I made the time to draw this tonight.
P.S. If I owe anyone message replies I’ll be able to get on that soon!
I HATE when this happens! Thanks for sharing this.
I don’t get the Russian Helicopter one or the stabbed in Italian Senate. who’s the woman?
Some internet pirate commandeered the Italian senate livestream and played a 30 second clip of a Final Fantasy VII adult movie featuring this lovely young lady with penetration and everythang
And the helicopter joke is that Russia is not very LGBTQ+ friendly and their army only employs cis-gendered white males as assault troops
ahhh…I recall the Italian Senate thing now that you mention it. and I highly doubt the Russian army is only CIS males.
Cant stop thinking “how would a full LGBTQ+ army look and function” in a battle? stereotypically
Like “what should a wear in the afternoon battle” “oh NOO!!! My nail broke and my hair is a mess!” Cant Go. Nonononono!
and like Full rainbow or super bright colors and unicorn and leather outfits in battle.
This kicked off a memory of a video piece I saw a little while back which showed a Russian and a US recruiting add. Jesus. Whomever put out that pathetic joke of an ad for the US military should be fired immediately. I mean WTF. It doesn’t make me sleep better at night! But hey, this is supposed to be about jokes that are funny! So…
A horse walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bar tender looks at the horse and says, “Hey pal, why the long face?”
That one gets me every time!