First 2.1 setup help

I like klipsch too got RP600s R15s. Like’em
Only wonder is i shouldve got towers.

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@SandboxGeneral I mean, I love Klipsch but I didn’t wanted to get something a little more “exotic” from my perspective. All my friends have Klipsch and I wanted to do something different. I imagine I will have some Klipsch of my own sometime, but for now I wanted a change. I appreciate the input and I will remind myself the next time I default to thinking Klipsch is better for theater rather than music.

also the speakers came in and they are smexxy. Amp will not arrive till Friday, and I have heard the Elac’s take some break in time. I will probably update between then and four days out. I found another reviewer that I really appreciate, cheapaudioguy, who has some respectable opinions and I think he is now my go to audio equipment reviewer.

Also heard from may that they like the rp500 more than the 600


Any good collection starts with the first pair of speakers.


the amp finally came in today; Initially I am blown away and I know it will only get better as the speakers break in