the vocals and pretty damn thick sub-bass. The bass is probably the biggest surprise of that set because just from looking at the graph, you’d NEVER expect it.


Was leaning towards dos but I think I’m going to go with the cin. Kind of worried about a little bass bleed even though you said it’s not bad at all


Man, I’m happy I could help with this. Knowing your preferences, I think you’ll really enjoy the Tres as a great all-arounder EDC set.


So, I’m currently working on my listening impressions of the Symphonium Crimson and while I have been enjoying them quite a bit after some serious tip-rolling, I took a break to snap some pics and wanted to share some with you fine gentlemen. I hope everyone is having a great night!

Some initial impressions are that the Crimsons lean towards a lighter, more airy signature that for some may border on too spicy. But for me, luckily the upper mids are kept mostly at bay using the right source equipment. Like all Symphonium IEMs, these things take serious power to drive correctly. Not in terms of volume, but in terms of smoothening out the frequency and bringing the most out of the sub-bass and mid-bass regions. Technicalities are befitting of a TOTL IEM, for sure. Head stage, resolution, and detail retrieval are some of the best I’ve heard. They are ultra clean, precise, and highly resolving.

Look out for a full write-up and more pics soon. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


pretty basic looking for 1500$ :thinking:


I respect what you’re saying, all subjective obviously but I personally love the Carbon Fiber faceplate. They’re built really well, super solid in hands


Heard this at CanJam SoCal 2023 along with the Storm, preferred the Crimson myself.


Last second switch up and went with the Doscinco. I had a chance to listen to the butastur last week for a couple days and I enjoy my hisenior T4 much more than those. So I was looking at the treble and it seem the dos is more in line with what I like and I was looking for that bump with the bass. So there ya have it. Still very surprised how much more I enjoy the T4 over the butastur. Also,come to realize that the T4 are just a wonderful set as well and have fallen in love with them after a few months. Have a good week Dom🤙


Wow! I’m surprised by that. From memory, what did you prefer about the Crimson?!

Ayyyeeee!!! There we go, very nice, brother. Congrats on the new shiny! I’m happy that my impressions could help you, even if it was just 1%.

The Butastur is an interesting IEM, very solid all around but I just didn’t really jive with it. I agree with you, I prefer the T4s over those any day of the week. I haven’t listened to my T4s in over 2 months as they’ve been on tour… I miss them a ton.


After putting them in after the butastur,I think that’s when I realized how much I do enjoy them. Such a smooth set for me. I run with bass switch up treble down. Tried both up,but lil to much for me I reckon. Hope you’re doing good brother😉. Crazy how it took that set to help me realize that