Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

My babies got a spring glow-up?


Rosefinch gang represent !!!

I might have to get the pink ones for my wife, she would dig the sound on them. She always steals the extra bass sets.


If only they put a good filter on them at the same time…

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From your lips to God’s ears.

But until then: 3 mins, some tweezers and a pair of 350/400/450mesh filters is all you need to get a true monster of an IEM

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Hello! Am I right to think these are kind of like Etys (reference ones) tuning wise with every other aspect improved? I’m about to buy Unity and I hope they are.

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I don’t have any experience with Etys to answer that one

They look pretty damn different to me even with their FR, let alone how one is penetrating your ears and the other is not. :joy:

If anything, the Unity looks closer to the Sony EX800st/1000

:stuck_out_tongue: eah, etys are violating but it’s like smoking :wink: bad at first but afterwards… you just need to set your mind on the end goal :wink:

Not to be picky, you got two slightly different Unity FR graphs (different rig/coupler?):stuck_out_tongue:

Still it looks like Unity tuning is refined/filtered/tamed version of etys. Sony looks more inline but also more chaotic?

Anyways, it’s just graph analysis which doesn’t tell whole truth, right?

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All the unity graphs looks pretty different, so the qc seems pretty bad to me.

The unity graphs with a lot less uppermids and treble compared to the Etymotics, so they will sound quite a bit warmer compared to the Etys. 5-10db difference, is drastically different so in this case you do get an idea on how they sound, that is, nothing alike.

Still different from the ex800st but less than the Etys.

If you have the etys you can try this PEQ:

Just a high shelf: 2000hz, Q: 0.6, gain: -10db
and peak: 450hz, Q:0.5, gain: 1.5
should give you a better idea.


Ok let’s leave it there. Cheers.

If anyone had heard them both I’d appreciate any clues on how they compare.


Okay dokey, cheers!

what’s the dealios with rosefinch, I see peeps talkin bout them all the time and I’ll admit they got a sick faceplate so I might buy it

the treble doesn’t sound muffled like the old RCA earbuds I bought from family dollar are they

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Rosefinch is my basshead recommendation, unless you feel a pressing need to spend more money.

They are a bit recessed in the upper-mids, so if you want a more v-shape, balanced sound you remove the nozzle filter and replace with a 350/400/450 mesh filter and it has tonality nearly equivalent to Oriolus Isabellae, in my opinion.


tonally nearly equivalent to that bird IEM I’m too broke to buy? yo what I’m hella down for that, gonna go buy one rn with some mesh filters

now to choose between green or purple :c, got green, it’s got one day shipping lol

mesh filters always a pain to buy unless I go to ali lol

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Wouldn’t surprise me much if that’s the same pair of Unitys on different coupler, tips and source chains.

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The Unity on PW and mine on mmagtech are different sets


Yikes, especially @Jaytiss graph is crazy different :exploding_head:

But knowing the technology Plunge Audio use first hand much too well I think that it would be (and is) extremely hard for him to keep the piece to piece consistency on good level as he is using tubeless design. At least unless he is doing CNC machining postprocessing of internal cavities of the shells.

Still props to Plunge Audio for keeping quite good channel balances looking at squiggles as this is probably the most important for then end user

The case is that MJF (or worse SLS) printing does not allow for keeping good enough control over tolerances in comparison to resin printings or CNC as alternatives in the field. Features like the internal diameter of the nozzle may and would differ even by 0.5mm piece to piece with large enough sample size batch to batch and still be according to specs of this 3D printing method :person_shrugging:


Hey @GooberBM , I just bought the Kbear Rosefinch, and the truth is that the bass is impressive and they have a very pleasant tone, but the peak at 8kHz is quite annoying. What mods do you recommend to mitigate this, or simply what mods do you recommend to improve the IEM itself? I’ve heard you say that behind the tuning of this IEM hides a fantastic driver. It’d be great to know how to unlock its full potential.


This is true for me too and so far damping screens / tips can’t get rid of it.

Changing the mesh nozzle filter for a 450mesh filter changes the sound signature to better balance the 8k peak. It doesn’t go away but it profiles almost exactly like Oriolus Isabellae

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