Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

That’s definitely a downside to this thing, it’s built really well, super solid aluminum chassis and all that, but the back and front is completely glass, similar to the BTR7. One drop, and this thing is toast! I asked my wife to crochet a little case for me lol she took the measurements and I’m hoping she has the time to make one for me! I’m happy to send this bad boy out to you before you buy one, John. It’s worth a try as I think it’s a stellar little device!

EQ is such a tricky thing, dude. I find my self using it sparsely on my BTR7 and just like you, I find my self increasing the bass 6, 7, sometimes even 10 dB, like the sound, but feeling dirty about changing it so much ahah changing it back to the stock sound is borderline depressing, because it sounds like the bass just completely goes away :skull:


Same here! They really are lookers, aren’t they? Super classy design. I’ve always loved the stabilized wood look :slight_smile: I hope I can live up to the hype for the photos!

Ohhhh yes, I’ll let you know as soon as they drop, brother, you’ll be the first to know for sure :nerd_face: :sunglasses:


I’m excited for you to hear them!


Thanks for stopping in, Timmy! I’m looking forward to getting them in.

Am I still a weeb, btw? :rofl:


Weebery is like a tattoo. You can only cover it up, but can never remove lol


Good thing I don’t have any tattoos, then :handshake::saluting_face:

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@domq422 i have this Miter case on the way but the dates have been pushed back a bit a few times, i feel ya though, im scared to death whenever i handle it

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Dude, thanks for the rec - a little pricey, huh? I’ll definitely being looking for a case for sure.

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ya i just got the Yuki case in as well, have the M15 case too but i guess id rather have them protected ya know, I have a coworker who could 3d print one but then that’s no felt on the inside idk, but yes the clip is need or something. I use these with Timeless and I’m really liking the sound, its like its opened them up in a way while still keeping bass but this is definitely lighter in bass that the M15 or Yuki for sure. Still want to upgrade my btr5 to the 15 so i can just be 4.4 everywhere

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I totally understand.

The M4 seems both really well built, but also very fragile. It has the same build design as a smartphone now a days, just more dense and a lot smaller. I don’t have huge hands by any means, but the M4 is so tiny in hand that I feel like I’m going to drop it at any moment.

Just throwing this out there; if you don’t need BT, the FiiO FA17 is absolutely KILLER for the money and is around the same price as the BTR15 iirc.


How do you like the fosi amp db2? @domq422

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Great question, brother, thank you for asking

I tried it briefly the night I got both devices in and the Fosi came off to me a bit too thin and analytical for my taste. I’ll do some more listening when I’m off this Muse M4 kick for sure, but those were my first impressions with the Monarch MK2 at least!


It’s definitely on my radar! Can’t wait to see what you have to say Dom…looking forward to it🤙


I’m in… now the wait :sunglasses:


Let’s gooooooo boys! I emailed the rep over at Hifigo but I haven’t gotten a response quite yet - We shall see!

In other news, I have the OG Dark Magicians in ear tonight listening to some sweet vocal magic. My GOD do these things sing with the right tips and source. It takes some work finding the right tips especially, but once you do, there are maybe 1 or 2 other IEMs I’ve heard over the last 2 years that can top the DMs when it comes to making you feel the vocalist is literally standing 3 feet in front of you.

The texturing, the reverb placement, the width and depth in the stage… it’s honestly an experience.

Cheers, gentlemen :beers: hope everyone is having a great night!


So happy these went to a home that they get the love they deserve. They laid lonely for to long when I had them.


I am honored to own them proudly, sir!


Did you mean KA17? If so I absolutely agree. I got mine right around the time I got into flatheads, and wow is that an amazing pairing.

I also have the KA11, which is absurd for the money ( $30 ) to get nearly 250 mW and very neutral. I need to play with the filters, but I honestly only use it when I am on the go.

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Yes and Yes!

Sorry for leaving you hanging on this one dude, the forums kept going down lol

But yes, the KA17 is what I meant, that thing is absolutely beastly. Such a tiny little device with tons of power. I also found the tonality really sweet, a little on the thicker side so it’s a perfect sig for my preferences.

I just got the KA11 in my self and I’ve been digging it so far. It’s on the more neutral side of tone, which is totally fine but the biggest down side for so far is not being able to answer phone calls with it. The person talking doesn’t come through my IEMs so that’s a strange oversight by FiiO. Besides that, it’s a very solid little dongle for the money for sure.

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It has been weird going for nearly 3 days without HFG.

I hadn’t even tried that. If I am planning on a call I typically use the Tanchjim One DSP, and I spend very little time on the phone beyond a speaker phone call in the car on the way home.

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