Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

Thanks for your compliments, brother!

The pilgrim definitely improves with some low end heft and some top end sparkle, for sure. I’ve yet to listen to IEMs out of a DAP, If you can believe it!


What? Yeah thats your next step , I stopped using my desktop stacks because daps have become so good … and portable!

So many used ones on the Market you can find some great players for cheap.


I’ve always felt that DAPs make sense if you’re a local music listener, I’m a steamer though so my phone and a dongle has always made more sense.

I’ll definitely check out a DAP sometime down the line at like a CanJam or something but in terms of buying one, I don’t see that happening any time soon lol


Yep, I had a dap at one point and much prefer the BT/dongle approach. Better bang for your buck imo


Hmmm…don’t really get that …Desktops are Desktops and Dap’s they’re portable :man_shrugging:

I’d agree but if you only use a 3.5mm, don’t like cable clutter etc then something like a Hiby M300 would make sense :+1:


I use DAP’s and I use streaming exclusively. I use Qobuz primarily and just download the music for offline use, or if I’m at home I just stream over the WiFi.

As soon as I got my first DAP, I never looked back. I always found using a dongle with my phone an inconvenience. Each to their own though.

I just use my desktop setup for my full size headphones. Despite what some people claim, DAP’s have more than enough power to drive iem’s well.


Same here, especially a BT dongle, like the M4 or BTR7. Even though SQ take a small hit using BT, when I’m out and about, I’m not doing any critical listening so the difference is truly negligible. The convenience of having the dongle tucked into my pocket while I can freely use my phone if I need to is just awesome to me. Then, when I’m home, I’ll get wired up.

I’ll eventually try DAPs one day, but I don’t foresee them ever being a staple in my daily lineup.

@Dan_X Downloading music is always an option, that’s true, but I love the discovery feature of streaming music. Plus, my main streaming service is apple music and I know apple music on android isn’t the best experience. We shall see, I’m still waiting for Apple to come out with an iPhone for the Audiophile, I’ll continue to dream lol


I use Apple Music on a HiBy R6III, and it works great. There have been some clicks when the Dap have switched to a new sampling rate between songs, but this should be gone with latest firmware update.


That’s actually really good to know!

Can you still stream lossless files?

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Yes😊. And the HiBy system bypasses the Android resampling, so that it remains bit perfect.


Whaaaaat?! Alright well, color me intrigued haha


I was gonna say, I’ve used Apple Music on my DAP’s too and it works flawlessly.

The reason I didn’t stick with Apple Music despite being an Apple phone user, is because I sometimes listen to music on my laptop when at my desk and the windows Apple Music app is terrible and doesn’t have an exclusive more (for windows).

There were some issues with Apple Music and certain android DAP’s that don’t use the fully open version of Android - like Shanling. But I’ve had three Hiby DAP’s now and they use a completely open version of android, so no issue there.

Pretty much all Android based DAP’s bypass the SRC too so bit-perfect. The M300 doesn’t, but it upsamples everything to 192khz rather than the usual Android default 48khz

I just really enjoy having a dedicated music device. Maybe it’s me showing my age, as I’ve lived through the days of having a cassette Walkman, mini disk player, then mp3 players and iPods. The biggest issue though is how awkward it is pulling my phone out if I’m out and there’s a dongle connected to it. Also, I barely get a full days usage of my phone battery as it is, without listening to music on it.


I would agree, I do 50/50 Streaming and Local files. I use Tidal to stream lossless and it sounds wicked.

I just like haveing the freedom to be able able to use my phone without anything dangling from it while plugged into my DAP beside me.

In the case with Hiby and Shanling being able to control the DAP wirelessly is also something I love and use all the time.


I only use streaming services and my biggest issues with DAPs are the sluggish performance and older android versions in the mid tier offerings but I know that’s getting better now


i could have sworn a few months back you were a local files only guy.

You are correct then Tidal Hit me.
I am a snob but streaming is ok … and

You can save in FLAC 192 khz if so desired not just MP3


Had the same problems with m M6Pro 2021 but Hiby R6III is super fast, no issues or any waiting time at all when using it as a streamer
Also it immediately skips through and plays tracks of my ~7000 Song local Playlist (only artwork takes a tiny bit)
With M6Pro that was really a pain in the ass.

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Sidify is great, i also ripped my complete playlist with it :sunglasses::ok_hand:t2:


My friends are fucking awesome.

The Titans are currently blowing my god damned mind. It’s almost like a drug, really.

Thank you for letting me borrow your babies, boys :white_heart:

Ps. Mail call!


Enjoy the Symphonium shootout brotha’!
