Dom Q’s spot (Recap of CanJam NYC and other things)

I haven’t tried the Pula up to this point.

I found that most reviews were very positive at the beginning but then gradually started becoming lukewarm after a while so that just straight up threw me off.
But thanks for bringing that set up! Comparisons are always good.


This feels so incredibly special.

Congratulations brother Jay :heart_hands: @VIVIDICI_111


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Are you still dig’n the Titan now that you’ve had them a bit? I still can’t decide these or the Europa…
I almost said YOLO get the Titan today and pick up the Europa next month. I even had the Titan in my cart but then saw I would not take delivery until after the long holiday weekend so decided to spare that idea. It would’ve given me super anxiety knowing that it was on the way but delayed, and I’m not paying for overnight air so there’s that. It’s a toy not medicine…

So, I’ll spend some time over the weekend overthinking it on which one to get…


Have you tried Crimson, out of curiosity? I have Europa and Crimson but haven’t tried Titan yet (big basshead units usually aren’t my thing). Europa is probably the most balanced of the Symphonium releases IMO, and still does lowend VERY well when called for in the mix.


Hi, No haven’t tried the Crimson I was looking hard at it but then fell for the Europa. And with both the Crimson and Europa being basically same price I thought I would go for the Europa becuase it appears to be tuned more for my preferences.

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Europa is a safer choice as a blind buy for sure; Crimson is the excitement of a U-shape where Europa is more mid-centric and lends itself better to long sessions and high volume, while still keeping good detail.

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Cool thanks for that insight. That lines up with what I as getting from reading of the two.

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Europa sounds fantastic from your description.

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It has largely turned into my daily driver. Perfect for long listening and non-fatiguing while still dynamic and clean but not sterile. Elise and Symphonium did a bang-up job IMO. I still haven’t done any full write-up here because I didn’t want to come off as gushing haha.

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Why Not? If it excites you and ticks all the right boxes gushing might be a proper reaction to that!
Audio is all about emotion so let it flow :grin:


Exhibit A of why people are gunshy about “shilling”


See here is the thing. There is shilling, then there is also not being honest about a good product in the point of being overly critical. Like hating on a collab that has a clever tuning needlessly. Why couldn’t it be a good iem is the better question? We do need to give feedback and maintain honestly but this seems like a post of hating to hate, seems lame and unhelpful to the hobby.

Like I have a 200 dollar iem that is fire, do I tell the world or pretend that it not good? You effing tell the world.


The fact that I have to pay attention to who is expressing an opinion on a set and then connect it with a made up list in my head of “people that aren’t shills” while remembering others who if they told me the sky was blue, I’d wonder which distributer is shilling blue sky this week makes forums effectively dead. Touring groups has only made this 100% worse.

I’m just glad that there is nothing I particularly want in this hobby anymore, because sorting through all the noise is way too much effort.


It’s no worse than planning a vacation and sifting through reviews to find the right hotel or any other kind of situation where you sift through reviews and opinions to build a consensus.

If it’s worth it to you, you’ll make the effort. You don’t think it’s worth the effort and good on you. I just find it funny that I’m the hill he was willing to die on. I might get really exited about 1-3 products a year and I always still look for reasons to pick at a product. If I’m a shill or only blow smoke up your ass, then there’s not a single reviewer or opinion you can take at face value.

But if you’re that burned out on forums, I hope you just enjoy interacting with people and leave the IEMs alone, like you are


I assume its less about you and more about their tolerance reaching the limit already and ANYTHING overly positive would have set them off the edge.


Yeah I mean I don’t get that I’m the straw that broke the camel’s back. But sucks for him


Honestly, Guy is far more qualified than I when it comes to Symphonium sets but I’ll give my two cents if it’s worth anything!

The Crimson is a phenomenal pair of IEMs. I personally love them for a bunch of reason, I did a write up on them a few months back and if you’re interested in reading more on that I’m happy to go back and find the post for you - but the Titans are just special. I’m still very much in love with that set. After tip rolling properly I’ve found the right set that goes well with them depending on my mood. If I want all the bass, the render tips work really well but if I want a slightly cleaner sound, the H570 tips are the best I’ve found so far. Plus, these tips seem to fit me the best when rocking the Titans.

The reason why I bought them is because I wanted my bass Endgame and be done with the rat race for that part of the hobby, so I did it. I also had the chance to demo them before buying, once at CanJam which is when I fell in love, but then at home a few months later which is when I was convinced nothing was going to stop me from buying a pair in the future.

The Titans aren’t necessarily a one trick pony because they play my entire library really well, the upper mids and treble are really well sorted, especially considering the monster base levels, but they do accomplish a very specific goal for me, which is achieving that bass end game. If you’re looking for a more all a rounder, there is better options for that imo and honestly, for a lot less. I think the Estrella (shill incoming) is as good as most folks need for that EDC tune that’s good to amazing with every genre of music.

The Crimson, like I said before, is a phenomenal set especially when it comes to the technical side of the sound. They trade blows with the sets that are double an even quadruple what they cost, but keep in mind they may be fatiguing as a lot of folks have pointed out. It seems like the Europa is more in line with an EDC tune, being toned down In thr bass and the treble (IIRC). Guy, feel free to correct me on that one.

That’s my two cents, I hope it was cohesive enough to read and understand :sweat_smile: I had a stupid long day at work.

And about this shill talk, idgaf - if a set is good and I’m passionate about it, I will yell from the rooftops about how much I love the set. I will be super upfront and say it’s just my opinion, of course, if people want to take my opinion for an objective truth, that’s their problem, not mine. I always try to make it clear I’m just talking about my opinions, there’s no objective truth in this hobby unless we’re to just stare at graphs all day, which I sometimes do I, I won’t lie - but we all know an IEM in the ears can sound completely different to our predispositions from when we peaked at the graph.

I’m done ranting, I hope everyone is having a great night!

Ps. The Estrella has completely captured my attention since it came in. I haven’t picked up the titans once in the last 3 days… if that’s not enough of an endorsement, idk what is.


It was great read, thank you for taking a moment to reply so thoroughly.

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Great write up and rant!

Yes and both Symphonium and Elise have said as much, but I don’t really think that the perceived bass is lower than Crimson (they stated that they brought it down a hair to keep it in balance with the reduction in treble, and to that end I think they did it as well as they could).