For some reason music sounds GREAT in the mornings?

Hope to hear how it goes. And yeah man how i wish that i could have a time in my music player apps!!! But they are too good to give up

The only thing Iā€™d imagine myself listening to on drugs in the morning is Bob Marley, lol.

Do you guys not have work or responsibilities? lol


Agreed! One of the many valuable life lessons I learned from Dave Chapelle is ā€œDonā€™t smoke weed if youā€™ve got shit to do!ā€

Which in my in case (and definitely Monā€™s) is almost 24/7. Ha!


Iā€™ve gone this far without drugs, I donā€™t need to start now lol. I already have my addiction


Lol yes, me too. Drugs, what?! I would have no money left for headphones and speakers (etc). !


Thatā€™s how we get through it all!

Clearly I am learning that if you want to have a successful brick and mortar audio store you need to also sell drugs alongside the audio


Worked for Starbucks lol

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Starbucks sells audio?

They sell an addictive drug (coffeeā€¦ plus chocolate plus a ton of sugar, most of the time), possibly with random music playing in the shop.

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Back in the day they would have the CD on display by the register that was playing in the store. Paul McCartney and Sbucks Co-promoted one of his albums this way.

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And yesā€¦caffeine and chocolate are absolutely addictive!!!

Yes, yes, yes!!

so who sits back in a super comfortable chair, sipping coffee, nibbling chocolate while listening to lossless music on summit fi headphones?

remove the coffee, chocolate and summit fi headphones, I listen to music on the toilet. with a soft seat itā€™s pretty comfortable. I cal it my laz e bowl. alas, it does not recline. :frowning:


People do that, but at least where I live, I seldom see summit fi, or anything remotely high end lol

and I must admitā€¦some of the bass tones I pull off are pretty impressive! :sunglasses:

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Are you brewing the coffee in there too

noā€¦but I have had kopi luwak, aka cat shit coffee!

For me it can be day or night. That also goes the same way for bad.

also music sounds brilliant outside while taking a walk. (yea yea nature is nice, listen to birds bla bla - which i do sometimes, but personally I prefer Floor Jansen singing to birds) :stuck_out_tongue:

and the best part of my working day is the commute - then i can listen to good IEMs :smiley:

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