Nevertheless, these earphones sound outstanding in combination with both the Hugo2 and the Mojo2 and trigger a certain addiction factor.
Models such as the Questyle M15, the Cajin RU6, or the Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt are pitch black and dead quiet and have an extremely natural and clean sound.
Nice, I like the Signature and Mojo 2 among the portable products I’ve tried. I’m thinking of getting the Shanling H7, have you heard that by any chance?
Both the DAC/Amps don’t sound cold or bright to me. M15 is closer to neutral and RU6 has some warmth. Personally, I liked the M15 more, it has better resolution and lower noise floor and overall sounded a bit better when paired with my gear.
To be honest, I’ve recently found that headphones in the real “WOW range” are extremely expensive and complex to operate.
That’s why I find both the iBasso SR2 paired with an Audioquest Cobalt (Sinergie) and the Meze 109pro paired with the Cayin RU6, extremely satisfying in the overall result, and also minimally complex.
The WOW effect is currently being created primarily by in-ears, whose sound and technical advances are unbelievable and have been clearly audible for two or three years.
A Sennheiser IE600 or IE900 on a Questyle M15, or a Campfire Audio Supermoon on the Mojo2 for example…
Apart from the stage presentation and a more tangible bass dynamic, in-ears are at least equal or even superior in all other respects.
I have to invest 3-4 times as much money in the headphone area, including DAC and amplifier, in order to achieve similar sound quality.
Anyone who finds in-ears comfortable should actually do a cost-benefit calculation.
For my part, I have done that and have been focusing on this mobile alternative for some time, which I can also use at any time on the PC or you can also integrate it into the home stereo system
Yep, exactly. I’ve always figured you have to spend at least double the cost of a given IEM, to match it with a headphone, generally speaking. But I can’t say I’ve come across an amazing, does-it-all IEM yet, so I’m not sure what the headphone equivalent cost is yet, either. ;p A LOT, I’m sure.
In general, I would say that musical preferences certainly play a major role.
For my part, these are often the genres blues, jazz, folk, rock, indie and classical.
For all these things, in my opinion, a clean and clear bass reproduction, which each of these in-ears masters outstandingly, is more valuable than a powerful and dominant deep bass.
If I were a pop lover or if I mainly listened to music from the 60s - 70s - 80s, I would prefer headphones or even better a stereo system (this early music is designed for that anyway).
As a rule, modern DSP-controlled headphones are a very good choice for this type of music.
I just recently picked up the IE 600 but unfortunately was not able to pair it with the M15 because by the time IE 600 arrived, I had sold my M15 to try a DAP (DX170). Do you find the IE 600 a bit too spicy in the treble or is it just me coming from the XENNS UP. so far, I’ve tried LG V60, HiBy RS2, Chord Mojo 2 and among them the IE 600 sounds somewhat better in the treble to me when paired to the RS2.
M15 does indeed seem to have a good bit better imaging and depth, and slightly better bass control/power. Not sure about resolution, but it definitely seems a touch brighter, faster, and harder edged. Because of the imaging and depth difference, there is certainly more spatial wow factor and general engagement from M15. Too bad it has no volume control or case like RU6, and only turns on when you have a headphone/IEM connected.
It’s a tough pick. Both of these are winners. RU6 being smoother & less fatiguing, with a little more vague/fuzzy imaging. M15 being all about raw accuracy, with sharper note definition and imaging. RU6 is clearly the better value, having more features, at least. I would also say it’s less technical, but more enjoyable, for general listening. I will likely keep both, because I can clearly hear the differences(with Performer5), and can see myself using both for music, and M15 for gaming and audio work.
I’ve really gotten into IEM and ear buds, the best is an amplifier with digital volume control for perfect channel matching. I use a Sabaj A20h and a DAC on optical for silent noise floor as well. It’s the most transparent and neutral setup. If you have a DAC you like that has optical, it’s a great amplifier for IEM. Also on the balanced it can power the HE6se in case you decide on a heavy hitter in the future.
Whichever you choose, an amp with digital volume control, and a DAC with optical are the keys to ear bud happiness.