Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

It certainly has little to no refinement but the dip at 4.5k is likely the crossover where the BA is taking over.

Everything over 10-12k is super overrated anyway, just like everything below 40Hz is. Even with perfect hearing lots of music doesn’t have information in that area anyway.

Plus, as I always say, if I’m going to advocate for being different and not just following the same boring graphs to find interesting sound, I cannot instantly dismiss a graph that is different from the same old boring graphs

If the BA is doing the rest after 4.5k then it is pretty much doing nothing except add a big peak right at around 8k.

nah, if you dont have much 10k+ in an iem it sounds congested and lacks a ton of air.

Below 40hz is important to have but can be compensated by the missing fundamental principle.

A huge improvement would be if it was like this


The 2k could mess up the vocals or timbre or both

I see the early and steep pinna, and am happy I have the Rosefinch not the Flash.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. I’ve had a very blessed year in the hobby, between the opportunity to try or own gear but more importantly the time spent and relationships built with many of you here. And so I would like a chance to give back:

I’d like to do a gear gift/tradeaway.

It’s going to work like this: I have a list of gear I’m going to offer up as gifts. If you want it, you claim it. Whether you want it for you or you’d pay it forward to gift it to someone else, the rest would be up to you.

I’ll get pictures together in the morning

Then there will be some gear that I’d offer for trade: If you trade with me, you’ll get a free gift from me on top of the trade. In terms of trading, these are sets I’m either directly interested in, or things of these price/tier

  • Kinera Celest PhoenixCall
  • Oriveti OD200
  • Timsok TS-316
  • Hisenior T4/Okavango
  • Penon Dome/Quattro


  • Kinera Celest Gumiho (TAKEN)
  • TinHifi T2 Plus (TAKEN)
  • TinHifi T3 Plus (TAKEN)
  • Tri x HBB Kai
  • Tri Starsea (With box and original accessories) (TAKEN)

All gifted IEMs will come with an upgrade cable


  • TGXEar Alpha (TAKEN)
  • Rikubuds Grand Rider 1
  • Raptgo x HBB Hook-X (with modular cable)
  • IMR Ozar (With tuning filter system and original 3.5mm cable)
  • IMR Elan+ (With carrying case and original accessories)

I’m going to keep this US or Canada only: Anybody in Canada would have to split shipping with me.

UPDATED 12/28: For current availability
UPDATED 1/2/24: After further deals


Hmmm…best IEM I’ve ever gotten to hear? :white_check_mark:


I have a Okavango and Dome to trade Goobs?

Reach out if interested. Cheers J



10 char…


The Okavango… how’d you like that one, Monk?


Second best Hisenior they made I enjoyed that one but can’t have too many of the same tuning and when you don’t listen a tone time to thin the herd.


Goddamnit, this man! Uncle @Rikudou_Goku be in the lab straight cooking!!!


A big thank you to @GooberBM.
I asked after the Tin HiFi T3+ he had posted to gift. He not only sent me the T3+ with OG cable and some tips, he also included the T2+ with OG cable, three additional cables a nice case and pouch. What What What! So much swag!
Thoroughly enjoying the different sound signatures.
If I had to start from scratch again, the T3+ would have been a solid intro to the IEM world and may have stayed my journey down the rabbit hole…maybe lol.


Hisenior T4 or Accepting the Nihilism of Balanced Armatures

You will have to excuse the nature of the metaphor in the title because it’s a stretch. But if you’ve followed my journey at all, you know that I have a difficult relationship with all-balance armature sets. I especially struggle with the bass performance/tuning that we get in all-BA sets. I find them to be generally tuned for sub-bass over midbass performance, as if they are dynamic drivers that may bleed into the mids. This flies in the face of the fact that BAs execute bass with a premium on speed and decay. The problem, for me, is that these IEMs lack midbass emphasis that is convincing for me in any way, which is vital for my personal enjoyment of bass playback. Even the very best BA sets I’ve heard (like Neon Pro, Butastur, or Supernova) haven’t overcome this issue for me.

Which brings us to the T4. I had a curiosity about this set where, graphically, it presents like the midbass has some more emphasis in it, and could be the type of BA tuning that could possibly win me over. So did it? Lets find out.


Cause When Its Over I Won’t Have to Do This No More; Like a Drug, All My Love, Still the Same as Before
Like a Drug - BRKN LOVE
(IEM Tuning Style: Midcentric)

So I’m going to cut to the quick: I did all of my listening in the bass setting on the T4’s tuning switches. I found the bass switch is mandatory for my ability to enjoy the set and played it as such, (I turned off the treble switch and did not activate the soundstage setting. If you want a little more air and treble energy, then pop it on, but I did not. All impressions will be in the bass setting). Saying that, the bass on T4 is fine. You get enough quantity in sub and mid-bass, with enough warmth in the sound. It is not my preferred quantity but it’s okay. The quality is also alright: If you like BA bass, this is good. If you don’t like BA bass, this won’t convert you. And I don’t feel converted either, but like I said, it is enough because this set is more concerned with making sure you get that clean midrange performance.

The midrange is the make or break for this set and it is much more make than break. The low-mids are clean, with some warm, but never muddy or congested. There is an uncolored palette for the vocals to play from, and they sound very good. Vocals are clear, forward and present, and always getting the proper emphasis. I think my personal nitpick is that the pinna gain could use a couple of dB pulled back on them. The upper mids are not in any way harsh, sibilant, or unpleasant, but I could do with a bit of an edge of metallic sounding timbre getting taken off. It’s not a dealbreaker but it is something for me.

The treble, I would obviously leave the way it is; considering how I did not prefer the sound of the boosted treble. It over-accentuated what I didn’t like in the upper-mids, so I wouldn’t want to put more emphasis on that. Clarity and resolution are more than enough at this level for me to take it as is. I didn’t find anything in the soundstage to knock my socks off: I hear more depth than width, but it’s not very dramatic on either axis. It’s fine and good enough, but there’s no huge hall feeling and no crazy 3D bubble. It’s adequate IEM staging. As for technicalities, I like the imaging and separation capabilities: Listening to Swashers, I get some dynamic range that makes it sound like a pretty good IEM playback of the water flowing, but it does not give me the feeling of the best transducers, where I feel like I hear water swashing back and forth rather than hearing a playback of water swashing. There’s no shame in T4’s game, but it just doesn’t go to that next level.


  • Solid performance across the board
  • Affordability


  • Lots of good but nothing special that blows me away
  • Good enough bass still doesn’t equal good bass
  • Can show BA timbre


  • Completionists who want an IEM of as many transducer configurations as possible and doesn’t have an all-BA set
  • People who prefer to emphasis mids and/or treble (depending on switch choices)


  • Anybody who is generally anti-BA set
    • this isn’t the set that you’d have to get, to change your mind
  • Someone who wants a set with special sauce


So I started writing this feeling like it was going to be a very positive review overall and I’d be like “this is the all-BA set you should get, if your budget minded and wanted to try this transducer type”, and I still think that’s the case in the end. But the longer I have these in my ears, as I write this, I’m just slowly getting hit with the BA-timbre and I would not find myself using them regularly. They do a lot well, are well priced, and my nitpicking ass is just not the target for most BA sets. And that’s okay, I accept that. If you’re more open-minded about BA sets than me, then this is 1000% a contender, so I do not want to run away anybody that could be into this set. The more I try, however, the more I just have to come to accept that all-BA sets (at any kind of affordable price) aren’t for me…which is a spoiler for soon-to-come review, so stay tuned. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Hisenior T4: B
Rank With Personal Bias: B
Recommendation Level: Lukewarm Recommendation Relative to Other Choices (Midcentric)
Rank As a Food: Apple sauce


Im guessing the Sony IER M7/M9 are the last resort for you. Or maybe the budget version of those in the Audiosense DT100.


Subtonic Storm

I’m taking the lesson that “budget” all-BA sets and me don’t jive. So…no lol


I would love to hear what you think of the Plunge Audio Unity


Same, and if we can’t lock one on I’ll lend mine.



Kinera Imperial Loki or It’s Your Party and You Can Cry if You Want to

So good ol’ Goober is taking a foray into the rarified air of Summit-Fi. Let’s find out if I choke on it or not.


That’s When She Said I Don’t Hate You Boy, I Just Wanna Save You While There’s Still Something Left to Save; That’s When I Told Her I Love You Girl, But I’m Not the Answer to the Questions That You Still Have
Rise Against- Savior
(IEM Tuning Style: V-Shape)

The Loki took me a minute to come around to, because the first hurdle to clear is simply the price: That will color everything about your opinion in two main directions; either you’ll think they can’t possibly be worth the price and you’ll judge them accordingly or you’ll pay the $3000 to buy them and have some amount of copium to justify their cost. I was in the first camp for nearly the entirety of my time with them, but finally, at the end here I had a moment when they clicked for me.Having said all that, lets go through the sound, before we have the existential conversation.

Loki puts it’s sauce into the bass performance. Sub-bass is emphasized over midbass and you get a VERY good sub-bass rumble. It didn’t impress me much at first, I though it was good but not great. But when spending time with Loki without A/Bing it with my personally preferred sets or the sets that blow everything out of the water, I can appreciate the fact that Loki has great bass performance on its own merits. This stuff is good.

The midrange is what can be divisive or a sticking point for someone putting this kind of money out there. There’s no real lower-mid emphasis. That’s not to say the V-shape sucks all the lower-mids out, but it is easy to tell that of the different parts of the signature, the low-mids are the area least emphasized. Vocals are solid, voices have good tone and timbre and they’re balanced in the mix. The upper-mids are energetic. I don’t have any struggle with the upper-mid timbre like I did with T4. I find these mids smooth and clear with proper emphasis.

The treble is clear and energetic with very good resolution. This doesn’t hit me like it’s groundbreaking or astounding, but it isn’t missing any marks for me. It’s great, but short of special. The soundstage has oodles of depth, and good enough width so you get a good sense of headspace. This set has enough of a bubble around my head: No full 3D effect, but The sound is fuller than if it was coming from “between the ears”. This is very good, by IEM standards. Frankly, I’m not impressed by the technicalities. Outside of the sub-bass, there’s not a lot of dynamic range I’m picking up, in my technicality checks. Swashers absolutely plays as a “transducer playing back water swashing” versus “sounding like I’m listening to water swashing”. Bubbles was in that same vein:It’s not that I heard the balls bouncing with no change in dynamics, but the transducers that do this best pull something extra that tugs at my brain. Loki doesn’t do that. They sound fine but they don’t sound great in that way.


  • Sub-bass performance is great
  • Energetic V-Shape tastefully done
  • Smooth treble with nice presence


  • V-Shape sound signature means the mids (in this case lower) will suffer from lack of emphasis
  • Technicalities are not anything special
  • Price


  • Someone who wants a pretty well refined V-Shape IEM
  • Someone who wants the Kinera unboxing experience
    • I did not personally get to enjoy this, but it was described as “What you would expect and should get when you spend this kind of money”


  • Broke ass hoes
    • Don’t whine about this one. You know it ain’t for you
  • Neutralheads
    • Don’t whine about this one. You know it ain’t for you either


Okay, so gather around kiddies. It’s story time with Uncle Goober. In listening to the Loki, I had a conversation with my tour group, including @sonofholhorse, who was generous enough to share these with me in the first place. I was still in space of struggling with my feelings about these for the price and I started working out an analogy. About jeans, which grew into an analogy about jeans and stores in general:

  • Budget IEMs are like your department store jeans; mass produced to work for the vast majority of people and get the job done in a utilitarian way
  • Your $200-500(ish) IEMs are like higher-end branded jeans; Quality can have a bit of a jump but the real step up comes in fit and comfort (possibly literal fit, but particularly in tuning). This is where reputation and house sound starts to really set in as important to each purchase
  • Up to (and a little past) $1000 is where IEMs really cross into boutique jeans territory: You are expecting a big jump in quality and experience on department store/branded jeans. Expectations are to get more personalization, better sound quality, and impeccable quality assurance/control. Talk to @VIVIDICI_111 about his Elysian excursions, to see how hitting this bracket can go wrong.
  • Summit-Fi and CIEM sets are where I bring the analogy to fully tailored clothes. You are paying the full premium for the absolute pinnacle of customer service, getting a product that is going to be made unique to you, or a product that is remarkably exclusive and only a small amount of lucky people could even contemplate dropping bread on that

In playing within this analogy, Loki is a set that sits in the Summit-Fi category, but comes off more like a boutique store product for me. I did not, at any point, have that feeling that either this product is blowing me away on the experience or that something in the quality or tuning goes completely above and beyond what I can get in lower tiers. It wasn’t until my most recent session with Loki that it really did click in for me. Particularly at this price you do get a lot of homogenous tuning, but also get a fair amount of sets that are trying to deliver the best version of many types of tuning styles. That is what is happening with Loki, and they do a pretty good job. These don’t slap, like they’re the absolute pinnacle of a V-Shape tuning, but they’re doing very good things with it. They are an extremely good IEM, and if you have the money to go into this tier to shop, GOOD FOR YOU! I’ll just see you later, down where the broke bitches live! And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Kinera Imperial Loki: B+
Rank With Personal Bias: B+
Recommendation Level: Not Recommended Relative to Other Options (V-Shape)
Rank As a Food: Apple Butter


Oh no LOL, there goes my expectation of the Loki…