Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

For me it was crossed off my radar the same reason the P1 Max (should have it tomorrow!!) were - enough people saying there wasn’t enough physicality to the bass. I don’t know if it’s true or false, but around that time my first check of any review was always bass response in order to make quick eliminations.

At the moment I’m scared off it by the 6-8k peak you mention… it’s sadly the reason I can’t listen to the Starsea much as I love the rest of it a ton, it was main trouble with the Rosefinch… turned me off the ISN H50 and at least one other IEM. :confused: I don’t want to have a problem with too much of an 8k peak.


Yeah, in terms of the treble boost that kills you, that’s totally fair and if Starsea has too much mid-treble for you, Vulkan would probably get you there too. We shall see about Panda soon.

But as for physicality, I would say Panda is the planar set that actually has good physicality. I’ve tried:

  • Timeless
  • S12 (not a Shortbus mod though)
  • HBB Hook-X
  • both Wu Zetians

I’d say Pandas easily have the most physicality of the bunch


Wahoo! Let’s hope that if it doesn’t work out I don’t get all spiteful and become the sworn enemy of Panda Clan



I think it had to do a lot with timing back then. A lot of things were happening at the same time with the brand.

They were also in the process to switch their RP, which didn’t help at all. For instance, my unit got forgotten and I only got it waaaay later. Iirc, around 1y later. Let’s say the marketing wasnt the best.

The second factor was the first impressions that came out saying it misses the last leg on detail and transient sharpness, which a lot of communities avoid like the plague.

To be added on top of all that, planar rebelion started and Vulkan cost 380usd, which not everyone is happy to pay/jump in blind.


I think the price was the main reason why the reviews were not more positive.
I got mine for $250 used, for that price it’s amazing. I don’t know if I would say the same at $380.


Yeah, price is a big con for me and imo (nearly) all the old Sony hybrids are better to me.


Oh Dunu. I’m just chilling with a quiet early-morning session and while I I get why you priced Vulkan how you did, to position it as the entry-level gatekeeper next to the SA6 series, why couldn’t you get to the psychological line of $299?

You would’ve sold so many more sets that way because Vulkan is delightful. I dunno what is about today (if my brain is just clean or how I’m just in the right mood) but it’s a vibe! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thank you again, @Sonofholhorse and the boys!


Agreed, getting under that was the key to finally getting the Mangrid Tea. I got mine on sale for $260 shortly before they were discontinued.

I still only have one pair over $300, the Mangird Tea 2.


Vulkan still hasn’t gone lower than $320 on sale yet. If it can hit $300, I’d probably come in with a hard recommendation


The Time I Got Super Lazy so I’m Going to Blow Through a Bunch of Non-Magical (for me) IEMs

I’ve had a few sets come in lately that have dominated my time (Voldermort, Panda, VULKAN, my returned modded EA500s) and so some sets that have passed through my way that otherwise would normally be noteworthy have…not been noted. With the absolute glut of IEMs on their way in (the current tour box and a few sets I wanted to try out during Prime Day sales, and a couple more I have my eye on to try out that are upcoming), I need to just crank out a few thoughts on a few sets that are meh, fine, or good, but don’t really have an actual hold on me. So let’s do a speed round on some sets, eh?

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)


In the arms of another, who doesn’t mean anything to you; Do you lose yourself in Wonder?; If I could I would hover, while he’s making love to you; Make it rain as I cry
Exit Wounds - Placebo
(IEM Tuning Style: TinHifi T2 Plus - Warm-Neutral; Whizzer BS1 - Lean-Bright; Fiio FD11 - Harman-Neutral (Bass); Whizzer HE10 - V-Shape)

First thing first: In terms of disclosures, I acquired the two Whizzer and the Fiio sets by my own means, for the purposes of having them graphed by @MMag05 (all of which can be found at, and then to listen to them for my own evaluation. The T2 Plus, however, was a gift to me from the group tour I’m a part of (and as it is a discontinued set anyway, I will describe it more in comparison to sets you can actually get in 2023).

Starting off with the easiest set the Whizzer BS1 was a curiosity as a cheap bullet set with a mostly alright looking lean bass profile, and a worrying bump-up at just past 2k, that turned out to be an absolute non-starter. The set was lacking balance and coherency, and while you can EQ (or mod) more bass into it to get a decent V-shape or lower the upper-mids to get a more neutral balance, the ultimate question is “why would you?” There are so many sets at so many price points that are simply tuned well OOTB, that besides the curiosity of just trying new sets, there’s nothing truly redeeming here. But they are good for appreciating the well done sets you already have. So I guess there is that.

Next up, the Tinhifi T2 Plus is a fine IEM. With it’s flat sub-bass, it emphasizes the present but not overdone midbass, with good open lower mids. This was hitting a “lush” mark for me, especially because the upper-midrange is well plateaued and doesn’t make itself TOO much of the star (for a good all-around signature). The treble is clean, without peakiness, so you can give these more volume than a set like EA500. Technicalities and soundstage are pretty fine, nothing pops as special but nothing is substandard either. This is a set that if you already have it, you have a competitive enough set that you don’t have to do anything else in the sub-$50 bracket, beautiful you need a new budget banger and want this kind of sound, I’m expecting I’d be directing your towards the EW200 (confirmation incoming soon) or possibly the next set up.

I say that because the budget set that really did nice things to me was the Fiio FD11. This set is 1000% related to the JD7, just existing in a lower price bracket. The bass is punchy and present with a very delightful sub-to-midbass balance. I found the note weight and presence to have a good amount of heft on it, but if you are a stickler for clean midranges, you could (probably would) describe the bass as a little muddy. It’s not anything near the amount of weight you’d get from a set like a Maestro Mini or worse a Rosefinch, but it COULD be a little too much. The upper midrange comes to play though because it is properly energetic and cuts right through the warmth like a knife through butter. There can be a little hotness in high female vocals or bright tones, but it’s not something I’d even note as a real con. Soundstage on FD11 is not just intimate, it is flat out inside-your-head. There’s no real width, depth, or height to the staging at all, but the technicalities within that squeezed stage are acceptable if not outright fine. End of the day, it’s another competent sub-$50 IEM that could pop for you if you have the right ears for it.

Last, and certainly not least, is the Whizzer HE10. As soon as I heard this, I got OH10 vibes. It’s got the elevated bass shelf, not-emphasized lower midrange, elevated (but well-tuned) upper-midrange, with smoother treble to keep it from overwhelming you. It is a very coherent, put-together tuning handled by a quality CNT DD driver. They also brought a soundstage that was a bit reminiscent of the OH10 for me; I quite enjoyed the width and depth I get off of both. Like the OH10 too, I wasn’t fully impressed with the technical chops. Neither will make a Yosi Horikawa sound pop due to the imaging/dynamic range/separation, but I do feel like I’m getting what I’d expect from a decent set. That’s good enough.


  • Everything (save one…) here is competent. Certainly within the sub-$100 price range, if you have your eye on the Whizzer HE10 or Fiio FD11, I see no reason to actively talk you out of it. They’re good sets, even if they didn’t set my soul on fire


  • The BS1. Just go to jail. Do not pass go and collect $200. Right now!
  • T2 Plus being discontinued. That makes this an exercise just to hear a classic set, more than being able to recommend it
  • Nothing here will set the world on fire for technical performance. That mantle is still covered by the EA500 for me, around these price ranges


Long story short, this was an exercise just to try out some sets in an affordable enough price bracket and get back to my roots. And it was mostly a reminder that in 2023, the Chi-Fi game has hit a basic level of competence. Especially when looking at a slightly older model like the BS1, we are in a blessed era where it is incredibly hard to get away with putting out a substandard IEM. On one hand, that’s great because your money is generally safe when buying a new IEM. On the other hand, it can be challenging to find that special feeling an incredible IEM gives you, because it’s hard to find something special in a sea of competent competition. And in this assortment of IEMs, I found a lot of appetizers but nothing that hits the level of a standout entree. But these are sets that are fantastic for beginners and people that just want a new beater set. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Whizzer HE10 and Fiio FD11: B and B- respectively
Rank With Personal Bias: B and B- respectively
Recommendation Level: HE10: Lukewarm Recommendation Relative to Other Options; FD11: Entry-Level Recommendation
Rank As a Food: Pu Pu Platter


I love that in 2023, you can get tuning at any price point you can afford. What a time to be in the hobby


TGXears Sunniva or Where Ambition and Expectation Combine Into Frankenstein’s Monster

Oh I’ve been putting this one off because I’m not proud of what is about to happen, but I have to call it like it is. This is the time I have to be honest and tell you why TGXears Sunniva is the set that has finally jumped the shark for me (I haven’t heard Totem yet, to judge that one, tbh). But we might as well jump right in and get to why Sunniva is the first truly overrated TGXear bud that I’ve heard.

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Holding On (Rome In Silver Remix) - Dabin (For female vocals, tonality, mid-bass response within mix From 1:12-1:36)


The weight is on your shoulders, I’m standing in the middle of you two; And I can’t win you over, But I can lay you over
Daddy - Charlotte Cardin

So I have a fair amount of experience with TGXear bud; thanks to the help of some friends, I’ve gotten to hear or own Alpha, Ripples, and three versions of Serratus (OG, Red, and SSB). I have a good understanding of what these sets do well, and to say the hype around Sunniva was elevated is a bit of an understatement. Then when I got them in my ears, I have to say that Sunniva both lived up to expectations but also came nowhere near close.

I was told around the community that Sunniva is a bassy earbud, even moreso than Ripples; this is the earbud that was going to be the basshead’s earbud. I confirmed pretty instantly that this is fact. Sunniva is explicitly bassier than any other TGXear bud I’ve heard. While Serratus has a sub-bass emphasis and Ripples has a midbass emphasis (but both have a cleanliness to their respective bass replays), Sunniva just has a warm blanket feeling over the sound signature. The only problem is, you’re stuck with that blanket whether it’s a cold winter’s night, or a sweltering summer day. There are times when that much bass is appropriate or even wanted (EDM stands out, for example), but lots of times when it’s just too much. I was listening to Kim Petras’ Feed the Beast album, and even for club-electronic style music it was just way too much thickness for the songs to handle.

Now Jim came up with a potential solution for the people that are overwhelmed with this much bass, in the shape of a foam filter mod that would reduce the bass when filling the back vent of the shell. I didn’t have the kit he’s offering but I used my own foams to produce the effect on my own and it does bring the bass back in line with the rest of the signature. In that way, if the bass is your only hang up, then you’ve got something here. For me, though, that isn’t the (only) problem. We will get there though.

As for the rest of the sound (in stock): the mids and treble are generally well-balanced when there is little-to-no bass in the track. The description of Sunniva as trying to find a balance between what Ripples and Serratus accomplished makes sense to me. Sunniva has more air and soundstage than Ripples, and more body and lower-end emphasis than Serratus. There are many times a Goldilocks setup is what clicks for me, but this time I feel like it is the sum is lesser than the parts: I don’t think Sunniva reaches the heights of staging and airy treble performance of Serratus, but it also lacks the dynamism and bass kick of Ripples. Sunniva tries to do it all, but I don’t hear it as a set that nails anything that I can’t get in the two sets it’s emulating.


  • With no other frame of reference: Sounds warm, lush, and thick
  • An improvement/upgrade if one had a beef with Ripples/Serratus bass replays, Ripples soundstage
  • Has very good treble extension - Provides airier tonality than Ripples
  • Improves once bass reduction mod is administered to sound more balanced overall


  • In any A/B or without proper brain burn-in: Bass is ham-fisted and overdone without finesse
    • Midbass bleed is aggressive
  • Technicalities fall short of the standard of TGX buds I’ve heard
    • Does not pass my Yosi Horikawa tests for dynamics/imaging
  • Falls short of the “flagship” label applied to it (IMO)


  • TGXear completionists
  • People who exclusively listen to thick, heavily midbass-centric transducers
  • Anybody who had negative feelings about Ripples’ more intimate soundstage or Serratus’ slightly exaggerated treble extension
  • Someone who would be okay with putting in the foam mod to drop the bass down a few dB
  • Someone who wants one earbud to be a Jack-of-All-Trades between what Ripples and Serratus excel at


  • Someone who is looking for value in their buds
    • Ripples + Serratus is better value (IMO)
  • Anyone who wants some standout feature in the mids/treble/technicalities/soundstage
  • People who think Ripples was the right amount of bass/too much bass
  • People who don’t want to support the rising costs inherent in the 2023 TGX releases


The first thing I should say is Sunniva is NOT a bad earbud. It’s good enough that if you wanted to get it, or already have it and love it, I’m not arguing for you to spend your money elsewhere. I just do not subscribe to the hype that everything TGX puts out is a new banger or an automatic blind-buy. This is not in that category for me. When I bought Ripples it was on a blind-buy recommendation from a trusted source, who suggested in no-uncertain terms Ripples would hit for me. I try to pass on that level of confidence when I’ve heard something, if it’s there, but I cannot with Sunniva.

Once my brain burned-in enough to adjust, I can hear where the signature is lush and creamy, but I cannot lie and say that is my full experience with Sunniva. If I want to enjoy my other IEMs/Earbuds and then switch to Sunniva, I’m not looking to have to spend a day or so getting used to how much bass there is. There are other transducers that can play bassy, but not take such a steep curve to settle into. I think that for the hype and love going around for Sunniva, it would be more of a no-brainer purchase (in the way that most people will connect with either Serratus or Ripples, if not both). As good a tuner as Jim is, not everything he touches is going to be gold, and for me, this is not a home run, but it would be acceptably good if it was in the Serratus/Alpha/Ripples price range.

The fact that Sunniva is going for a full $50-100 more than any of those three definitely rubs me the wrong way. I do not hear the sonic argument for why Sunniva is buy worthy and I do not see a value proposition for why Sunniva is buy worthy either. In my opinion, it’s overhyped and overpriced. I understand, on a certain level, that for TGX to be able to produce earbuds at a sustainable rate, considering the explosion of hype and popularity, some cost controlling measures need to be put in place to gatekeep: If he got hit with 50 orders of his next earbud at once, he’d drown in the demand. But with the successful sets he’s created in mind, going up in price means less margin for error, to make a hit product. While I haven’t heard Totem to see if that was a win, and I doubt I’ll be in the queue to get the “Serratus V2,” because of the rise in cost, Sunniva didn’t build my confidence for the next phase of TGXear’s development. At the end of the day this is one time I’m getting a taste of a set and wondering why we messed with a winning formula to add stuff nobody really needed all that much. But yet, here we are. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for TGXears Sunniva: B
Rank With Personal Bias: B
Recommendation Level: Not Recommended Relative to Other Options (Earbud)
Rank As a Food: Raisins In Potato Salad


Out of interest buddy how much difference did you find when comparing the three? :beers:

Fit and foams made the biggest difference. I’m pretty sure I didn’t have the same foams across all 3 sets, so it’s hard to describe the differences I’d have to remember from memory.

I definitely prefer the shelled version over the bells. I didn’t do well with the SSBs, at all.


Vibing tonight to my backup Rosefinch: modded with a high-density foam in the nozzle and 350mesh filters.

I seriously do not know what grade the stock dampener was, but swapping filters has turned this into a sub-$20 TFZ clone. I’d always been curious about listening to some of their sets, based on their reputation, and now I feel satisfied 1000%

I feel like I’m falling in love with my little budget bass cannon all over again :slight_smile:


No need, they completely fell behind the market even like 2 years ago…(I have that No.3)


Of course. I mean it like curious what a dinosaur looks like, not that I WANT them lol.

I annoy the ever-loving crap out of @domq422 when I’m like “why would I spend $400 (new) on Fatfreq or $500 on Penon’s new tribrid when Rosefinch handles all of that for $20?”

Not that I’m price-shaming…but I guess it sounds like I am :slight_smile: :innocent:


If you buy a bud from me I dont mind giving u my no.3 as well lol.


Alright, you hold onto it. I just wanna see what you do with Gen 3 after AR and Saber. I’m a slut for your grand classes, so I want to save up for that


np. I offered the ZS4 to someone else and went and built the bud for them only for them to ghost me afterwards…

But you aint a rando so I trust you. :joy: