I would suggest the meze cables. Here a link to the balanced ones for $50. They also make a cheaper $20 unbalanced.
I’ve had decent success with SE cables from NeoMusica so far. I also had a balanced cable for KK I was using for my 4XX before I sold it that also works well with Elegia. But either way, I’m just biding time until it makes sense to give all my headphone wires a Hart transplant.
With my Dragonfly Red and Tidal Masters, looking out at the calm waves this is my happy place.
Also hot take… I sort of like the cable. It’s a perfect length for me at my desk and on the go, it’s really nice material and even though it’s sort of hard to maneuver, I’m having no problems with it to be honest.
Could you compare the Elegia with the Elex? Thanks a lot for your review!
Damn, wish my Elegia came with a beach.
The Elex is overall better then the Elegia, but the Elegia is about $400 now and the Elex is $700. The Elex is not $300 better then the Elegia. Plus one is a closed back, the Elegia, and the other is an open back.
I can’t comment on the elex much because i feel that my amp/dac bottlenecked it at the time. But what i can say is that in my experience even tho the elegia maintains that crazy focal slam/dynamics the elex is still a fair bit more dynamic/aggressive. More open sounding, mids are a bit too exageratedly forward for my taste at times. I would basically say that the elegia is a more mature sound sig in comparison, more calmer (making it good for even chill music) with excellent detail (PERSONALLY i found it to be more detailed than the elex, but i know many people disagree with that statement too). Prefered the timbre on the elegia. Elex had more refined treble in my opinion.
IDK both were very capable and similiar in terms of house sound, the elegia is just a bit more refined when it comes to sound signature. I GUESS the elex is a bit more fun, but only because it’s more dynamic. Personally i don’t think u can go wrong with either, if u want a closed back elex the elegia is probs as close as u will get
I started on my “Hi-Res” path back in May with a pair of DT 1770 Pro and a Fiio Q5S. I was only looking to get decent audio out of my iPhone. Spent a few weeks enjoying that setup and then went searching for a desktop setup. Found this forum (amongst others) and spent many late nights scrolling as many related posts as I could consume. Found all of your posts to be super helpful and decided to order a RNHP and a Bifrost 2 to run my DT 1770 Pro at my desk. My source is Quboz via my Dell XPS 15 (USB) and XLR from DAC to Amp. Saw the Adorama deal on the Elegia and pulled the plug on a set. Now I’m wondering if it was more of a lateral move between the DT 1770 Pro or will it be an upgrade?
TL/DR: Current desktop setup is Quboz > Bifrost 2 > RNHP > DT 1770 Pro. Want to upgrade from DT 1770 Pro and ordered Focal Elegia through Adorama $399 deal. Is this a worthy upgrade or should I spring for the LCD-XC? Oh, and I have a Loki Mini en route as well.
nice, how are you liking it so far?
IMO it would be in upgrade in some aspects and a sidegrade in others. Generally I would say the elegia is a higher tier headphone than the 177x go, but that also doesn’t mean that the 177x go is similar or completely bested by the elegia
I mean the lcd xc newest revision is pretty excellent, and also a really good pairing with the signal chain you have. I do think it might be worthwhile depending on what you are after, but personally I would suggest you spend some time with the elegia and see where you want to go from there
Ahahaha someone else took their elegias portable to the beach <3
I received a Slickdeals notification on the Adorama deal this morning, was slightly familiar with the Elegia, did a little research and ordered. Should be in by end of week.
Jumped back online and found the Elegia topic here. I’ll take the advice and soak them up for a few weeks.
What would be a worthy jump from here? I feel as if the RNHP won’t need to be upgraded. Am curious about the RME ADI-2 Pro and going up a tier on cans, hence the LCD-CX inquiry.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge and guidance.
Honestly regarding the adi 2 pro or adi 2 dac, you would be making a sidegrade or slight downgrade from the bifrost 2, so personally I would just stick with your bf2, you have a more than adequate signal chain for the lcd xc. You could always look into the focal clear if you really like the elegia after trying it, the focals tend to go well on the rnhp. Once you find a can you really like, I would look at reevaluating the source chain, but for now imo the main thing you are looking at would go very well with your current setup. There are other headphones that might prompt a signal chain change but so far you haven’t mentioned any
Very much appreciated. Looking forward to spending some time with the Elegia.
Listen for awhile and tell us which one your ears thought it was
…10 character
Just had the chance to sit with the Elegia. Wow. My beatup (DJed from 12 to 25 yrs old) and untrained for hi-res audio ears were very content with the level of detail from the DT 1770 Pro but the Elegia is a new world. I’m not sure if what I’m hearing is a more vast soundstage or a better separation of sounds or both. And this is without any burning in, can’t wait to hear when everything settles in on these.
Now I’m itching to hear these with a proper balanced desktop amp and cables. Any suggestions? I’ll have to order a 4.4mm balanced cable to run balanced from the FiiO Q5S (upping it to the AM3D, arriving tomorrow) until I find a desktop option. I’ve been googling like mad but don’t see any recommendations for the Elegia. Thanks again for the shared wisdom.
So honestly imo I would tell you to stick with the rnhp until you are looking in the 1.5k range for a nice desktop balanced amp. Also the elegia really isn’t that picky for amps, you will def get a quality bump by going to a higher tier amp, but admittedly at that point first I would suggest you actually go for a focal clear with your current setup to get more benefit, then go for a higher tier amp later on if you are liking what the elegia has to offer but want more