IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Lol not sure - I’m just gonna make it private :fu: these guys


If nothing else, it strikes me as rude to use it for promotional purposes without asking your permission first…


That or delete it, as I see it not talking about them is better than giving them free exposure.


Not surprised since they’re L ysian after all
@Rikudou_Goku :+1:


The AUDACITY! :rofl: Lee has a lot of balls for allowing his marketing team to do this. That’s insane…

Edit; I couldn’t help my self, I commented on the post


Hey all, I’m getting back into the game of writing my thoughts down on some IEMs I’ve been blessed to try out and I’ve been having a lot of fun doing so. For you’re viewing pleasure. Plus, @GooberBM 's thread is a fountain of great reading if y’all haven’t checked it out yet!


Can you just update the video on youtube? If so I would do that and talk mad trash about it so they continue linking it and market a negative review of their IEM?

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got a link to it?

I don’t think that I would go this route; Jay already aired his grievances on his channel, and mudslinging by substitution, while funny, is immature. Simply denying them the free advertisement is the best route, IMO.


Looks like Jay may have taken it down, per @Rikudou_Goku suggestion and I think that’s the best move. But if you want to see the post on Facebook, I didn’t say anything crazy lol

The experience that Jay had with them totally ruined my entire outlook on the brand so I had to stand up for my boy on this one.


I get your point however I disagree because 1) Taking it down forces Jay to remove a video he worked hard on because some company tried to commandeer it as advertising, thats not fair to Jay and does nothing to hurt Elysian as they can just link another video. 2) I believe Elysian should be reprimanded in some manner for pulling that stunt and just pulling the video does not deter this kind of behavior. While immature, I think any action that doesn’t negatively impact Elysian in this case is too little.

EDIT: I agree that the “talking mad trash” part would be immature and that was more hyperbole than anything. Even replacing the video with his other (more negative) video would have done far more to teach Elysian a lesson than him taking his video down


Thanks for dropping some comments guys hahaha - I think the best route is to private the video because they’re not going to take it down if I ask them (probably will ignore me anyways). Regarding the trash talking aspect I agree to some degree maybe I was too charged up, but I believe letting people know how scummy these guys are will help others avoid potential horrible experiences like I did. Anyhow, back to our regular scheduling :sunglasses:


I had to leave something because it’s one thing for fans to keep enjoying their products etc

They can use videos from genuinely happy customers to promote, I believe the majority are.

But when they use the video of someone they’ve treated extremely poorly, that crossed a line for me.


Sorry, that’s some pretty shitty service. I had a couple QC issues with my Diva 2023 too. The nozzle grill-covers weren’t glued on so every time I changed ear tips, the cover came off with the ear tips. Although that wasn’t a big a deal for me once I found the ear tips I liked, but still, this shouldn’t even be an issue for a product this expensive.

The bigger issue was the loose connection I was getting with the right IEM. The cable connection to the right IEM was looser than the left IEM and I’d often lose sound on the right side. Later, I noticed that the pin sticking out of the right IEM pentaconn connection was shorter and more recessed than the pin in the left IEM.

I had purchased the Diva from HiFiGo and after sending them pics/videos of the issue, they told me to send the Diva back to them and they’d send it to Elysian to get it fixed. I sent them off and after a couple weeks of worrying whether they’d make it there or not, HiFiGo emailed me to confirm that they received my Divas. They emailed me again a couple days later asking to confirm my address because, surprisingly, they were going to ship me a new pair. I had reported this issue outside of the return policy, but within the warranty so I’m not sure if the decision to replace them were HiFiGo’s or Elysian’s. Either way, the new replacement has no pentaconn connection issues and the nozzle grill-covers are even glued on now.

After reading your story, I just wanted to share mine since I had better luck with the warranty process. It definitely sucks to hear when small companies put out great products, but have poor quality control issues or can’t provide quality customer service. Hopefully this does not become a trend with Elysian.


I guess it was done on Hifigo´s behalf rather than Elysian, judging by how they treated Jay.


This says more about how good Hifigo’s customer service is than elysian’s honestly.


Can you keep the link but change the video to something bashing them? That would be hilarious. Just something short and to the point and see how long it takes them to notice.


Hahaha I was thinking the same, but you can only cut or mute the audio unfortunately


If the post is on Facebook @VIVIDICI_111 can also make a request to copyright strike it as he is the rights owner to the video & thumbnail content


Oof, I‘m really sorry to hear that, both in regards to your video and the IEM.

That is both unacceptable (not just given the price), but also really sad to see, because the Diva is such an excellent set and one of the best, if not the best set I have had the pleasure of listening to purely for vocals alone.

It‘s sad to see such an incredible set be tainted by QC issues and subpar to unacceptable customer service :confused: