lil heart trouble.
nothing was wrong, but I had had an elevated heart beat for 5 hours and my chest / back were sore / hurting so the public nurse recommended I go to emerg.
good to hear it was nothing serious, as those symptoms are not great
I would be lil Gallstone then, as i had a gallstone stuck in the bile duct leading to various complications and having the gallstone removed from the duct by putting a tube down my throat… fun times
I don’t know why I am laughing so hard right now. But I am! Good one!
Thank you for this one. Years ago they had an entire farside exhibit at the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. It was huge. Literally larger than life examples of all the best stuff. All you heard was wild laughter the entire time you were there. It took 2 days to take it all in. And of course, you had to go back for one more shot before it went away. Great fun, it was. That was a nice memory.
Stop it! Yer killin me, man!