Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim IEM - Impressions, Discussions, Pictures, and Comparisons

Camelot + Lancelot sound sounds more similar than different signature wise but an upgrade from Verdandi in all senses except a few areas, for example Verdandi’s upper treble spike on some tracks can be bothering, treble area is more or less same with Camelot resolving more, Verdandi produces sub bass rumble very well which is missing in Verdandi but Camelot has better bass quality in terms of impact, quick transient and bass texture. Intrsuments sound more natural on Camelot in comparison, Verdandi was a hit for me basically before Camelot entered :smiley:

I have read various reviews mentioning cable change for Verdandi, which I will try however I am mindful that the variance would be subtle

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I agree with you. Volur is great. It is I think of the only iems that implemented true Isobaric configuration and man it shows. The bass is very good on these. But, still i can’t justify it’s very high price tag

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Nice impressions, but post your full review in one post only :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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Will post shortly.

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Sounds like the Camelot is worth an audition then.


I had the chance to demo it for a short duration. If you like musical tunings then you will like it

Of course, it deserves an audition

you guys know a good cable to replace it the stock with? I love cable but the guy I bought it from chose 4.4m and I’m more of a 4.4m guy

right now the pilgrim isn’t getting any usage lol, I remember them being great on my go blu tho

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the connection is just called Pentaconn Ear right?

Pick whatever cable looks best to you

select 4.4mm (if that is the connector you want) and then mmcx for the pilgrim

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wait what the mmcx just works with those?

nvm looks like it is not the same.

can ask if xinhs have pentaconn mmcx then, they can customise their stuff.

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rip, yeah I’m gonna ask em

worst case I gotta negotiate with the terrorists and get the ares cable lol

or contact Elysian and see if they can sell you their cable.


It’s funny how I thought about doing that for Fatfreq and the blood red cable but not for Elysian, god im dumb lmao

I’ll do that if XINHS says they dont carry em

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Use pictures when you chat with xinhs, thats the easiest and fastest way to get your meaning across.

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gotcha thanks for the heads up, I’ll throw in a picture in there

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Hakugei on AE will sell you any of their cables with the Elysian pentaconn connectors.

I sold mine now but I ordeeed the spring rain SPC cable with custom pentaconn connectors for my OG pilgrim.

You can buy the og pilgrim cable for 40 on hifigo.