Electronic Music Thread

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If anyone’s a fan of IGORRR, you’ll like this.

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Holy smokes, haven´t heard such a killer set in a while

Another banger

“My eyes are bouncing after 41minutes”

check out the comment section :smiley:

I liked that first one, very Doom soundtract-esque. the second one…mveh.

Yeah Elder Hymn’s my favorite as well. This artist seems to be mostly known for showing up in rhythm games. I happened to find that one on Beat saber.

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DnB fire! :fire:

Not finding a preview but this EP is wild for sound design/electronic stuff, planars are made for this
AM>Muse M4>Timeless

Good Morning, another interesting album
AM>Muse M4>Timeless

going on a comp hunt today

AM>Muse M4>Hook-X