There may be a thread about this somewhere in the threads, but if so I felt like reviving a rant of mine. I only recently started getting into hifi audio and specifically headphones. I’ve typically ordered through Amazon or straight from a manufacture when buying. I mistakenly used Drop for my latest purchase of the GL2000. Admittingly, yes they have some shady fine print about runs ending and sales being final. No cancels and blah blah blah. My point for Drop is they don’t even know what customer service is. I voiced a complaint/concern about this HP to them and then asked for a cancellation so I could order something else. I even wanted to order a different HP through them still to save face as a customer and to let them keep my business.
All I got in response (and still with 2 more follow up emails) is basically just a robotic repeat of what the fine print says. “This is our policy” basically. While I do understand policy for companies since I work for a large one myself, I also understand that taking care of a customer is important. In one way shape or form…just something. I am getting nowhere with Drop through this and any advice I get from the outside is not a rout I feel I should have to go. Which is to basically dispute the charge through my credit card because I have not received the product I paid for. Granted, I won’t even see this HP till maybe May?? Ridiculous.
I’ve always said that if you want a good business, you gotta listen and take care of the customers.
So, this is my rant to throw out to the world of hifi consumers. Perhaps there is someone here who has worked for Drop who can shed some light on why they choose to be this way. Or maybe I am just dead wrong. I’m not opposed to criticism if that is the case. Bottom line is I’m pretty pissed off and nothing to do but wait at this point while someone has my money basically locked in handcuffs. Awesome.
I had a similar experience with their customer service. In my case, it was a very poor quality product that they wouldn’t take back, citing policy. I insisted that the product was rubbish and I wasn’t happy with it. They relented on the 5th email and accepted the return. After that I never ordered anything from Drop again, and don’t plan on it.
I’m in the same situation with them currently. Absolutely no customer ‘service’ at all from their Zendesk support people. After 2 emails giving me the run around I filed a dispute with my payment provider over it, waiting to see how that pans out.
I’ve got nothing but bad experiences with them myself. I tried to order an Aune S6 Pro via them. I thought it was all going to be nice and dandy since they offered EU shipping. I was only met with delays and lack of communication.
Once the shipping date arrived, at first nothing happened, no update on the product page or in the discussions from Drop staff. Then an email arrived saying there was a delay. Still no information on the actual product page. They didn’t even bother to tell us for how long or why. I wanted to wait it out, but here I was with around 5-600€ (or whatever the price was) on the line, already paid to them, but no product to show and no communication about their mishaps.
A few emails back and forth and I decided to just get my money back. Despite my many years of being a member there, I’ve yet to this day actually received a product I’ve purchased. I’ve had to cancel every single purchase because of delays and lack of communication.
I’m seriously questioning their whole business, why in tarnation should anyone put money down the line for a product you won’t get for another 6 months and then get no support when shit hits the fan? When I was looking at their Violectric sale around Christmas, I read some people got the wrong colour of the unit and then another who didn’t receive support for a faulty unit, as Drop didn’t want to honour any warranty. So they want you to purchase a 1200€ item, deny you service for a product they sold, only for you to have to deal with the manufacturer on the other side of the continent? At that point I’d rather just pay the original price and know I get the proper support if something goes wrong.
In the end, I’m glad I went with Harmony Design. Local manufacturer (Sweden), more or less lifetime support and superb service. Not to mention absolutely astounding sound quality and equally good build quality.