Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

Gotcha, Thanks for the insight. I’ll take note of that when I compare them lol.

You think the “graininess” and timbre is maybe due to the driver difference? I believe DaVinci is using custom BAs vs Knowles on the ZIIGAAT.

I’m guessing you’d take the Supermix4 over these then hah


Yeah, there was a section in the review where I brought that very question up lol if the grainy timbre is due to the custom BA vs. another IEM having a sonion or Knowles… maybe it is due to that but honestly, I’m not an expert in that.

I’ll def take the SM4 over any of these but the Pilgrims would take all of em down lol I really enjoyed the Pilgrims.


The grainy timbre is due to the lower quality ВА ,IMO.
Pass here at DUNU. They should have tried harder because it looks like a competitive IEM in other aspects with a very good look.


Dom that was a great impression well done and well said!

Seems alot of brands are opting for the less expensive “custom” BA . I agree that for me Sonion 23 or 26 series for Mids cant be touched for smoothness and natural timbre , knowles 35 series for highs are magic in the top end.

As you hit the nail on the head it all comes down to the race to zero $$

I also can appreciate the sacrifice to get the pricing down hard to have it all!

I only have 30min on my set but off the Cayin N3 Ultra in modern tube mode they were gelling quite well.

I think sources and tips will ultimately make or break this set.


Word. I think the Pilgrim is objectively the best out of the ones listed, but I dunno if I’d actually buy one given that the SM4 is pretty close, and the tuning on the Pilgrim although very clean and clear, balanced, doesn’t really do anything special for me :man_shrugging: Maybe the Noir would be better, but that price increase lol


You have a way of writing that makes the words flow, making it a really pleasant, effortless and easy read, great job! :+1:


Enjoyed the review, brother. Thanks for letting me know my wallet is safe from another hype train. Something that caught my attention.

This is why it’s good to have a fair combination of sources to try stuff out with. It helps to be able to bring out the best in a set. I wonder between the L30 and ST-Amp is actually the more neutral amp. If nothing else, ST-Amp was more honest to your ear, in terms of the midrange issue you were having.

Also makes me wonder if swapping the dac to your desktop amps would’ve done something, ya know? Running through so many IEMs sure makes me ask a lot of questions of my chain lol

Anywho, keep up the stellar work!!! Out here killing it!


It very well could be the cause, brother. IMO, they should have stayed patient, grabbed a few branded BAs and spent the extra cash. Hell, even if they had to increase the price by say $25-$50 to offset the extra cost of the BAs a bit, I think that may have been the play. But what’s done is done and it’s probably not a huge deal to most folks anyways.

Thanks, brother. I appreciate your support, always :love_you_gesture: Yeah, the race to make the most cost effective IEM is unfolding right in front of us. To be honest it’s really not all about bringing big brand names to your IEMs like Sonion or Knowles, I strongly believe it’s about implementation. Case in point - The SM4 doesn’t have any branded drivers inside as far as I can tell, but that set is smooth as silk to my ears. I will say that source and tips do play a big part in fine tuning the DaVinci so I really did try them all.

You hit the nail on the head right there, brother. I’d probably choose the SM4 if it was my own money just because of the major price gap there. For only $150 I think the SM4 slams the competition. The Pilgrim’s specialitiy is cohesion. It hit me way after I published my review. That set sounds like a single DD rather than a Hybird but I couldn’t put my finger on that stance before sending out my impressions everywhere.

That means a lot brother, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed!

That’s actually a really really good point tbh, I hadn’t thought of that - Maybe the L30 is somehow smoothening out that weird Timbre and the ST-Amp is reveling it… hmmm good point, goobs. I apprecaite you, thank you!


That looks magical. Mind sharing those settings? Just unboxed these bad boys and that looks like something I’d like to try out.


Yeah, brother, I’m at work now but once I get home I’ll be happy to PM you :pinched_fingers:


Playing around the Supermix 4 using some quick and easy EQ settings and good goddamn, I made myself a mini basshead IEM with just a few filters. This set takes so well to EQ, I’d love to see Simgot dabble in a bass head IEM as I think they’d absolutely kill it.

Gain; -4 dB

20 Hz +5dB Q .25
80 Hz +2dB Q .75
2000 Hz +1.5dB Q 1.5
2900 Hz -3dB Q .5
12500 Hz +5dB Q 3.0
18000 Hz +5dB Q .9

I’m a sicko with the mid to late treble boosts, I know but I’d like to do even more passed 15k If I could.


Would love to see that, their stuff leans a bit too much towards treble for my preferences.


Damn Dom,looks good brother. Wish I could eq sets but not with how I’m listening or sources


Agreed, I am always impressed at both. My words fail me too often, and I have never had game with a camera.

That is shocking to me. To my ears, and most/many people’s, the bass was the real show on the Doscinco. I guess that goes to the truth, that we all have a popular set that just doesn’t hit us the same.

The Supermix 4 beating out IEMs that are nearly 3x their price, is impressive. I am not sure I can justify the money for the Pilgrims.

I have the Aful Explorer coming, but my fascination with stuff not quite tuned like the rest, got me on that one. I might have to keep an eye on the Supermix 4, and reward Simgot for tuning closer to my preferences.


you have to get your hands on a portable source that does EQ, man. It makes it so much easier! BTR7 or the Q5K are fo sho the best examples at easy, on the go EQ!


too kind as always, John. Thank you. But I need to say that every time you come around once a week or even two and you respond to everyone while you’re catching up, your posts are some of the most human which makes them super easy to read and follow along to. Just saying, you’re great with words.

For whatever reason, the Dos just didn’t hit me the same. Keep in mind that I prefer a more separated bass from the mids replay and the Dos had more of a glide to it, rather than a tuck so-to-speak so that could be the reason why.

They’re super impressive to me and while they’re forward up top like all Simgot IEMs, they’re the smoothest I’ve tried up to this point. I haven’t had a whack at the EM10 yet but I assume that one is similar. The Explorer looks super dope, love the big bass shelf and the flatter pinna gain but the nose dive after 15k has me a little concerned for my preferences but otherwise, I think that’d be another winner. God damn is 2024 crazy with all the bangers coming out back to back. It’s impossible to keep up haha


I am the wrong person to talk about anything above 15k. I can tell the highs drop off, but my ears are just a bit too old for high frequencies.

I am enjoying my initial listening session with the Explorer. Also the accessories are amazing. I am even using their tips.


That is totally fair, we’re all gonna get there John so don’t you worry! Lol I can still hear fairly high up in the treble response or at least it makes a difference in the overall sig. to my ears so it definitely matters.

I’ll have to jump on the tour unit in the next few weeks, I turned it down cause I was overrun with sets to review but now that I’m catching up, I could be next to check it out.

Happy listening, buddy :+1:


I’m sure like many others, we share a very similar *cough (addiction) to sub-bass and air…you may enjoy this track…very sensitive to changes in treble but I think it highlights the U/V tuning in a cool way.

A mish-mash of synth sounds with real instruments recorded in a room. There’s a grand-sounding synth sound that gets going around 57s. If I understood correctly the composer pumped the synth sound into the same room as the musicians and recorded that to gain in his words “wide and depth”. When I tilt things up only 2-3db past 10k (about where you are), you gain a surprising amount/sense of space back and with a emphasised thudding sub-bass with a subtle rumble…it feels like all these layers are happening in a real space. An impactful thud is what it was intended to sound like and the overall effect takes me a step closer to thinking I’m back in that vast auditorium where I first heard it (but ofc it’s not the same).

Fun experiments tho another pitfall to eq - getting drunk on the power to question every sound mixer’s decisions! but a question arises…Master Dom, if the soundstage was down-mixed in the master and so no one is around to hear it, was there really any soundstage to begin with? :thinking:

Oof, this just got all too deep without having vodka on hand…peace out fellow v-shape listening brethren! :vulcan_salute:


Appreciate further feedback from you on Explorer, John. My longtime admiration of the smarts and straightforward nature shown in your posts leads me to believe our sonic preferences are very similar.


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