The M1 Plus from Shanling is still my budget winner love that little guy!
Man I was and still am looking into that one as well. Pretty much the same price as the m300. My only concern is that I can’t use android apps I think like neutron or UAPP. On my phone I have used those two apps because they allow you to peq. I on occasion like to do that. Especially after I saw people talking on here how you could peq a budget iem and get it to sound better than the deuce.
in that case you can pair it up with the Fiio Ja11 dongle, which has PEQ access via web app (so set the peq via a phone/pc first) that is saved to memory then use it with the M1 Plus (or another tiny-dap).
Sound awesome on the KAEI TAP1 at 75% power thats the highest ive ever reached with any iem.
Thanks brother. Never knew about that. Does it save only one peq? Or a few? If it’s more than one how would you switch between them?
Just one. If you want to change it you need to use the web app or the android app.
Very nice snaps for very good looking buds and cable.
Sounds like a Grindcore band
A great set that really shines on Nutube or hybrid sources
I also do enjoy it quite a bit. Don´t have any tubes to test though
I’ve heard excellent things about these, actually. Not to mention those faceplates are quite striking…
Sorry, double post
yeap those are easily the best i have seen in a very long time. Its unique and there is alot going on but it still looks tasteful