Funny Picture/GIF/Video thread

you just need to work on finding really good wireless cans. :wink:

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Nah just let him do whatever floats his boat… :stuck_out_tongue:


trying to be punny are you, Aspen? <_<

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A quarter of my on here is spent being seriously the rest is being funny in my head but probably just not funny at all to everyone else and hearting all the things cuz I enjoy y’all.


Could make an opposite of this lol.

Like, this is for the dll hell, the blue screens of death, the hackers, the CD-keys lost under the furniture, the crashes, the stutters, the random FPS because adobe acrobat reader decided to update during a first person shooter game, the server crashes, the driver updates, the lazy programmers requiring a quad core for 2D games, the “pay twice the price for 20% more GPU power”, this is for the people who require 120fps for their games, not knowing all the movies they ever watched in their entire life are 24fps… this is for the rich no-lifes, while I just put a disk in my console and play. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice effort.
Some more refining and you could throw it on reddit and enjoy the fireworks :smiley:


Gave me a good laugh. :smile:


“Don’t snort dust you scrape of the product” is my favourite warning.


That goes for all Beryllium drivers, not just ZMF.

So keep that in mind all you headphone dust heads!

I would also strongly advise against snorting:

  • metals
  • wood dust
  • plastics
  • any sort of fiber (glass, carbon, asbestos, etc.)

I mean you really shouldn’t be snorting anything but yeah good ground rules. :+1:

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Cocaine is suppose to be good for a quick decay…but what the fuck do I know lol.

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I don’t like coke, but I like the way it smells


All this talking about snorting stuff reminded me of when I was in Middle school people snorting smarties or pixy stix :laughing:

all this talk of sorting made me think of this…


Aww I was about go hard on some rails from my focal stellias


you got the Stellia’s? 0_o

I actually really hate watching movies that are 24 fps. Especially when they do panning shots. I can get over it but it hurts my soul.

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I bought em used off a friend

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