Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

I agree :call_me_hand:


Jealous! Enjoy! Hoping one of the local audio shops here has a sample for demo.

Can you describe the difference between Titan’s treble and Meteor’s? I don’t mind missing a little zing from the treble I just don’t want it rolled off.


Def feel like the Meteor’s treble outshines the Titan, although the Titan is no slouch imo.

Titan has a much darker-tilted sound sig overall, and the tuning balances it out with a bit of a spike at the treble region that can be a bit spicy for some (think DnB snare hits). I find the meteor to have a more balanced treble presentation that really brings out a sense of airiness.

Not rolled off, but less forward imo! After I got Titans I thought the Meteors would be obsolete for me but I realize now how special they both are haha.


What @wueer01 said is like, spot on. IMO, the treble on the Meteors, to my ears at least, is a bit more special, spacious and more enveloping. The Meteors are super special IEMs to me because while they’re bassy as all hell, very warm and very impactful, the air region in the treble is boosted above neutral giving this ethereal presentation that is, quite frankly, addicting. The Titan is definitely no slouch as Wueer said but it is darker and more ‘normally’ tuned. It takes a more traditional approach. The Titans do have some spice around 5-6k which I know some folks just don’t jive with, but to my ears it balances them out with all that bass. I love all 3 IEMs if I’m honest, but for 3 different reasons. I think Symphonium might just be the best brand at making sure none of their IEMs step on each others toes. They’re all different and I could see my self owning all 3.


The Meteors have to be the most frustrating IEM I have ever tried in my life.

On one hand, the tuning is literally nearly perfect for my library, preferences and HRTF. I love the way they sound with some quibbles about the bass and the upper mids but, honestly, the upper mids issue I have with them has been slowly dwindling away into nothing the more I listen to them. On the other hand, the fit is just impossible for my ears. The shells are super tiny, and I shouldn’t have any issues, but the pressure build up is so sever for my ears, especially my left one, the IEM literally will slowly makes it way out of my ear after 5-10 minutes and If I continue to push the shell back in, reinserting over and over again, pain from the pressure presents it self after about 30 minutes.


Why must this IEM sound so incredible, but also want to hurt me? :melting_face:


I had pressure build up issues as well - try textured tips like sancais or velvets. The latter completely fixed the issue for me!


I still had pressure build up with the Velvets if you can believe it… I have yet to try the Sancais though. I just recently got the wide bore versions in so I’ll give those a shot.


sancais will release pressure a bit but if the build up is intense it might not be enough, I unfortunately am sensitive to ear pressure too so I don’t look at Syphonium’s IEMs either, well at least the ones I can afford

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Dunu x @Timmy-Gizaudio Da Vinci

As far as cohesive experiences in the audio world go, from the packaging to the accessories to the actual IEM themselves, I think these come damn close to perfection. I am very impressed with the presentation for the Da Vincis. I’ll be doing some more testing and listening this coming week now that I’ve finally unboxed them!


So now that I’ve had at least an hour with the Da Vincis I wanted to share some more thoughts on them.

Like my initial post mentioned, the unboxing is pretty sick. The box design is very distinctive and once you get into the box, the included accessories prove to be well thought out. There are plenty of tips included, and the cable is fantastic.

The sound side of the Da Vincis also prove to be very well thought out. I’d classify the Da Vincis as safe but with a little extra heft in the bass. The mid bass tuning is very fun, it’s punchy and authoritative with plenty of depth to each hit. The sub bass is also very rumbly when it’s present, it’s demanding attention. I wouldn’t say that it’s over powering at all, I think that the vocals and the mids come through nicely even with the thicker mid bass presentation. Speaking of the mids, they’re pretty forward here, more forward than I expected and more than I’d like if I’m honest. This is a mid volume set for me, anything more than that and the mids become a little too thin and even a little shrill at times. The mids are just not as refined as I was expecting and there is also a slight issue in the timbre department. I still haven’t put my finger on it, but somewhere in the upper mids/lower treble, there’s a touch of metallic sheen or grainy-ness there that on some tracks can make me wince and lower the volume. The treble is on the relaxed side, cymbals have a nice initial splash but then quickly fade away without much of a tail.

I can say this isn’t my favorite style of tuning, but, I think a majority of people would really enjoy these. The mids have great clarity with them being slightly forward, and the bass is great for the price point. I would spend the extra hundred and get the Pilgrims, or save some cash and go for the Cincotres for my preferences, but there’s no doubt the Da Vincis are most likely going to be the new default rec around or under $300. Especially for the folks that like a little more heft to their mid-bass.

More thoughts to come with more specific references to music by Friday!


Oh boy….


Courtesy of Mr. Paul Wasabii himself. Looking forward to these for sure, I have to know what the hype is all about.


Can’t wait to hear what you think!!! They might have to be a buy for me…


Popped em in even though I’m supposed to be writing up my impressions on the DaVincis tonight and really liking what I’m hearing. I know they graph similarly, but I can already say I prefer the treble on the SuperMix. Not sure if it’s the Planar helping out but damn is it airy and exciting without being harsh!


I’m looking forward to getting a chance to hear the Davincis…
Heard mixed things about them…
Some sound like it would be to my preference and then others not so much


What a weird thing this hobby is. I’m doing some super un-scientific A/Bs between the two, DaVinci and SM4 and the SM4 is just simply more open and airy with a nice separation between bass and mids whereas the DaVincis sound more laid back and darker in comparison. To my ears at least, the Simgots are definitely brighter but it’s a smooth bright. Bass is better on the DaVincis, tho.

I’m getting some slight unrefined harshness in the consonants with the DaVincis and I’m over here staring at the graph trying to pinpoint where it’d be.


I’m not big on brightness when it comes to the upper end. But I still want to give the sm4 a try because everyone is saying how smooth they are. Might be a win for me.
I was really looking forward to the davincis because of the laid back treble and good amount of bass


Yeah, I’m with you. It’s bright for sure, but it’s most def smooth. I’d say in terms of open-ness, the SM4 feels just more open, I feel like the music can breath a bit more. I’m a bass guy no doubt about it, and while the DaVincis have more and better bass, I’m finding my self preferring the SM4 a bit because of the tuning here. I think it’s coming down to the treble… The DaVincis are def more laid back in the treble, so I see these as being right up your alley.


Thanks as always Dom! Looking forward to your thoughts on everything. :call_me_hand:


My pleasure, brother. You’ll get to demo the DaVincis soon enough!


Interesting what you said about the Davinci and s4. Thought I would throw the pilgrim in there.

To me it looks like there would only be small difference in the mids/upper mids.
Pilgrim looks very much laid back compared to the other two.