Eleven XI Audio Broadway

Battery powered desktop amp anyone tried it?..

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I know people here who own this. You know who you are.

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This thing is pretty damn sweet. Compact for a desktop and portable with use of just the batteries. I’ve heard lcd24,d8kpro,utopia,th900,Diana phi on it and they all sounded great with very nice impact,depth and width. Dac I mainly used with it was the Yggdrasil which was an excellent pairing. Very great detail retrieval without being harsh. The lcd24, and yggy combo I had for a bit and was just plain awesome. Highly reccomend this amp, especially for planars.

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I am confused, and admittedly not done the best research yet. What is the difference between the the 11S and the 11 besides $700 msrp. Also, how does operation work, do you need to use a special powersupply/charger if you were using for a ‘Desk-top’ less than portable solution? Do you need to invest also then in a quiet psu - or is that where the Powerman comes into play as well? Both options would significantly raise the cost of acquisition.

Edit: I see the power output is greater on the 11 vs 11S.

Broadway S is single ended, the Broadway (no S) is balanced…

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so the Broadway S is single ended at the input ,has less power,and is designed for dynamic drivers,iems, etc. the Broadway is mainly for planars and is balanced input only. Both come with its own power supply/cable and has the option of just running it on the internal batteries if desired. I dont believe the powerman can even be used with either broadway. Also, you dont need the powerman for the Form S, its just a highly reccomended upgrade


Thanks -
I should have watched the video first before opening my mouth. lol

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its good to get info here, and to have it for people in the future too…also worth it to check out the video anyhow! :slight_smile: i think the XI Audio stuff is too associated with Abyss(makes sense though lol) but they really are great amps that sound really good on stuff other than Abyss headphones


It is a really great amp…currently listening to a pair of borrowed Empyreans on it, using my P6 Pro as the source. It’s a nice, slightly warm leaning signature with more power than you might expect from something that runs on batteries. It is quite a nice pairing with both Diana V2 and LCD-24, and Empy, though I might like something with slightly more bite and treble emphasis for the Empy.