Friend wants speaker setup doesnt want to be in the hobby

Hello this is a weird one.
Like the title states but not sure how to handle it she wants a one and done. income is so-so(less then $650)
I sent her a topping mx3s as power.
Elac 3.0 (smaller)
Micca rb32
And nuemi bs5
I told her to get the cheaper ones that way U know wut sound to go after. Its like giving a hellcat to someone who just got there license but she took as training wheels and the one and done thing. SMH
she is going after that dual setup (tv/comp) but its hard to tell someone to do the research if there not about it

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it sounds like they are among the 99% who want quality and would be content knowing they bought a well-known brand known for quality products. perhaps one that is more open minded and won’t be all ga-ga because it’s Bose / Sonos, etc…

where does she live and how will she use them? off her computer in near field? for her TV so wide field? does she want wireless? or is wired also good? what kind of music or TV does she watch?

Lol hey marzipan u help me with a tube question like 2 weeks ago, thanks.
Shes got a apt. Sounds like she wants to do both comp and tv (can put on stands). She can do both wired and wireless if ur talking about the connection between the source and the amp. I think prefered passive over powered. Kinda like my setup where my tv and comp are stacked and all i have to do is switch the input. Not really sure which show or movies she into but her music she told me is metal (evanescence, tool, slipknot) but there could be more. no rap

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powered are usually more convenient, but not as adaptable as you can mix it up when you have passive speakers. where does she live? do you have access to Kanto?

Lives in usa. Yea kanto are available

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Kanto are good if you want powered or passive. their passive are also easy to drive, so an inexpensive Fosi would fit right in. my biggest gripe about their powered is their use of Bt 4.x, except maybe their last few or a revision has fixed that glaring flaw and I missed it.

a thought…grab q couple of soundcore x500, they go for about $100 on sale and pair them for stereo and flip on their 3D surround sound function. I have one for my bedroom n love it. I’d have preferred to get their better x600, but it’s been unobtanium since forever. then save a bit more n grab the Kanto YU4. sure do wish they still made the SU6 sub…

Swan M10 Plus for a one and done (powered 2.1).
Or Swan oasis-140 (passive and may need a sub).