Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

Absolutely, and that’s when I usually start hunting for music instead; either new artists in genres I like or dabbling in genres I don’t normally mess with.


I’m with you Dom…
I have felt like this for the past couple weeks.
The Titan that i listened to last night help spark my ears back up🤙


I am perfectly happy with my gear right now, and I’m not honestly hearing a lot of differences in different IEMs.

I’m hearing a lot of stuff that comes down to preference, rather than being head and shoulders above, even across price ranges.

I have a couple of things I’m curious about, and I’m ultimately waiting on a project or two out there, but I have not felt a huge pull to buy anything new for a couple of months now. I’m just enjoying what I already have


Yup happens all the time thats when Kilo my dog and I go hiking


I appreciate you guys responding, I don’t feel as alone in this as I did before.

Speaking of finding new music, Guy, I think that after my recent date to Emo Night with the wife I’m going to look for some smaller venue concerts to go to in and around Boston. Luckily, we have a pretty damn good music scene here with Berkley right in the heart of the city. I got that concert rush when I went over the weekend and I definitely want to experience it more and more over the summer.

@ctjacks336 Dude, the Titans will do that to you haha what a phenomenally fun set of IEMs - They really do make music so enjoyable. Especially if you’re a bass person.

@GooberBM i feel that, bud. For some reason, it feels like there’s something missing in my collection for me but I just can’t put my finger on it… but I’m happy you’re content with what you have for sure.


I absolutely do as well and am currently going through it. I’m at the point where I have the sets I love and my use cases covered. Plus getting into other hobbies has started pulling me away from this one. I still come around for the people though!


Burnout happens with pretty much any hobby. Best would be to either take a break or branch out to something different, for you I guess maybe headphones would be a new thing? (Dont remember hearing you talk about headphones at all.)




wdym you don’t buy every new IEM that comes out???

Fake audiophile spotted :eyes:

Ok but real talk I think if I wasn’t doing reviews I would’ve been good with my EJ07s since way back lol


Man, this is exactly how I feel like for past 2 months or so. I think it is kind of cucumber’s season in the hobby, but seeing the same feeling along with couple of the fellow forum members makes me feel like there is some real stall going on in the community. The forum does not have the same energy for me, I check it every now and then, but there is just too little source discussions taking place for me to get excited and involved :smiley:

As @Rikudou_Goku mentioned getting some rest and getting other hobbies explored helps. I started making my own bread some time ago from now and from the other side of life I am really into watching videos on aviation crashes at the moment ( - truly fantastic content from this channel and extremely fascinating chains of events that leads to most of those catastrophes), so that takes part of my free time, but I still have some empty feeling inside of me.

The problem is I don’t care about any other new IEMs, sources etc, so :man_shrugging:

The only hobby that I never got bored of is actually my only addiction - coffee brewing. I look for every morning to make myself some vomit-like tasting light brew, so that whole company hates me a lot :coffee:


It’s great isn’t it? The first end slice is heaven for me 10 mins out of oven…highly possessive of that one hehe
Also now I find myself critical if we are out and my wife wants to buy some bread , cos I know I’ll make at least as good. Lately we got jalapeño cheese bread coming on strong.


Truth, I literally have hard time swallowing bought bread unless it is extra expensive sourdough based ones from particular craft bakeries anymore. Which is a bad part of doing this shit. But breadmaking made me more patient and better planner in real life. In the beginning I had problems than when I realized I want to make bread for particular day of the weekend it was already too late to start :cry:


You’re definitely not alone. I’ve been this way for a while.

Yes 1000%. Get back to the root of the hobby. Listening to music and not worry about writing reviews or analyzing different sets. Anytime we’re in the forums, comparing sets or writing a post is not being truly invested in why we’re supposed to be here; music. Hearing it live is the best way possible and being pulled right into a shows atmosphere and creating awesome memories with your son can’t get any better.


Purchased today from Birch Bread in Pangbourne UK an amazing and reassuringly expensive sourdough :heart:

I also bake on the barge…


100%, brother - If this community wasn’t as amazing as it is, I probably wouldn’t being coming back on a daily basis. Head-Fi is the perfect example… I’m probably 50 pages behind on the Discovery thread by now :sweat_smile:

Hps never have worked for me - I own two pairs my self, but even when I’ve tried some of the crazy expensive pairs like the ZMF stuff or the Focal stuff for example, they don’t really do it for me like IEMs do. But you’re right, I have other hobbies I can get buried in, so there’s no shortage of things to blow cash on!

LOL right, I’m such a poser haha

I feel you, man. There’s something in me like that’s the chase of the next thing every now and again, but the reviewing thing got old really fast for me… I don’t even want any more sets to review for the time being. It’s all so time consuming and to @GooberBM point, eventually, they all start to sound the same tbh. He showed me a quick and easy mod for the Rosefinch a few weeks ago and I haven’t looked back since. The only reason I haven’t been taking it with me everyday is because I need to do this review for the S08…

Man, that is so true. I noticed this starting last year and it made me sad. Engagement is down compared to previous years and even tho the hobby is in a really really good spot in terms of IEM choices, Interest seems to be dwindling

Man, that is so dope. Being Italian, we grow up and live off bread haha Also, you gotta make me some of that brew, brother. I drink so much coffee it’s actually ridiculous. I guess it’s another Italian thing haha

1000%, man. Live music has always been incredible for me. Every concert I’ve been to has been an absolute blast, filled with fond memories and the overwhelming feeling of wanting to go back. The only downside is, I found out over the weekend that my right ear is just too sensitive to super high frequencies so I had to put in an ear plug on that side. I assume it’s a combination of the volume and the lower quality speaker set up they were rocking in that small venue, but damn, it was like… next level sibilance. I was thinking of investing in some custom ear plugs for any future shows to help out with that.


If you are someone who likes to really break stuff down and dive deep into a topic I highly recommend learning an instrument. It’s been a great hobby for me and has helped me understand music theory so much more.


Sure. Plus, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. We should have better outdoor activities to do than sit inside and test IEMs and post about them. :slight_smile:

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You’re in a ridiculously good spot on this big blue marble for that, Monk. BC, right?

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Was the opposite for me lol. I was never interested in the theory when I was in my Piano lessons, I just needed guidance on how to play the songs I wanted. :rofl:


Lol fair, I guess it depends on what you want out of playing. for me its all about jamming and improvisation so I gotta learn a decent amount of music theory