Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim IEM - Impressions, Discussions, Pictures, and Comparisons

If you like the original cable, you might want to contact Elysian, like @Rikudou_Goku suggested. That’s what I did. I asked where I could buy an extra cable, and they offered to send me one for about $30-50 IIRC, which seemed pretty reasonable to me.


I thought the stock cable was awful, I really dislike those kind of 2 wire cables, but that’s just my personal preference.

As jaytiss pointed out above, you can order the stock cable on its own for relatively cheap on AE.


absolutely reasonable lol, between 30-50 or freakin 200 wingwangs

I usually dislike them but this one is perfect, never tangles and it’s not heavy along with doing its job. I just wish it wasn’t white


I would choose OG with EQ :smiley:


Since I don’t like EQ, I’d go with Noir any day… But Elysian went overboard with the price of Noir.
With or without EQ, I won’t buy it, at least for now :grinning:


that price makes me choose EQ :smiley:


I think the Noir is worth the price and I previously had the OG and sold it to and purchased the Noir.

I can see why a lot of people won’t though, since the OG is still a great iem and half the price, but it’s no way half the iem.


I seriously wonder how the sales have been for the Noir. I can’t foresee lots of folks forking over that ridiculous MSRP for a slight retune, config and cable upgrade, but hey, what the hell do I know.


Just mugs like me :rofl:

1 Like
  1. I would choose OG over the Noir just for the price to performance ratio it offers.
  2. Although Noir’s sound is closer to my preferences but I absolutely would love to have the OG in my collection purely for its tuning alone at that price point as I feel Noir’s tuning sort of treads into the tuning area where a lot of other IEMs are turned that way just above and below the price point it comes in.
  3. While I see a lot of folks prefer the Noir over OG, I still honestly cannot personally convince myself to spend double the asking price for an upgraded cable and different driver configuration (with a slightly different tuning). The VFM part is sort of lost with Noir.