Epos H6 Pro Review

Checking out the Epos H6 Pro sounds relatively balanced slightly dark in the treble and slightly elevated bass but overall not bbad

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more people need to cover this headset its been really hard to find decent reviews on it thank you

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im gonna post a comparison of it to Beyerdynamic Tygr 300r and Sennheiser HD58x soon


that would be awesome, I have a 58x so that would be interesting

Would be great!

Comparison video is posted!

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excellent review thank you

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Wanted to try these and open versions of them and had tiny issue with the headband since no hair.
Think i managed to fix it. :sunglasses:

HD650 parts did just what i wanted.
The bass department is also a bit much but after some hours. Its pretty nice.

Plus they costed like 90$ on B-stock + the mod so.