Funny Picture/GIF/Video thread

where do you live and how big was it? don’t exaggerate on size as you’ve already revealed yourself to be a sissy, LoL! :wink:

we’ll be by soon to confiscate your man card. :smiley:

It was on the small side (~1cm), but I’m very arachnophobic, so any spider is a big deal to me. I try to be logical and let them be since spiders kill pest, but the fucker was in my bed. This disrespect I cannot abide. Also I live in PA, so there is always the possibility of a brown recluse.


I’d rather deal with the pests that spiders kill than the spiders themselves. Finding one in your bed is a harrowing experience.

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I’m sad this one hasn’t gotten the love it really deserves…

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the brown recluse and hobo have spread from their usual grounds to almost everywhere now. while bites are still rare, they happen everywhere but in the arctic states and provinces.

I dislike wasps and hornets. as a kid, I got stung by 3 wasps while riding my bike which caused me to crash. and another time, I was mowing the lawn of some friends on vacation and a hornet sentry of a nest stuck in the slats of a fence, so unseen by me, attacked and HOLY HELL did that hurt. I’m not allergic to bug bites or anything, but I had a big 2" diameter bump on the top of my hand that looked like a volcano. it had a half centimeter hole at the top that was weeping fluid for days.

but really, the only bug I loath are flies. if I hear or see a fly, I will not settle until it is dead. no exception. my wife gets a real kick ouit of it. we both love everything great and small, but for some reason only I see / feel there is no reason the house fly should exist in any shape or form. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Fuck flies. Me and my homies hate flies.







I feel ya so hard on that. Like, some bugs are cool for me. I used to live in a very humid place where mozzies would just swarm windows as soon as the sun went down. Some of the small spiders that don’t bite would be amazing to trap them.

BUT WE HAD OUR SPOTS. They could hang out in the corners of the room all they wanted; get near me, and they’re dead.

I’m lucky I didn’t see any centipedes in that apartment. :grimacing:

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Magic pixies got him, poor dude. :rofl:

Like Cheech & Chong…up in smoke lol



Pixie Land or Mary Jane’s house, he’s in a better place now. :innocent:

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Warning: you will not be able to un-hear this, you will notice it in every dumb commercial and promo. :slight_smile:


Well, thats gonna be me if the universities dont reopen in near future.
:smile: :smile:

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