Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

No idea but anyone who supports an audio company with as shady a past as IMR is no friend of our community.


It’s a little amusing that it’s the two Brits here - opposing a UK company.

I think, and I can only speak for myself, but there is even more disappointment here to see this stuff coming from our own backyard when there was absolutely no need for it.

I’m actually surprised he was able to be a director again under English law as he should have been suspended from any managerial roles for an extended time period as a minimum.

@GooberBM I would usually completely agree to your stance but there is a difference between grey areas / unethical business practises and outright scamming though… Bob is a bang to rights criminal to the audio community for all intents and purposes and so nothing he does should be heralded or promoted as it was built off stolen funds and a trail of victims. Whilst you are not giving IMR your cash - you are enticing others to give theirs (which when Bob is concerned is always a risk) with a positive review…


Looking forward to see measurements on the Ozar and what the filters does coming from something else than Bob.

With the BC2023 I landed on gold/gold as preference as it did reduce some sharpness. Black bass filter was very close so I could have gone with that also.

I have a coupler and a recording interface, but had some obvious problems when trying to measure IEMs. Gave up and said to myself I would try later this year, probably some settings I have wrong.


I’m going to ask again that you and @Ohmboy be respectful about voicing your feelings and opinions on my thread about my choice here. You are providing a valuable counterpoint and I’m not dissuading you against voicing it.

But the next time someone editorializes their opinion by questioning my integrity or implies I’m not “a friend of the community” I will go scorched earth on them.

We are grown folk here and you can hold your view about with my choice without the shaded insults. If not, we will have a problem


I did not interpret their messages as shade towards you. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I hope I’m not :smile:


I think at this point no one is openly advocating that everyone should run out and throw their money at IMR, caution be damned! IMR can both make good IEMs and gave good after-sale service while having shady ties and practices as well. These can both be true at the same time. In the current year, I think it’s fair to say that anyone getting into business with IMR directly is going to get a “caveat empor” from everyone in the community (here AND elsewhere), and ultimately, people can do whatever they like with their money. I have yet to see anyone actually shilling for IMR so I don’t think anyone is being unreasonable here. Personal disclosure: the history of IMR/Trinity leaves enough of a bad taste in my mouth that I have no interest in their products, especially without anything world-changing or unique among their offerings, in a world with so many other options. That said, I will not begruge someone who likes what they’ve got.


Do you have irrefutable proof of this claim? Your comment talks about how he clearly broke the law but I cannot find any evidence outside the fact that he worked for trinity audio (and may have left before all that stuff went down?). I got no dog in this fight and no interest in IMR as a company but I have a hard time sitting back when people make big claims like this without evidence.

Also, somewhat unrelated but Kickstarter is a scam too. I wouldn’t trust any company doing a Kickstarter to actually produce anything. Even their own website says there is no guarantee you will get your product or money back.

EDIT: I just want to reiterate that I in no way am trying to absolve Trinity Audio of what they did or that the controversy around IMR Audio isnt valid. My point was just that from the information I have found, claiming Bob is a full on criminal who scammed people is just as unfounded as saying Bob is completely innocent.


Of course I can only speak for myself but I am pretty sure that @Ohmboy will confirm from himself also that no shade was aimed at you at all… I think you are misplacing our feelings toward the company with yourself… There was no ill will intended at all!!! :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging: but equally I make no apologies that I will always drop a comment on IMR if they are mentioned as more people need to be aware of who they are dealing with so they can make an informed purchase decisions which as a reviewer I am sure you understand.

But equally threats not appreciated… Let’s all tread lightly or we will have a problem I agree

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Yes there was clear evidence of his involvement going around at the time - I am sure some of the other people from back then on this forum can confirm this. It’s not really something I have saved but it is far past speculation at this point and not an accusation that is thrown out without regard. As I pointed out this isn’t like calling out a shill or some grey area - this was quite a clear cut scandal.

Again I meant no disregard to anyone in this forum by just pointing this out. Considering the mini scandals recently that have drawn attention and ire from people here I am shocked this one has any pushback. For me the fact that many are unaware of it shows why it’s important to bring it up as a new audience comes to the hobby.

Stranding with Goober on this one.

I would say Goobs does alot for the community and I personally appreciated his input and shares.

Saying he does otherwise is harsh and quite frankly undeserving.

This is not how HiFiGuides forum should be. HeadFi is like that and I dont like the undertones there.

Please keep HiFiGuides a open and friendly place for all to express thier opinions and impressions.

After all its all about the music!

I do appreciate the backstory and insite but ultimately up to individuals to make thier own informed decisions as to personal purchases.

Let’s be courteous to others and respect each other.


These comments are the ones I’m pointing to, when it comes to feeling shade. It was always my intention to make note of my knowledge of the Trinity/IMR connection and where I made the choice I made, so anyone can make their own informed decision about patronizing IMR either directly or secondhand.

The fact is the community always decides what transgressions are acceptable or too far. Because we certainly don’t source every IEM with BAs in them and not buy “custom” (nee, Bellsing) BA sets on principle because Bellsing stole trade secrets to make cheaper BAs to challenge Knowles. We are all open to choose what goes too far for ourselves.

Or else I’d be telling everyone not to buy any products with any connections to any Colonizer nation that stole land, resources, and literally people, to amass their wealth, power, and influence. But I’m just saying…


Again I really don’t see the shade here - as a reviewer you must realise people listen to your comments and so yes positive comments on IMR will entice people to buy unless they come with a disclaimer. I am sorry you took this so personally.

However I cannot agree with a heavyhanded analogy prying on some form of centuries old colonising guilt as an appropriate context of an analogy with the transgressions of an audio company that scammed it’s customers a few years ago. Equally I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone to review and provide positive comments on any establishment that had openly racist practises…

Anyway - let’s agree to disagree and I’ll happily jump off the thread so normal IEM procedure can be resumed.


No sir, we’re not going to do this. In the US, we have a fast food chain chik-fil-a that has pretty well regarded food, especially their chicken sandwiches (duh) and waffle fries. In 2012, their CEO made anti-LGBTQ+ comments that have never been walked back, and donated money to anti-LGBTQ organizations. Chick-fil-A and LGBT people - Wikipedia

I make my own personal judgment not to patronize Chik-fil-a but I wouldn’t call someone who buys a chicken sandwich “not a friend of the LGBTQ community”.

My point is you can have your feelings about IMR and I want you to express them. You can also have your feelings about me promoting my own personal purchase that I speak about and express them too. But if I feel anybody is calling my integrity into question I get to push back on that too and “well that’s not how I meant it”, doesn’t cut it because my feelings are just as valid. And I’m telling you to be careful about coming into my space and making me feel like you’ve questioned my integrity. If that’s a threat, then so be it


I’m still confused on this whole kerfuffle. Is the person you bought it from Bob or in anyway associated to the two companies? If not I don’t see how buying it from them is even remotely supporting the company. You put the money in someone’s pocket that may not even had any skin or knowledge in the game at the time. Which seeing with money you paid they’ll probably just go back to supporting other audio companies. Hell I didn’t even know about this whole ordeal with them until yesterday.


Well said.

The thread is Goober’s journey not IEM politcs.

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Easy there tiger HFGF is a public forum no one owns space.
I’d have to say mostly our community is pretty chill but Bellsing and Trinitygate are two that hit hard in the IEM community…I’m glad both have been brought up so as newer folk have been made aware but at the end of the day…

So I have no hard feelings hope everyone else doesn’t too :musical_note::v:


Firstly at no point did I ever say you were not a friend of the audio community. We have interacted many times and I have told you I look forward to your reviews before and have privately asked you for buying advice. I really don’t know how you have got to this conclusion.

Secondly I am sorry that your feelings are hurt but you need to dial down the rhetoric - your making weird entitled threats like you own the forum and there is just no need as noone, as has been said by myself many times and confirmed by @Ohmboy , made comments intending to question your integrity. Just because someone says something to you or brings up a piece of information doesn’t mean it is an insult. Relax chap

Between you and ohm, the position you’re taking is anybody who would support a company like IMR is not a friend of the community and spending money on an IMR product, in any capacity is supporting, IMR. Those are your words.

So what does that mean, when I spent my money on an IMR product?


I’m not sure it’s fair to put Ohms statement into Kenyon’s mouth. He’s against the company but If I read correctly only ohm seemed antagonistic against you

I don’t know about the rest but I 100% take responsibility for saying and do stand behind the fact that if you buy from a company that is the primary means of supporting it - that’s generally how they make money… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Chap this isn’t six degrees of separation. I have told you many times you are taking this way to personal and no one was trying to question your integrity just (and again I make no apologies for this) inform new members of the scandal that IMR derives from. No one thinks your an enemy of the audio state and even if they did - so fucking what. Relax

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