Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

They just messed it up. Michael Bruce puts way more bass into some of his S12 mods without ruining the treble:

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on graph at least, I would say that the upper-treble on the Melody is there to balance the mid-bass to prevent it from lacking air or being muddy. Which on that note does look better than the ones by Bruce IMO. But that is of course purely by the graph as we see it. And iec711 couplers do seem to graph with more upper-treble than on the more accurate BK (something) systems.

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I love graphs, but graphs don’t beat hearing the sound in your own ears. Hearing a set for yourself is undefeated in that way


I am aware, just saying how it looks on graph and what they may have thought.
(then again majority of iems I doubt they actually listened to it themselves let alone graph it…)


Yeah, that’s more a Kiwi Ears thing and not a Riku thing. This is why your buds are better. Can’t graph to a target like an IEM anyway lol. Gotta hear it out

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So can we talk about this?

Magnets, yo!!!


N52 grade power.


idk, maybe keep it away from your other iems - I have guitar pickups with Neodymium magnets that have demagnetized other pickups with weaker magnets when stored too close to each other.


Also, best to keep it away from any hard drives, just in case :wink:


Usually not a concern as the magnet field tends to not be strong enough to attract other stuff that is like…1cm away from the shell.

Strong ones like that one above is a rarity but even then i wouldnt be afraid of it.

Headphones for example can have a LOT more powerful magnets even if both are N52 grade due to the driver size difference.


I hear ya, but I personally have never seen an iem with the pull of these suckas :eyes:

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Its rare but the Dunu Zen is another iem that did that.


Oh boy. I’d generally qualify myself as “source agnostic”: as long as you’re hitting a level of “good enough” that’s all anybody truly needs. Hip-Dac 1 was my desktop amp…until today.

Turns out, there ARE levels to this. It might just be night one, but SMSL DL200 is making me want to enjoy my music and my transducers all over again.

Yeah, a REAL good source matters lol


That thing looks like a beast!!


Levitate into the source rabbit hole, my friend

I wish I could back to listening to my desktop setup for the first time… what an experience.


I broke down and ordered the Cinno today.

That graph has been taunting me for a couple weeks now. It makes the Tea look like the pinna is too aggressive, and I am just too curious.


Well shit - I actually have a pair in for demo as we speak, John. I have to do some additional listening but first impressions are lukewarm for me personally and that was a big surprise.

One huge positive for my personal HRTF is that there is literally 0 masking so detail retrieval is off the charts. The bass also comes across as quite healthy. The biggest downside for me personally comes down to timbre, rather unfortunately because that is the most important thing to me. Dont let me kill your buzz though, let us know what you think!


Same, and I was also going in with high expectations from the graph.


Like the thing about it is, it’s not this completely mind-blowing experience for me. Like my Hip-Dac does stick with DL200. There’s just SOMETHING that is a cut above with DL200. Like I’m perceiving the stage a little more forward and center. Bass hits sound just a little cleaner. The treble seems a little clearer. You know?

It just hits nice, and that is why we spend the money after all. To get that little extra hit! :slight_smile:

Was this in the vocals for you? Cause I felt like for people that prioritize vocals, that was the biggest downside of Cinno.


Absolutely- I don’t think my BTR7 is completely obsolete because the A90s of the world exist, it’s just that little push of quality you get by throwing that extra few hundred in for investment purposes - imo, with a good desktop amp/dac, you’re getting anywhere from 5-10% extra out of your IEMs and while that doesn’t seem like a lot, when it’s on every aspect of a set, it adds up quickly :handshake:

Yes, it was within the vocals and the intense part of the percussion like hard snare hits and loud crash cymbal strikes - it was overly airy to me, slightly unnatural. I went back with a fresh set of ears this morning and they sound better to me now. I’m almost finished with my impressions of the haul, the Wind is currently plugged in to the L30 but my son woke up about 2 hours ago so I had to put it on the back burner for now!