Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

Personally I just use prejudices to get out of jury duty.


Ahhhh I’m so confused you didn’t buy it from the company! How in anyway did you support them? You bought it from some random person on the forums. The money didn’t go to IMR it went to a forum member who if they backed them on kickstarter in the beginning may have never been aware it was scam. Or if it was a scam already but in the early days whose to say they were even aware it was or was going to be a scam. Or you’re in my boat where we weren’t even aware of the issue until it popped up over the last day.

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To get back on track any of the other sets get any love :heart: or you still on a honeymoon with all the configs? I’m really anxious to hear some quick initial thoughts at least on the EST50.


I wasn’t home last night or tonight, and I don’t like to take other people’s sets outside of my house, so I haven’t had a lot of time with anything.

My very unofficial/unscientific early impression is I liked EST more than DTE so far


I own 15 sets of IMR iems and love them all I also own 3 sets of Trinity iems a company that went bankrupt 6 months after the tuner designer left. I also own Huawei products a company vilified by the US at the end of the day we are consumers who buy products we enjoy and like to share our enjoyment with others. This is in no way a combative community no one’s saying you have to buy anything just hey I like this.

Plus it the internet and words mean jack in real life it’s just idle tapping while sat on the sofa eating chicken sandwichs

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Giving them free advertising is supporting them with potential sales. With the myriad of other options, why promote the business of a known scammer? :thinking:

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I like ted Nugents music he’s a horrible person
I like Harry potter Jk Rowling is an unpleasant person
I like Michael Jackson’s music well you get the idea
If we really knew the people behind all products we probably wouldn’t buy anything.

As an aside I have supported 6 Kickstarter campaigns
3 of which folded and I didn’t get my money back it’s always a gamble with Kickstarter

Plus what does it matter you either do or don’t buy a product


Okay. If @GooberBM writes an official review because he enjoys a pair of IEMs and writes the caveat surrounding IMRs reputation for the people who aren’t aware of the situation, does that satisfy y’all? Jesus Christ. I side with @MMag05 on this - Brandon bought the set from a random dude, not IMR directly - they’ll never see that money. I understand you guys are very passionate about this and for good reason, I get it, but I don’t think that warrants Brandon getting absolutely slammed by 3 people on here.

I think we get it - let’s just let this rest, is what I’d recommend.


Slammed… Really… What revisionist history is this - lets recap

Goober buys a used IMR set with the intention of reviewing - so to follow this comment:

He had this comment from me:

He follows:

So he is aware of the issue and has chosen himself to step into the middle of it - he then needs to own it

And goes on to add:

And also goes on to make it clear that he is going to be following with a review:

to which I say:

No one has an issue with someone buying any set, especially used - but reviewing it where you are aware you are driving publicity and potentially direct sales from a positive review is a different matter when IMR is concerned and I solely reminded him of the connotations. Goober is entitled to do his review just as much as myself & @Ohmboy can make counter points - you know those ones Goober keeps saying he wants us to make immediately before threatening us not to… I just wanted to make people aware of the company’s past practises - which given how many here have said they were unaware clearly has merits.

From this tiny, non-confrontational and polite exchange Goober got in his feelings and had an emotional meltdown from which we were treated to:

  1. Him consistently attributing words to me when he only had to calm himself down and scroll up to see, in black & white, had not been said

Let’s ignore that weird chicken episode - WTF - as the logical follow through was not

But instead if someone went into a LGBTQ forum and started making a positive review about a recent or current issue which had volatile and prejudicial markers for that community. I think we would all agree that would not be great and would be questioned and disclaimered on as such, which is exactly what happened here from my side.

  1. Him directly threatening people:
  1. Him trying unsuccessfully to inject some form of racial colonizing guilt into a conversation where it had absolutely no place to be and let’s be honest did so to try and be provocative as he was talking to two English guys as can be seen with his ending comment:

Highly distasteful

  1. Him refusing to want to accept even when told directly to him that he has jumped massively and there was no shade meant at all which I took pains to go over to deescalate his disproportionate response but this was the response

I know this is hard for some people to understand but not everything is about them and Goober seems to want to be the centre of attention here. He is clinging to his initial reaction even in the face of facts to the contrary and an apology from me if his feelings were hurt unintentionally.

  1. He wants to then take some entitled stance about this being his personal space - who the fuck made him King of HFGF - absolutely noone.
  1. He wants to then play the victim when noone is backing down to his childish threats
  1. Both myself and @Ohmboy asked to move on but Goober then continued it - so let’s not ask to shut things down for someone that openly rejected that option

There is an age old saying - don’t write cheques you cannot cash

Someone that sensitive should not be making threats or else one day someone will pull him up on it properly and not in the semi polite but firm way that I am doing at the moment


Moving on:

I’m definitely looking forward to sending Ozar to @MMag05 to get graphed. I have my inklings about how the nozzles and filters affect the sound but it will be nice to get the actual confirmation of what does what.

I wonder why the nozzles have such an effect on bass. @Rikudou_Goku would it be because of density in the nozzles? (I’ll take pictures later)


Nozzles can affect the tuning based on, acoustic damping (filter/foam density), nozzle material (resonance), sound hole size (smaller hole = less treble, bigger hole = more treble)


Sorry, sorry. With their IEMs I have to use different terminology.

They have two-piece removable nozzles. The top part is the filter, which they dampen or undampen, to control upper-mids/treble.

Then there’s a lower piece they call the nozzle that are all the same shape (so you can screw any filter into it) but they absolutely change the bass (from boomy dirty to completely rolled off)

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Need pics.

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I know, that’s why I’m gonna take some when I actually get up out of bed. It’s Sunday and I’m comfy


The first one is for you to see how the nozzles and filters work, and I started noticing that the filters that have less bass have those little pinholes in the filter which must attenuate some bass, right?

The second picture is to show the gold nozzle has extra dampening, which I’m guessing pulls the upper-mids down which is why that nozzle has a boomy, dirty bass sound.

The third one has the green nozzle which rolls the bass off. Besides the pinhole, I dunno what else would be done to it to completely roll the bass off the way it does


You mean these vents?

That is the same method Sennheiser uses for the IE200.

More open = less bass

Overall, it looks like they are adjusting the FR with the nozzle height, dampers and vents.

You can see an example of how the nozzle dimensions can affect the fr here:
(this is a BA driver though but same principles.)


That does make some sense. Thanks for the tutorial


Yanyin Canon or You Do Everything Right, It’s Just the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

@rattlingblanketwoman has been gracious enough to let me demo the Yanyin Canon, and make comparisons of it with his beloved Penon Serial. This is extra welcome because I didn’t get a chance to demo Serial at its best late last year because of a channel imbalance that has been rectified. So really this opportunity to demo the Canons is a two-for-one. So let’s not waste any time and get right to it, so I can get RBW’s lovely home for him!

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)


Stop dead hearts and no love remains; So I’ll go back to the start, till I’m whole again
Stop Dead - Stop Dead
(IEM Tuning Style: Cameleon)

I listened to Canon in four of it’s possible configurations (000 stock, 010 mids, 111 all switches, and 110 bass/mids on). Stock was too thick in the bass, it was heavy and muddy bass that distracted from the midrange in undesirable ways. 010 was much more balanced, restoring the lower-mids to actual prominence but went a little too far, sacrificing too much sub-bass. 110 is a very good compromise between 000 and 010, and sounds the most like Penon Serial to me: Serial still has a little special sauce in it’s bass replay that Canon doesn’t have, but Canon has a little bit better treble performance and better technicalities on it’s side. Still it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, so I tried 111 and got the best of all worlds for me. So that’s the configuration I’m going to judge Canon on.

The bass in 111 is a compromise of the bass qualities of Canon. The middle switch improves the lower-midrange performance at the price of toning down the bass to moderate levels. The bass switch then gives some of that bass boost back, but without overdoing the deep midbass so that it is not muddy. The transition between bass to mids is still done better on Serial, but Canon absolutely is no slouch in this regard. The midrange on Canon is not immaculate or anything like that, but for the style of tuning Canon is capable of, where you’re going to get body and warmth in the midrange, this is the way you want it done.

The treble is a highlight on Canon and flat out better than Serial. It has better clarity and extension. It’s unquestionable. Canon has a soundstage that is on par with most sets: There’s not any great amount of width or depth, but enough to not feel too intimate/claustrophobic. Canon has good technicalities overall, once you rein the bass in. 010 has the best technical chops in terms of imaging in the soundstage, but 111 is better with dynamic range and how it replays loud and soft sounds. Overall, I’d say Canon brings good balance across the board in 111, but there are times that the higher treble output could leave me feeling fatigued over a longer listening session.


  • Versatile IEM with properly functional switches for customizing the tuning
  • Good bass performance once you trigger the mids switch
  • Balanced tuning that plays my varied library pretty well across the board


  • Price-to-performance is lacking:
    • 2023 IEMs leave this set behind as better values if you’re new to this price bracket
  • Jack-of-Many trades, master of none
    • Easier to go with a set like Serial that has a clear highlight to bring to the table


  • Someone who values versatility in their buys
  • Someone who leans towards (or wants to try out) warm tunings


  • Someone buying into the over-$300 bracket for the first time
    • This literally just got replaced by a Mk II version


That’s really the overall context of this particular listen: Yanyin Canon is outdated in the market. You can get sets that do what Canon does (or do it better) for cheaper, and Yanyin themselves have moved on from Canon and released an upgrade. 6 months ago, I would’ve heard this and thought it is on the short list of IEMs worth recommending, if you’re upgrading to mid-fi levels. Now, I can’t look at Canon and tell someone looking to upgrade that this should be your look over Juzear 41T, Penon Serial, or Yanyin’s own Canon 2. If you already have Canon, you don’t have to go running to upgrade or swap out (unless you want to) because Canon is a very good, versatile IEM that can play lots of different ways for different listening experiences (as long as overall you want a warmer presentation). This was a delightful opportunity to cross another set off my Amazon (you) wish list. Canon is a strong IEM with quality bones, and the ability to find the right configuration to fit your tastes, if you like warmer replay approaches. I don’t think there’s anything disqualifying about how the Canon plays back my music, so if this sounds appealing, and you can get a good deal on them, I think this is still a passable option. I appreciate the time with Canon, but Ka is a wheel and it has moved on without Yanyin Canon. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Yanyin Canon (111 Setting): B+
Rank With Personal Bias: B+
Recommendation Level: Lukewarm Recommendation Relative to Other Options (Cameleon)
Rank As a Food: Superfruits Like Blueberries, Acai Berries, Pomegranates, etc.


I had very similar thoughts on canon vs serial. One of himg I noticed with canons bass was that it was disjointed from the mix. It felt like it was hitting from above instead of integrated with the rest of the song

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Thanks for your thoughts on the Canon. I wonder how Canon 2 electric boogaloo improves on the OG