Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"


You broke @domq422

Repent, you bastard! Also…waiting for my turn!


My dude! You’re doing God’s work :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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+1 For the Fan 2 being a set folks are unlikely to regret at around $160 and lower.

It’s all I’ve had with me for a couple of weeks and I’m not bored if it, if anything I like it more with time.

It’ll be the least you ever skip in shuffle.


This is facts!

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Do you put it over the serial now?

ouch, how much pain did that cause you?

Not much of any actually. I’m not super sensitive to treble (as I’m always saying boost 8k please). But I left them with my girlfriend because with Poseidon, HD599, and NTH-100, they’re never listened to

I legit do not understand how you can tune something that badly…


I haven’t been able to listen to the Serial in a while due to channel imbalance. Goob used EQ to work out its as much as 6dB quieter in the right side.

Due to being more relaxed, I would have to play with volume more when using the Serial on shuffle.

I’ll see if it’s down to filters/ fixable when I have them back.

They’re different tunings, I’d have to think about it more as to whether one tops the other…

Let’s say I would have been willing to keep just the Fan 2 and let the Serial go if it made financial sense (because the Fan 2 was a gift, so it would free up funds).

The Fan 2 reminds me more of the N3 for the role it fills, but I think I’m starting to prefer the Fan 2 to those.

The S&S tips have been fantastic with them.


Yeah, I mean they didn’t hurt. But I’m not going simp for them either. They were the second headphone I bought, when I didn’t know how to not fall for the hype traps. They’re a very pretty headphone though.

Them and the Noirs are for hanging on my stands LOL

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Yeah I read about that channel imbalance, that really sucks. The fan 2 seems very interesting

The only reason I’d say get them blind is because that $190-25 deal is worth it. But I would loan them to you some time if you just wanted to scratch the itch

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Maybe a loan sometime but I’m in no hurry. Im in a buying freeze right now after pulling the trigger on the serratus and saving for some rikubuds.

EDIT: I’m specifically eyeing the grand rider 2s

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Some time down the road we’ll do that. Maybe do a loan trade of something in your mid-fi collection for Fan 2 and other stuff I have by then

You belong here. So welcome home!

Thank you for having me, brother :pray:

Event Horizon…you like to say “I’m not a reviewer and I can’t do that like you guys”. Well BULLSHIT! That was a damn good pull, and you straight up killed it giving us your feelings. Me and the gf both loved it! We could feel your feelings and I couldn’t agree more.

I think it’s one reason why, even though I do reviews and give opinions, I don’t call my thread a review thread. I call it a journey. Because even though we have preferences and can argue about what gear we like and think is best, at the end of the day you nailed it. It’s about enjoying the music, not enjoying the gear. Or it’s about both. But the gear is a conduit to the joy, it’s part of the journey. Not the destination.

The journey is what matters: whether that is the joy of your baby coming home like you had when I gave the Dark Magicians back or you falling so head over heels with the Minis that they found a new home.

It’s watching Mags devolve from “I’m really liking the Pandas” to “you’ll pry them from my ears when I’m dead” in a 5 hour trip of drunken debauchery.

It’s watching me switch from “I’m feeling so jaded” to “I didn’t know you could get this sound” at the budget bracket going from Cadenza to Storm, while simultaneously over analyzing the nitpicks between sets like Fan 2, Dark Magician, and Serratus and trying to figure out if I can find that kind of magic under $100 so that when somebody asks “what should I get my little sister for Christmas” I can tell him exactly what to do and it’s a home run.

If this journey was only about me, I could’ve already stopped. I’ve found plenty of good gear now. But I love building a community where I hang out with @domq422, geeking out cause we both hear the music in similar ways.

I love watching my girl’s face light up the first time she heard Serratus because I talk about IEMs a lot and she can’t get them but earbuds worked.

I love getting to know the gear and the people enough to lead @MMag05 to an $80 set he INSTANTLY puts up with his $700 gear.

I love a hobby where I’d reach for a $17 set more than I’d reach for an objectively better $1000, cause I feel a joy with the $17 set, while I also want to aim for the sun and hear hear beyond my means.

If we don’t aim for the sun, how will we ever reach the stars.

I’m sure you all are getting tired of the thank yous but I’m saying it again. The gear is wonderful, but the music and the people (all of you!) have made the journey. Now let’s go onward and upward.



Appreciate this! Guess I say it often because you and others can formulate long articulate post describing IEMs which I struggle with. I think you’re also more keen on terminology and how to identify it and relay into a post. I always have a hard time with it and making the time needed to do so.

Edit: I’m not a big fan of A/Bing or diving super deep. I’m super grateful you and others do it as it has been extremely helpful to my decisions on what to buy. That’s why I’ve been honored to see your thoughts on the loaner sets. For me I typically just want to throw in set. Do a quick scan of a few tracks that test for instant turnoffs and if passes just enjoy the set. As I did with Panda yesterday. I typically don’t go to in-depth with what I like or don’t.


Wonderfully written, my friend. I agree with you on every point here.

It truly is not about the destination with this hobby, the destination is a cold place of realization that there’s nothing left afterwards.

Discovery, the folks, the music - that’s what it’s all about.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


For not being a reviewer, your thoughts are highly detailed and specific; you may not consider yourself a reviewer but I have the feeling you’re not far from one… I mean, listing songs and even timestamps to illustrate your words, really?! who do that appart from reviewers?

From my point of view, you can become a reviewer anytime you want: you just have to decide :wink: