Dope looking IEM’s, Buds and Cables ✨

Saw the mids on a graph, no interest in hearing that… ever… in my entire life

Way to go Zeos.

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Kinera is the best brand at making something look good but sound like shit.

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Did someone take just a big scoop of mids out of those graphics what the… I was on the verge of buying these!

The treble is horrible as well. The Freya is polished turd…

I’m extremely treble sensitive so honestly that treble looks so fine how it just sinks away never to reach my sensitive little earholes hahaha

(am -5db on 8k and -9 on 16k on me Sundara’s)


:uk: :+1:


Really loving the look of the Fearless Paladin series iems


Yeah like the look of the Fearless swag too :+1:


Take a look at what other stuff their OEM can do then:

they do have some nice looking options, although I think I prefer the fearless design. Price is a huge difference though :sweat_smile:

I’ve been eyeing up the SE5 but I’ve also been looking at the Variations to try out a cheaper tribrid

Its because GS Audio is the OEM lol.

Yeah, that’s why I’ve been as interested in the GS audio iems as I have

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I just ordered the ST1 lol.

is that the single BA model? I wonder how it compares to other single BA iems

Yeah, it uses the Sonion 2356 (this BA is used in Sony Just Ear´s kilobuck iems btw).

Graphs like a mini B2.

Interesting, I wonder if it has the same issues I find with my other single BA iem (Jomo Haka) where it kinda gets a bit lost in busy recordings

That is very likely. The bass being only a little bit elevated should help it in that regard, but still. A single BA does seem to be limited in what it can do.

I always liked the aesthetics of these: