Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

Night Oblivion Butastur or You Can Be Correct But Does That Make You Right?

Thank you, @mmag05 for the opportunity to demo the Night Oblivion Butastur. The opportunity to hear this set has cleared up some things regarding how I feel about BA sets, small operation IEMs, price gatekeeping, and my state in the hobby as a whole. We’re going to have a very philosophical conversation about a very well executed IEM, which is a polar opposite to the last IEM I talked about. God help me, let’s do this thing.


Hey is it me, did I fly you away? Am I wrong, Are you not who I say?; If I call which one of you will answer anyway, anyway?
Someone Else - REZZ & Grabbitz
(IEM Tuning Style: Chameleon)

So first off, I can confirm that the tuning switches on Butastur do enough that I feel like there is some fundamental change that occurs to the foundation tuning. Down-Down is the most neutral, pure tuning setting; the first switch moves the pinna gain a small amount so Up-Down brings the pinna down slightly and gives more emphasis to the low-end and it sounds slightly darker than neutral. The second switch moves the treble substantially, so Down-Up sounds closer to a neutral-bright. Up-Up combines both effects, which I found to be closer to a neutral-warm and was how I preferred Butastur at the end of the day. So the rest of the impressions will start from there, and if you want to know how the other switches may sound, apply the conceptual filters I just laid out in your own mind.

So how did I experience Butastur in the Up-Up configuration? We started out very positively. @AmericanSpirit_JP made some strong claims about the tonality and performance of his IEM and in terms of the tonality, I think he and his team nailed his vision. In terms of tuning, to sound correct, it would be a difficult task to do better than Butastur does. But what does this mean to me?

In a lot of music, the bass is fine. It’s almost never emphasized but is present, with better weight and decay, to my ear, than a lot of BA bass implementations I’ve heard. It is still BA bass though, and Butastur’s implementation is particularly divisive to me: More often than I like, the bass sounds separated from the rest of the signature. Drum sets, especially, sound like they are steps behind the rest of the music. So while they may be present, they have times where they just don’t feel connected to everything else I’m listening to. And I feel like this is part of the design, for reasons I will get into, but It’s not a bass playback I like.

I feel like this is the design, though, because of the desire for the midrange to be peerless. I don’t think they achieved that, but the midrange is on a tier that is about as flawless as I’ve heard so they almost got there. On tuning, there’s not much to nitpick here: the lower-midrange has body and weight, but zero bleed/mud coming out of the bass. Vocals sound about as accurate to what I expect male and female singers sound like, Brian Molko of Placebo or Freya Ridings sound pitch perfect. The upper midrange gives correct energy, never being too splashy or dull and not having untenable peaks or valleys that are either harsh or missing information. Sophie Powers “1 Thing” never strays into the sibilance I can get from poor tunings. Especially with the second switch in the up position, Butatsur doesn’t hold anything back: if it’s there you get it, and it plays it back very nicely. You get a dip in the treble with that switch in the down position if you have some treble sensitivity or prefer a little more laid-back playback. The areas the second switch affected were very thoughtfully executed.

The soundstage and technicalities are a place I have grievances because Butastur is a mixed bag at them. The soundstage is fine under most configurations: It has slightly above average width and depth for my ear, except in Down-Up, where I get a deeper soundstage. The technicalities are disappointing to me. For all of @AmericanSpirit_JP’s talk about micro vs. macrodynamcs, I don’t hear it. Take my two major tests of dynamics and ability to reproduce details and sound effects “If I Fall” and “Swashers”. Both songs have effects in the first 10-15 seconds they need to be able to produce: the effect of swirling wind in “If I Fall” and the effect of crashing waves in “Swashers”. For all the talk of the dynamic ability of Butastur, it does not produce a proper effect in either song. The reason I don’t absolutely crush Butatstur is that it has high-level imaging ability. “Bubbles” sounds pretty awesome.


  • Tuning
    • The goal was to bring TOTL, uncolored tuning to a more affordable price bracket. I’d find it hard to believe this failed at that task
  • Fit and comfort
    • I don’t think I’d have to worry much, if ever about fit in-ear, and pressure issues don’t exist. This I could wear all day
  • Value relative to driver configuration
    • I don’t know the particulars of why BA sets of this quality can’t get under $500, but for the state of all-BA sets and their price points, you’re not beating this


  • Design implementation
    • I have a bone to pick with the first tuning switch
  • Tuning
    • I’m not a big fan of the bass playback, which will tie back into the first point
  • Soundstage and Technicals
    • Butastur left a bit on the table where soundstage or technicals can be good, but they’re never really good together, to my ear
  • Value relative to other driver configurations
    • I think this performance can be achieved by other sets at lower prices, with different driver configurations (which comes down to preference and budget)


  • Someone who wants top-shelf tuning, pure and simple
  • Neutralheads and vocal-centric listeners
  • Depending on switch configuration: someone who wants an easy-listening long-session set
  • Someone who likes BA sets but has fit and comfort issues
  • Anyone who wants to support bringing down the BA set paywall
    • This is one step closer to a sub-$500 all-BA set to walk away from the hobby with


  • People who prioritize bass
    • Not even in a “I prefer DD bass” way. If bass is your number one priority, I wouldn’t recommend Butastur to you
  • Someone who wants more colored playback
    • As much as tips and sources can move the needle a bit, at the end of the day a leopard is a leopard and an elephant is an elephant. This is a neutrally-tuned IEM.
  • The person fully biased against BA sets
    • This could have been a set to maybe change your mind but they dropped the ball in one important place


Now I promised you a philosophical question that we will get to, but one more aside first. To get to the lede, I think Butastur falls just short of an A rank for me. Now if you adore Butastur, you’re going to ask why. I will tell you why: the first tuning switch. A lot of the things I nitpicked Butastur on are not dealbreakers or things that hurt my experience with it. The true deal breaker is the lack of a dedicated bass boost. For as much care was put into the treble switch, to allow people that want the extra boost and don’t to co-exist, I think it was a folly to not give the same care to the bass. Moving the pinna gain is a half step in that direction and it seems satisfactory, until I tried Down-Down on my iFi Hip-Dac, with XBass activated. If the first tuning switch had that kind of configuration, this IEM would be a BA set I’d tell anybody to run and go get Butastur. As the set is, I can only describe my feelings in a gif:

Now that brings me to my philosophical question: Is a set that does things “correctly” better than a set that chooses a playback style that is intentionally colored? There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this question, just our own personal truths. I think one can be better than the other if the execution is better. This is why Butastur jumped the line and got the next post after Shortbus Fat Cosmos: These sets could not be more diametrically opposed, but that’s not the ultimate point of comparison. For me, it’s about execution. The difference between the two sets is Fat Cosmos had a tuning vision, and saw it through to exactly what it should be. Butastur does not, and it’s because of the tuning switches. If this had been a set with one tuning and no switches, I’d be less harsh because each tuning was done with great individual care. The problem is that they’re trying to hit most people with the options offered in the switches, but left a large constituency on the outside. If there was an option for people who wanted bass emphasis, this set would have knocked it out of the park. But there isn’t, and that is a failure of the design. So for that reason I cannot give it the highest marks. But I will say that if you are a fan of getting exactly what is there, without extra flavor or add-ons, and wanted a BA set in your collection, this is probably the endgame for a lot of people in this hobby. So if you haven’t hit this set up yet, you might want to.And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Night Oblivion Butastur (Up Up Configuration): B+
Rank With Personal Bias: B+
Recommendation Level: Highly Recommended (Chameleon)
Rank As a Food: Vodka neat


Just get DUNU if you want a BA in your collection! :wink:

…If you want bass with your BA.

But really, get DD or planar if you want bass


Honestly, the value of the iem in terms of drivers is pretty high.

I estimated that:
-Sonion AcuPass Vented Woofer (2BA) = 50

-Knowles HODTEC (2BA) = 80

-Knowles GR31653 x 2 (4BA) = 240

-Knowles TWFK (2BA) = 50

TOTAL: 420

And since this IS a small operation iem, that means they also cant get much of a batch discount.

So if you compare this to say a single DD, single Planar or hybrid (with exactly or less 1 DD + 9 BA setup), this is MUCH more valuable.


The Sony IER-M7 likely has better bass than the Dunu BAs.

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Totally agree here…you’re never going to please all the people all the time so you’re better off being pleased with a tuning that pleases you, having the courage of your convictions that your tuning plays your library how you want it to sound and not get sidetracked with dip switch shenanigans.

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Probably. I haven’t tried them. But I’m not just talking about bass. DUNU is very technically competent for the price + good bass!

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Sony is usually king of bass, tonality and timbre. But might not be too technical.

Oh god that gif had me nearly dying of laughter. I’m so glad this set made its way to you. @AmericanSpirit_JP and the builder did great things with Butastur and in my opinion really set a standard for price, quality and technicals that boutique vendors can strive for. However, the set is not without faults, at least with regards to preference, and not many would be lead to believe that reading around. You have done a great job at providing constructive insight for the community if they’re considering picking up Butastur.

See you also got the sense of the drummer staging I was talking about. On some genres and tracks it can be a real delight and add to the overall staging of the band in a positive way. Did you noticed with X-Bass if the effect remained? For me X-Bass hit my bass preference but it didn’t diminish the staging effect. If I had to choice one or the other though it would be more bass. Agree with you the first switch could have been better dedicated to bass.


Anyone tried measuring it with an impedance adapter? Could help.


Only adapter I have is the one from RED. Think it’s a 10.

I’ll give that a listen later. And thanks for making it clear where the value in the parts they chose is. I never questioned that @AmericanSpirit_JP did everything possible to cut the costs where he could, but it just kinda shows how far BAs have to go, to get to price points of other transducers.

The only setting I got the sense of stage in was Down-Down. When I used XBass, I didn’t lose the staging. But I didn’t get it from most of the settings, sadly. Down-Down with XBass would have been an absolute peach for me.


Try it. 80ohm like in my example above is usually way too much.

Yeah, until someone “bellsings” Sonion, it aint gonna happen. (or if u swap out the knowles for bellsing/LS/E-Audio.)


I prefer a colored sound over neutral unless it’s my desktop monitor. The P8 for example great sound just not fun or engaging in any way for me.

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Wow! Fantastic write-up, with plenty to chew on… I’m still in a learning phase, but everything remains lovey dovey here in the honeymoon suite with me and my favorite little raptor…

May I ask what tips you used?

I’m giving it a listen, and the perception I’m getting from my 80Ω adapter is that it lowers the upper-midrange or treble (something in the upper end) more than moves the bass. I still would want to use a dedicated bass boost, to get a more impactful bass response.

But it does make the bass that is there feel a little less detached from the rest of the sound.

I started with Radius Deep Mounts, then used TRN T-Ear tips and Whizzer SS20s. I finally settled on Elecom Spare Ear Cap CAP-20s, which are narrow bored for better bass response


Cool - thanks for the info and your thoughtful and detailed analysis.


Alrighty, after a few months off from the forums and hobby of audio as a whole, of course, my boys in my tour group come through with the reinforcements. A very special thanks to @MMag05 @Sonofholhorse @VIVIDICI_111 @rattlingblanketwoman @cal_lando @JAnonymous5150 and of course, the dad of this thread, @GooberBM. He asked me to share my thoughts on here as I go through the tour box so I said I would happily oblige. I’ve only been able to listen to less than half of the sets for not a very long time but I’d like to just share what I have so far. I’ll copy and paste my thoughts from the other day when the listening sesh was still fresh in mind;

For your consideration, I’m using my desktop gear, the Topping D10s, and Topping L30 playing out of Tidal Hi-Res. I typically use the mid-gain setting on the L30 (+/- 0 dB); most sets have plenty of headroom.

This is my playlist If anyone is interested;


•Goon - fruiting body
•Mega Mango - OMG!
•Chastity Belt - different now
•Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile
•Courtney Barnett - small poppies
•Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener
•Big Thief - Simulation Swarm
•No Vacation - Days
•Men I Trust - Tailwhip
•Men I Trust - Sugar
•High noon - not the one
•Paramore - Decode
•Paramore - figure 8
•Just Mustard - In Shade
•Ludwig Goransson - Can You Hear The Music
•Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
•Pearl Jam - Alive
•Everything yes - My Turn
•Varsity - alone in my principals
•Varsity - cowboy killer
Daft punk - infinity repeating
Daft punk - horizon
Daft punk - give life back to music
Daft punk - voyager

First up was the Butastur.I was pretty excited and very interested in hearing this IEM, probably more so than any of the others in the box so I really really wanted to give this IEM as fair of a shake as possible, so I spent about an hour with it. I did not bother changing the switch configuration because, quite frankly, I personally cannot stand fiddling with switches. I may do it on a different day when I have more time but my little guy just woke up and I’m on daddy duty today (This was sunday morning). The Butastur is a fine IEM. They are obviously tuned very well. The first thing I’m looking for is timbre, I found that timbre is probably the most important thing to me when it comes to IEMs, or at least, the thing that stands out to me the most when it is incorrect. The Butastur has great natural timbre - Full stop. Regardless of the config, the timbre is great so because it’s an all BA set, I’m impressed. You’ll notice that my playlist is fairly specific, these are not the best mastered tracks out there, besides maybe daft punk towards the bottom there. I chose these songs because they’re some of my favorites and I can remember each of these songs provoking some kind of emotional reaction out of me at some point. After these sets pass the timbre test, they have the pass the feeeeels test. I’m not going to sit here and try to dissect the FR and individual elements of each IEM, Goober and Nymz are far better at that so I’ll just say this; While the Butastur is a fantastic IEM, very natural, near flawless tuning, great Timbre - It didn’t make me feel anything. Never got chills or goosebumps with this pair so unfortunately, regarding this morning at least, they are not for me. Something is missing in the lower-mid treble for me, and not to mention the Sub-bass roll-off is just too much for me. It lacks the clean rumble I’ve grown so accustomed to in sets like the Monarch MKII and my Modded OH10. It may just come down to the lack of DD being inside these things but, the sub-bass was not up to my standard. There are few songs I listen to that have that substantial sub-bass but when it is there, I’d like for it to hit. If I had to grade based on my initial impressions -

Objectively (Not really, but just not letting my bias get in the way) = B+/A-
Subjectively (With all the Bias) = B-/MAYBE a C+ (as the boys have pointed out, this might be a little harsh but I haven’t put a second thought to it.

Next up is the Glamdring by Sir Michael Bruce and it did NOT take long for me to understand what’s good with these things. Immediately I felt that I would take these over the Butastur. 100%. These are incredibly fun, have awesome bass, great treble energy, and detail, and while these are not blowing my mind in terms of staging, yes, these have above-average stage performance. I only listened to a few songs with these because I knew they were great and it did not take me long to realize that so I moved on, I’ll listen to them more during the coming week for sure.

“Objectively” (Refer to the definition above lol) - B
Subjectively - B+

Next up, well, I couldn’t resist. The Monarch MKIII. I have them in my ears as we speak and I really do enjoy these immensely. I know I’m only 3 IEMs in but I can tell these are my favorites so far. Thie really kicked up the Mid-bass on these compared to the Mon 2. They must have taken the criticisms personally lol. There’s an immediate upgrade in terms of midbass energy, texture, and overall presence on these compared to the 2s and while it’s as fun as can be for me, I still think for the special sauce of the mid-range, I’ll take the MK 2 OVERALL. However, I think that one could own both and not be plagued with guilt. They are different sets and they play music very differently.

“Objectively” - A-/A
Subjectively - A

From today (10.16.23) I decided to take the Hype 2s for a spin. Anytime Thie releases a new IEM, I’m there and they have my full attention. I had about 45 minutes with them and while I could not get an A/B in there with the Monarch MKII, I think I can immediately hear the very similar tuning between them. There are a few notable differences between them, 1 being the mid-bass energy seems to be increased on the Hype 2. The H2 has a distinctive thickness to the note weight that is rather enjoyable, I don’t think anyone will find these thin in any sense. The mid-bass has plenty of texture as well, it isn’t just this boomy or overly rounded presence, it is a meaty and well-done lower region, well done Thie. Moving on to the rest of the FR, I’ll say that the Monarchs are still at the top of the mountain when it comes to vocal performance for my tastes, but that doesn’t mean the H2 is bad in any way, as a matter of fact, for someone who wants a thicker male and female vocal presentation with a great treble performance to back it up, these are a winner. These really do sound like a properly good all-around set, with fantastic bass performance and surprisingly above-average stage and layering performance. Each instrument is clearly defined and at no point have I felt claustrophobic while listening to them. I suppose where they fall short comes down to the treble for me personally. While it’s smooth and does not really lack anything, I’d like maybe a little more sparkle and a slight splash to liven things up a bit. But that’s just me personally. These are a great set and may appeal to more people over the Monarch 2s just due to that bass performance. It is more enjoyable than the Monarchs. Absolutely.

“Objective” Rating - B/B+
Subjective Rating - B+

I can’t wait to spend more time with the Monarch 3s and the rest of the tour box. These are just some quick impressions and I fully am motivated to do complete write-ups on most of the big boy sets I have here with accompanying pics as well.

Have a good day, boys and thanks for reading :handshake:


We need that earphone porn that is your pics. Get them candid shots! :blush:


Ohhhh, you know it, puppa, I got some plans for some of these sets that’s for sure. The Prestige LTD and its crazy resin pattern is absolutely stunning.