Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

I kinda want to try that cassette player. I have a lot of nostalgia pent up for something like that vintage throwback.

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Thank you for reading!

Dude, I tried, lord knows I did lol literally every single time I went over to their table, not only was it fully occupied but there was a noticeable line forming. I’m sorry, I have failed you :face_exhaling:

Thanks for reading, Goobs :handshake:

No doubt, thing is so cool. Not to mention it’s built like a friggin’ brick! Super solid piece of aluminum.


Thanks for sharing - great pics as always

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Thanks for listening to those and giving impressions

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Never that. You sat with me and re-tried Noble Ragnar. We good!


Oh, snap! I’m surprised to hear that. With the unique cone-to-magnet dd design and a similar-ish post 8k FR to meteor, I thought it might bear similarities but with better bass - and hence maybe to your taste. Would be cool if you manage to get that in for a deeper dive to see if your impressions change…but sounds like titan has already stolen your heart

Had to be done :smile:…glad to hear you had a good and productive time.


I’m with Dom here. I heard it as muddy and unimpressive. I don’t know happened there either, but some people are loving Volur. So …:man_shrugging:t5:


I’ve demoed Volur very briefly at a local event, with M20 and it was amazing. Best bass I’ve heard and very balanced


I love the Volür best bass I have ever heard a amazing IEM best 64 yet.

Shows are not exactly the best place to demo stuff to get a solid impression but a great place to see and feel all the new toys.


Thanks so much! I wish I brought my camera…

For sure, brother, I enjoyed them for the most part but I woudn’t ever see my self buying a pair. I do give them credit for sounding completely unique, though.

Duh, I forgot to add that to my post :man_facepalming:

Man, it very well could be so many factors - 64 Audio IEMs have always been tricky in terms of fit for me, and tip selection is so important. They have those strangly long nozzles with no lip to lock a tip in place so they tend to just slide all the way down… I may have not had a good enough fit? But the seal and isolation felt fine to me at the time. It lacked that bass slam I was expecting for some reason… Maybe a faulty unit? Who knows. There are so many factors. The Titan on the other hand… there were no issues there lol

Thanks so much, brother

Ahhh I’m so bummed they didn’t have the M20 module… damn


In the process of working on a mega comparison between the two main Ziigaat boys, the Cincotres and Doscinco and I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed every second of listening with these two amazing IEMs.

Although I prefer the Cinco a little bit more due to the treble extension and cleaner mid-bass, the Doscinco is also a phenomenal IEM that I think would appeal to the other half of the community with it’s thicker lower mids presentation and slightly darker treble. I’m looking forward to finally writing up this comparison and taking the photos to accompany the impressions!

I wanted to also note that, I simply do not understand how other people in the hobby find the time to do multiple reviews/impressions in a single week… I barely have time to listen to music or at least enough of the music to fully put my thoughts in order. Never mind doing a complete write-up AND photos… It is insane to me. If this thing takes off for me and I end up getting more sets to review from actual companies and/or vendors, I sure hope they’re as cool as Symphonium.

Well, give me a few days and I should have something written up by early next week. Wish me luck and patience haha Have a great day, chaps


Godspeed, sweet prince!


Take your time my friend, writing reviews take weeks for me. And never stress about the time, it will just take away the fun from our passion.
Just comparing and evaluating is a long process, at least for a slowpoke like me that do this for fun on the side.

And if taking time produce a nice review as it did with your Meteor, its well worth it.


Well…be prepared to get blown away Dom

Just strap on a pair of these…


There is a lot of laziness and dishonesty in this hobby.


:saluting_face: Doing my best, brother!

Man, coming from you that means a lot. Your impressions are always so incredibly detailed and well thought out. I don’t believe I would have the mental fortitude and patience to go back and work on a piece like you do. Not only is it incredibly detailed and thorough, it’s concise and always a joy to read. Really informative and real impressions are what I’m going for, so it’s good to know someone like you takes weeks. I appreciate you greatly, Leonard

Are those the MEXT? Am I reading that cursive right? I’ve always wanted to try those as well. I see them all the time on the 2nd hand market and my buying finger always gets itchy…

You’re not wrong. I don’t want to fall into that camp. I’m doing this as a fun exercise for the fun and love of this great hobby we have. The last thing I want to do is be talked about as one of those reviewers if you know what I mean.


“You never go full Penon/Head-Fi”


Ya never go full Redcar… never mind.


The Mext never got the notoriety that it deserved…because it was overshadowed by its big brother…the Mest

But if you liked the Mest and just wished it had more body and grunt…boy you’re in for a treat

I have never seen a bad review for it…everyone has either liked it or loved it

Now that they’re on the used market for around 6 to 7 bens…it’s a no brainer

Truly one of the greats…and not because I have it


Well shit, that intrigues the hell out of me. Maybe down the road, I may have to check them out. While I was listening to the MEST 2 at CanJam, I told my self “Yeah, one day, I’ll own a pair” but now I should probably keep my eyes peeled for a pair of MEXT instead when the time is right…