Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

Letshuoer EJ07M or Why It’s Kind of a Shame You Went Fourth

Now it’s time for the finale on my EST Tribrid World Tour with one of the OGs: The EJ07M. What are my opinions of it, and would I recommend this over my current tribrid favorite, the DTE500? Why don’t we find out together?

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)


Come a little closer, sink into the sofa; She don’t want my, she don’t want my love
Adios - JAWNY
(IEM Tuning Style: Harman-Neutral (Treble))

Thanks go to @cal_lindo for allowing me the opportunity to hear an OG of the relatively recent past. This is a set that is pure Harman-Neutral to me; sub-bass shelf into tucked midbass, with flat and clean lower mids, forward vocals and a bit of emphasis in the treble. This doesn’t own it nearly as much as Thieaudio Monarch Mk 1, but is definitely in a similar class as Monarch Mk 2. I find the EJs to lean a little bit more into the clean, pulled-back midbass though, which makes the entire signature lean a little bit lean and airy. For me, it is a little bit too much of a good thing: while the upper-midrange and treble emphasis are the calling cards here, they sound a little less…pure, and have a bit of sheen over the sound to me. It is not BAD, but I need some edge taken off the treble to put the correct weight on male vocals and take that thinner, sharper edge off the treble. The tuning can speak to people that want but I know it’s not for me and that I need to make adjustments. Paying this kind of money and being handed options of how to hear the sound (like a Yanyin Canon) is a positive. Having to EQ or mod, at this price, to get a satisfying sound is not.

Regarding the technicalities and soundstage: I found the soundstage good. I’m not a big fan of the width and the depth was fine, but this did bring good height to the table. I can understand where the talk about how “holographic” the EJs comes from, but I didn’t get the special sauce the way other people do. I only got tastes of it. The technicalities are fine: I think there is very good imaging/separation and things in that arena, but the dynamics are lacking for me. But that comes down to the tuning decisions. There’s not enough midbass to give different tones their pop. This is a design choice, not a flaw, per se. But it doesn’t work for me.


  • More musical version of Harman tuning
  • Good sub-bass performance
    • No midbass bleed be seen here
  • Very nice vocal playback
  • Very airy treble playback
  • Pretty good soundstage, though short of the reputation that precedes it


  • Thinner tonality can be harsher
  • A little too much treble emphasis for my taste
    • Not enough midbass emphasis for balance
  • Some moments of driver flex issues
  • Technicalities that didn’t impress me


  • Vocal-centric fans who didn’t get along with Monarch Mk 1 and don’t want to go to Mk 2
  • Those with a sub-bass over midbass preference
  • Possibly someone who has a different experience with the soundstage and gets the 3D sauce
  • Someone looking for a stronger treble emphasis


  • Someone that wants their music with body over cleanliness - Just needs a touch more midbass to treble balance
  • Someone not looking to EQ/mod at this price if it’s not their preference


I honestly think the EJs and the 10ths are neck-and-neck with each other, though they get to the point in different ways: I would describe the EJs as more “Audiophile” and the 10ths as more “fun”. Now that’s dumb because both sets are audiophile and fun but that’s how I’d describe them on the spectrum. For me, ties go to fun, and the fact that I think the 10th has boosted treble but handles it with a little more deft hand gives it just a little bit of an advantage over the EJs, if I were picking one over the other. But that does mean that both fall just short of my number one tribrid: the Sound Rhyme DTE500. If I had to have one tribrid, at this point, that would be where I get off. For me, the EJs are a very good experience, but where we are at in the hobby, they are a set that takes an experience we can get at better prices, and pushes it into a higher price bracket, but I’m not exactly sure what we’re bringing to the table, and why we should be dealing with it (just because other people made it more “mainstream popular”). So I would just go on to something else. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Letshuoer EJ07M: B+
Rank With Personal Bias: B
Recommendation Level: Not Recommended Relative to Other Options (Harman-Neutral (Treble))
Rank As a Food: Gentrified Oxtails


Mmm, Yes! EJ didn’t work for me either. KL is also not as good as described. The initial hype pushed this IEM to be more popular than it was technically capable of. In 2023, there are much better offers that completely blow away all the EJs. :slightly_smiling_face:


Are referring to the reviewed EJ07M? I’ve never heard these described as holographic. That always goes to the OG EJ07. I’ve owned both and will agree the M variant lacked the holographic soundstage. The OG though on the other hand it was nuts on.


I found both the M and KL to have the holographic presentation like the OG (with the M/KL perhaps a tad diminished in direct comparison), but it does seem wildly varied from person to person. I always take it as further proof that our own ears make almost as much difference as the transducers, once you hit a minimum baseline quality of tuning and drivers.


@nymz described it in his ranking list as holographic and god imaging.

It is definitely the first set I heard that I would describe as holographic once I got the right tips. I think the u4s has a similar sauce for my ears but Im still tip rolling with it


Yes, I agree (M version).

stage is majorly affected by HRTF.


7Hz Legato or Saying Hello to Darkness, My Old Friend

Thanks for this one goes out to @cal_lindo again, for offering me the opportunity to check out the 7Hz Legato. This one has a bit of a different sound than what I’ve been listening to lately, so let’s find out if that difference has a place in the IEM diaspora.

(spoiler alert: it does)

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)


Honey I, wanna race you to the table; If you hesitate, the getting is gone
Eat Your Young - Hozier
(IEM Tuning Style: Bassy-Dark)

As the tuning style implies, this is a set that has heavy influence in the lower-end of the spectrum. So to start with the uppers for a change: the treble is…enough. I don’t find this set to actually be dark and there is enough emphasis that you get a little more energy and sparkle than you do in the Aria-style of Harman-Neutral. It is acceptable, but I would prefer a touch more energy. This is also the case in the upper-midrange. Particularly on songs that don’t ask for a lot of bass, this set sounds good enough, but once you get some emphasis in the low-end (like on drums in a rock song, a double bass in a jazz track), then you just need a little more energy. The benefit to this tuning style is that you have a little wiggle room to turn up the volume, to get more of that energy back, because the treble is not overcooked. The tolerance then becomes “how much bass can you handle, to get enough details?”

Now, with that said, you’re not here for upper-midrange performance and extra sparklies. You’re here for that big booty bass. And Legato does provide. There is a lot of sub-bass/early midbass here, and you have to be prepared to accept that. If your preference isn’t a wall of bass, then you need not apply here. I would call it okay quality but, again, the point here is quantity and you get it. I’d put this on par with EX800ST levels of quantity. Now where the 800ST would win is that its bass is cleaner, but there’s Gypsy magic in Sony tuning, so I hesitate to compare too much to that set. In this type of tuning, I think you have QKZ x HBB and Rosefinch at about $20, TRN TA1 Max at around $50, and then Legato fits in at about $100. Those are the choices.


  • Plays a somewhat under-represented tuning style well
  • Smooth upper-midrange/treble playback
  • Fit and comfort is easy for me


  • Could use a touch more energy in the upper-midrange or treble (treble to my taste)
  • Won’t have enough musical balance for EDC/all-around usage


  • Someone who is upper-midrange/treble sensitive
  • Someone who focuses on bassier genres (Hip-Hop, EDM, the usuals)
  • Anyone who lacks a specialist set for an energetic, but more mellow, mood


  • People who don’t want more bass
  • Vocal-centric listeners
    • Especially if your expectation is cleaner, less husky vocals
  • Someone who wants a more EDC set that’s balanced to play more genres well


This is a set where my preference tails away from what I would suggest to people that aren’t me. If I was looking for a Bassy-Dark set, I’d get the KBear Rosefinch but anyone who has followed me knows my affection for that set. I don’t really like the QKZ x HBB (leans too much in the dark of Bassy-Dark for me) but it’s obviously very popular. TA1 Max is a solid option but it’s not a set people will gravitate towards even when recommended.

Enter the Legato. It is not the first set that I would buy personally, but if you have a budget that goes up to Legato-price, this is probably the best intersection of recommendation and market appetite. 7Hz has enough customer reputation that being blind recommended Legato won’t put lots of people off, and it’s a good enough upgrade on the under-$100 choices that I can put a recommendation behind it and not feel like I’m off-base. Now again, I wouldn’t spend my personal money on this set, but that’s because my personal tastes lie in other styles. So a minimum investment in this style, for a change of pace, is best for me. If this is your preferred style, this is a good place to land until you are ready to jump for a big boy set. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for 7Hz Legato: B
Rank With Personal Bias: B
Recommendation Level: Highly Recommended (Bassy-Dark)
Rank As a Food: Chunky Peanut Butter


Yum chunky peanut butter :drooling_face:


Pandas are home, and they’re never leaving again!


The cable is one of the nicer ones I have gotten from a set which is crazy for the price


Gotta give her a proper welcome home and set the mood.



As you see, she already picked out her nicest “Little Black Dress”. Just deciding on the right earrings for a night out :slight_smile:

Think the Whizzer SS20s are a fine choice


When the “making sweet love to my IEM” sprees start



Don’t worry, buddy. I don’t have it in me to go as hard as @MMag05. This will be a polite evening and we’ll be in bed by 10 lol


What a 24 hours:

Yesterday I got the Pandas, and then today (after a four day delay):

This box, I assuredly didn’t buy, arrived. Thanks to @Sonofholhorse and the boys.

The hairs on my neck raised because I started to figure out what was happening here and then I opened it:

These freaking guys!!!

@M0N can you edit my post to remove the edits where I altered the shipping box to remove personal info? Thank you


are the shells as beautiful in person as they are in photos??? I hope you enjoy the set!


They are beautiful but there is a catch to them that I don’t think anybody mentioned.

It’s a fully matte finish on the shell, so the faceplate design is a lot more subtle than it comes off in pictures. It looks a lot more glossy/shiny, and it’s really not.I hope that it will be better for longevity, tbh


I hope you like them. I truly enjoy my set.


Congratz bro, @Sonofholhorse is a beast.

Amazing set :call_me_hand:


I do not understand why Vulkan did not get more love and attention.

I know it’s not your fault Papa @nymz, but explain this to me like I’m 5. How?

Vulkan is :fire: :fire: :fire: