Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

Ok let’s say “The treble extension might be unmatched in the 300 bucks realm for some…” Mr. Wisenheimer :wink:

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They’re finally coming home to me.

My very own pair of Symphonium Titans

I genuinely haven’t been this excited for a purchase since the Monarch MK2 back in 2022.

I am so grateful to have the chance to have a pair of my own.

Just need to collect one more pokemon for my “End Game” trio… one day.


Forgive me if I have missed it - do you have a review of these or can you share some thoughts and include the sources you’re using (would be using my iBasso dx260 as source in all likely hood). I’m interested in the set and will be blind buying if getting it, so as much information as I can put together the better before pulling the trigger.

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What’s the endgame trio? Do tell.


For me personally;

Bass - Titans
Mids - Monarch Mk2/Elysian Diva (Pending QC…)
Treble - Annihilator 2023

I have 2/3 at this point, just waiting for the lottery ticket that’ll get me to the Anni level :sweat_smile:


I never wrote a review for the Titans but I did talk about them a lot from my CanJam impressions and when @MMag05 sent me his a few months back.

If you’re looking for a sub-bass heavy set with surprisingly balanced vocals and treble, the Titans are probably the best set on the market just from memory? The stuff from FF are a bit more filled out in the mid-bass area, like the Maestro SE and the Grand Maestro, but those are a lot more expensive and hard to compare to the Titans.

I really enjoy a sub-bass dominant sound sig over a mid bass heavy one and the Titans are the best set I’ve heard up to this point for what I’m looking for in terms of Bass-head tuning. It’s my end game for bass, full stop.

The Maestro Mini and the SE are both good as well, but the upper mids and treble are sloppy on the Minis (in my opinion) and the bass lacks any texture to my ears. The Titans don’t have either of those issues - the Sub bass is so god damned rumbly and texture… the first time I heard them at CanJam, I knew immediately I was going to buy a pair eventually if it wasn’t right there and then. The rep for Symphonium, Felix, was telling me the tuning was still being tweaked but I told him he’d better not touch a single part of the FR, it was perfect… I guess my emotional response helped them decide to push them to market right after CanJam :sweat_smile:

Anyways, If you’re looking for bass, you won’t be dissapointed. In terms of running it off your DAP, I’m not 100% sure how well it would do - out of all the sources I’ve tried them with, the BTR7 is my favorite. So I don’t think it has to do with the power output, but more so the actual source sound sig it self.

Happy listening, man! If you decide to buy them, make sure you come back and share your impressions!


I got to try the Titans and Diva at a local show in the Bay Area (shoutout to the BAE).

Titans were amazing for the heavy bass sound with rumble and slam while keeping it balanced. I got the chance to A/B with Singularity and Titans win no contest in bass quality and naturalness of the mids.

I also tried the Diva 2023 but only in bass setting. Timbre was really off for me and the fit was… Well it was not fitting my ears.


Thanks for sharing, brother!

I personally really love the Divas, especially for Vocals specifically, but timbre is also very very important and if they didn’t jive with you I can see why that’d be an immediate turn off, not to mention the fit.


I got these titans staring me at the face for 850 in ebay but I’m doing everything I can not to buy it lmao

my wallet is gonna beat me if I do get it

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They were $770 in a classified lately, eBay usually sucks vs AVExchange and Head Fi classifieds.

Edit: sort of understandably given eBay’s cut. Think it’s higher than the flat 10% it used to be, if you’re selling electronics. Plus people not knowing about classifieds makes eBay an only choice for some items.


I have wide ear canals but small ears. So most pricey iems don’t fit me…oh well


I’d do those more but I buy most things with a giftcard ever since 1 incident of mine lol

so I’m on purpose making it harder for myself.

I’m waffling for now between that or a Mest Mk2

Thanks for your response - I’m sort of coming to the conclusion it must be weighted more towards sound signature/syngergy than power for compatibility with the Titan becuse the dx260 has significanlty more power output available both bal/se than the BTR7 - Yet I see posts in threads elsewhere indicating that it can be a thinner presentation (dx260).


I believe so as well. One strange thing did happen to me though, when I was trying to use the Muse M4 and a Hidizs dongle with the Titans, it had some SERIOUS distortion at a certain point in the volume range. It was so bad I thought it was the cable it self, but it wasn’t, it ended up just being the source it self. I’m not sure what that means, but it’s something to note.


OOF :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Very Nice !



Very very nice indeed!


They back!


@domq422 what’s your go-to tips for them? I’ve been tip rolling a bit and I’m currently using S&S


Still heavily tip rolling but I’m rocking the Tri Clarions right now, I haven’t tried the S&S tips quite yet but I’ll get there for sure!