Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

I spend more time muting threads than reading them. So much noise, so little signal.


This place has become infected with soulless shills who brought some friends…
It used to be convo chat and gear talk… was extra sauce.
Now it is 5-10 active threads occupied by same folks who SPAM Headfi.


I’m sure you can find it on Facebook, he shared a lot of private conversations.


Ahhh shame - sadly I do not indulge in this hobby or any other on Facebook.


I usually don’t either, other than posting my review links, but for some reason it appeared at the top of my feed on Facebook when I went there.


Me cago en la leche - I just realized your based in Spain :joy:

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Double Date :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Non-Affiliate meme. All comedy kindly provided by brands and sellers but thoughts and memes are my own. :man_facepalming: … I’ll show myself out


Absolutely BEYOND hyped…

In the house. May I present to you…

The Ziigaat x Jay Estrella

More impressions to follow!


What what!!!


Dom clearly has connects to get a worldwide exclusive.

Lucky little punk! Rock on, baby!!!


Oooooh baby!


lucky man!!!



“So I’ve been using the Estrella for the last couple of years”

Shrugs Marques Brownlee GIF

Mkbhd Marques GIF


very very lucky!

Looking forward to more and more listening ahead!


Photographer first :saluting_face:

The Camera man never dies after all

Btw the 0001 is my unit that I’ll be giving away but more on that later :wink:

No packaging for this one since it was also a prototype that we later went with, but retail versions should be going out to reviewers soon after I hear back from ZIIGAAT


Is it too much to say Crimson/Europa/Annihilator killer?


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say “probably, yes”. Because those sets are mostly out there for a set of clientele that can get Estrella and any of those sets


Definitely too much to say that, BUT, I really enjoyed the treble on these last night. Some of the best I’ve personally heard on a set that’s under $1000.


Well huh. Here I thought I was the only one who felt a kind of malaise when it comes to this hobby. And it’s nothing in particular - for instance, I can’t wait to get home tonight and get into session. 2 things are at play here.

First, it’s still all about the music for me. I still get excited about discovering new artists or trying something new that I never thought I would consider before. I still enjoy getting lost in the music and melting away the stress and BS from the week. And my setup takes me there without fail every time. I am very happy with what I have. The gear has integrated well, I love how it looks all put together, and for me, it sounds great. I know it’s not the best stuff, but for me it’s doing great, and that is all I can ask for.

Second, even though I stated I am happy with what I have, I have a few ideas on what I would like to try to make it even better. I am not going to invest any more into the mid-tier Chinese stuff. It’s worked very well for me but it’s time to move up. Problem is, where I want to go is too damned expensive for me to justify. I am disgusted by how much things cost now, and frankly, it’s making me turn away. I’m just not going to do it. This stuff shouldn’t cost this much. So fuck it. I’ll enjoy what I have and when/if something in the system fails, I will replace it with something hopefully a bit better. That is where I’m at.

All that said, I never get bored of checking in on this forum and sharing some time with the great folks that hang here. You guys are a good bunch and I very much enjoy the time I spend here. That is all. I gotta get to work now, but as always, I’ll be back this evening for another great session! Talk to y’all again soon! :sunglasses: :notes: :metal:t2:


Nothing wrong with stepping back when you’re already where you want to be! I agree that a lot of the pricing has gotten bonkers (and I say this as someone who has paid bonkers prices before haha), and I think in a case like yours the best thing to do is sit back, enjoy what you have and keep an eye on the second-hand market for eventual upgrades. There are amazing deals to be had if you wait for people to move on in 6 months to a year or two, especially with how fast the market moves! The other thing you could think about is waiting for a big show or meetup that you can travel to (like a Canjam) if you are able, or to see if you can get in on a tour group to try the “big boy” stuff without dropping a dime outside of shipping; I think many people in this hobby would be (or have been) surprised at how steep diminishing returns can be above fairly low price levels. Then again, if you’re a maniac that needs that last 1-5%, that could be dangerous for the wallet haha.