Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?"

Nozzle mods wont help that (without DRASTICALLY affecting the rest of the FR). You need PEQ for it.


Another adopter to the Rosefinch, ya love to see it!

I know that 8k peak doesn’t really vibe with most folks, but I have to say, in my humble opinion, that IEM is the default rec for a bass head IEM under $100 still to this day for me at least.


Indeed, I still don’t like Ali Express, and always feel like I am about to get scammed.

I am a big Rosefinch fan, and other than the weird connector KBear uses ( TFZ ), it is one of the best cheap IEMs.

I also enjoy the KZ Castor black/bass, but it is a tucked bass tuning with switches to move the tuck point a bit.

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I’m definitely gonna pick up one soon whenever, the TFZ connector is a bit wack since that means I gotta buy a new cable not compatible with anything else

Ali always feels so dodgy lol and I hate waiting an eternity for my stuff.

KZ is a no-go for me forever, I know they’re doing cool shit but out of principle I won’t buy any of their stuff till I die

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I’m gonna need y’all to talk me through this one:

Never heard of laiv, this dac popped up in a video I checked out on YouTube and then I googled them and this is clearly the new hype train.

Market disruptor? At $2500? What market are they disrupting again?



The people.who buy $10,000 power cables.


LAIV is a company full of engineers that worked for previously audio leading companies. The hype is around its modular nature and from what reviews are saying is on the levels of dacs in the 6-10k range.

This dac will be just as much of a disrupter as the new Holo Audio Cyan 2.

the LAIV dacs design is more like a high end MSB dac inside than a normal R2R. The R2R ladders are enclosed like MSB dacs are to isolate.

Now since I2S has become more of the standard for higher end transports this is a must for new dacs.

Another huge reason is finding a true NOS dac. There are dacs out that say they are NOS but still use a modulating filter internally. Denafrips, Sokris, Hifiman, and more say NOS but actually use a modulator as well.

For example the Holo Audio May 3 KTE has a NOS mode but also has internal oversampling on board so you can choose. Do you let the dac up sample your bit perfect PCM stream to DSD.

Side note, the file formats matter more since you can not play PCM on a DSD ladder.

Another example is the new Holo Audio Cyan 2, This dac has only NOS and no internal oversampling module. To do so one would need to use something like Roons built in upsampler or preferably run a program like HQPlayer.

The Cyan 2 has two ladders internally one for PCM and the other for DSD.
With HQPlayer you can take that PCM file and upsampe to DSD x128 x 256 x512

The price is the price and those who find value in it will buy it.

If this thing can do what the companies and reviewers state it can then yes it will shake things up for the dac markets over 5k.

System chain is relative to everyone. If one were to spend 5k-10k-20k on a 2 channel system or full home theater, then a 2.7k dac is relative to the need.

Price is not always the enemy and if something is more expensive there is a reason and you might need to find that for yourself but if it is not worth it to you it is to the many others that do buy it.


This is perfect. Tells you what the deal is, why it might speak to you, who this is aiming for, and why you might want to get it, and leaves all the fluffy FOMO crap out of it.

You’re the best!


If you need a new streaming hub for your entire entertainment center and have $330 to spare, you probably better not pick anything else right now

And then they’re dropping the upgraded Amp model too. Look at WiiM go lol


Streaming? if that is what you want, then all you need is a raspberry pi 4b and some storage then install Navidrome on it, then you can connect to it on your phone (android) with Symfonium. Costs around 100 usd.


This is a completely different use case though.

Your setup is only looking at streaming your own files - which I believe Wiim handicaps on the DAC chip and the USB out quality conversion to 24/192. But this has a lot more functionality and a more mass appeal media centre ideology than a network streamer or internet streamer. Shame they do this limiting as well as the fact that they didn’t use an extra pair of outputs for multichannel, video out with HDMI-CEC and it being balanced thoughout (again that would not be keeping with most people’s media centre separates) even if in jack form or Khadas RCA - but you know easy to complain but then they would just be taking my money immediately.

Wiim are gunning for the Eversolo & Minidsp Flex/Studios of the world. And to be honest smashing it - where RPI, pre global shortage until RPI5, would have been crushing that gap in the market but they missed the opportunity.

IMO even as someone that uses ridiculous RPI setups this is pretty impressive on paper & price.

Even to DIY this you are looking at a higher amount: just off the top of my head

RPI5 (needed for tidal connect/airplay 2 capabilities)
Volumio + Sub for tidal connect or Qobuz
Ian Canada or Khadas boards to get comparable dac performance
Extra board for sub out
E-arc receiver board + multichannel decoder
12v Trigger board
Camilla DSP integration (far superior to the Wiim software for EQ) + may need extra software dependant on how good their room correction system is :man_shrugging:
You would need some routing tool due to internal audio chain & their USB allowing audio out also so pulse or jack (this would also make me think they are using a master clocking system to do this correctly so (another Ian Canada board)
Ian Canada or Hifiberry Audio Input board for RCA in - Phono in (imagine preamping there) & optical in
Upgraded network card, Ethernet capabilities as well as Bluetooth unit & antennae
Navidrome synced into Volumio
Extra configuration to run Bluetooth transmitter & reciever from same unit (usually disabled)
Case + Pots
Storage to audio
SD card for OS or dedicated M.2 board + storage

And I am sure a fuck load more when getting into the nitty gritty.

Even going the more complex route and soldering some Arduino units it’s going to be hard to get all the same functionality and spec. You need this to be designed at the PCB level for the budget to stack up.


True, just that the word “streaming” makes me think more of stuff like spotify lol.


I would guess this is why Wiim have capped the audio quality to reflect the streaming audio options and the general quality deliverable rates. Makes me slightly concerned for implementation as the components they use do allow for the extra performance - but given Wiim have been doing this for awhile I have to believe it is intentional and allows for less configuration elsewhere just to eke out sinad beyond the commonly audible. Though conversely it does mean that the DAC chip being named is more for marketing than performance.


What if i am using UAPP or Neutron and want to use upnp, does Navidrome work as a upnp server too or would i need Symfonium?

Yeah, @Kenyon definitely hit the points I would have made if I had time yesterday. WiiM is hitting a different use case with their devices, particularly catering to the people that don’t have the time or care of putting together these kinds of systems manually.

People pay a lot more money for the convenience of these kinds of devices, and WiiM is putting them in a smaller form factor, at cheaper pricing. For that use case, these are market-challenging for sure.

This is why, for my use case, the included dac is a nice add-on if I need to use it (like if I take my WiiM on a vacation but don’t pack my whole dac/amp setup), but for my intended use case, I don’t quite need it


Afaik, it does not have upnp support.

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Softears Studio 4 or Another Case of the Hobby Taking a Called Third Strike

So I’m going to be direct and to the point because I don’t want to spend a ton of time writing, right now, when I can be listening to music instead. The hobby is in shambles, in a lot of ways, and listening to Studio 4 is a prime example of why. Let’s discuss.

Songs to Listen to and Follow Along:

As usual, I’m going to write my thoughts in generalities, but I’ll give you a sample of songs that I listen to, that will relate to the concepts I write about. Feel free to ask for specifics, if you don’t keep up with my thought processes.


Swashers/Bubbles - Yosi Horikawa (For imaging/detail retrieval (:00-1:00 Swashers), general technicalities check (both), soundstage depth/dynamics/layering/separation (:00-:30 Bubbles))

The Speedwalker (Live at Madison Square Garden) - The Fearless Flyers (For bass elements, particularly sub-bass/mid-bass interplay, drum kits, soundstage/layering)

DISINTER MY HEART - TRAILS (For treble response and resolution, male vocals, midrange response)

Savior - Rise Against (For rock bass elements, male vocals, layering and imaging, treble clarity :38-1:30)

When I Fall (Outta Love) - Kevin Olusola (For Imaging/detail retrieval :00-:07, tonality, timbre, male/female vocal interplay)

Fundamental Elements of Madness - Dax Johnson (For soundstage width 1:10-1:26, piano tonality)

Purple Hat - Sofi Tukker (For vocal separation :40-:47, tonality, male vs. female vocal tonality throughout, sub-bass versus midbass response within mix 1:11-1:32, resolution check 1:11-1:42)

1 Thing - Sophie Powers (For sibilance, harshness/shoutiness, high volume listening check 1:28-2:01)

Wire & Guns - KID DAD (For general tonality (warmth vs. brightness) and note weight :10-:35, for high volume listening 1:34-2:08)

Dusty Blue - Charles Bradley (For soundstage width, imaging and layering :11-:45)

Hide & Seek (Rema remix) - Stormzy (For sub-bass check throughout)

Resynthesis 3D (Binaural Version - Headphones only) - Max Cooper (For bass elements, imaging/layering elements throughout)


I don’t have a lyric for you this time. But try out Nas’ “Made You Look”

(IEM Tuning Style: Warm-Neutral)

Studio 4 is a monitor-style IEM tuning that sits more Neutral-Warm than Neutral-Bright. It’s a sub-bass dominant playback, and does it pretty well. I will come hard after BA bass that doesn’t have impact or attack, decay, or the combination of the two depending on what it’s going for. Studio 4 is going for a clean, midbass light replay and does that very well. The midrange is forward, but not as forward as a set like Plunge Unity. This is much more palatable to a more varied set of listeners and will be less divisive than a set like Unity. I don’t think that makes it better, per se, just that more people will be able to wrap their heads around it. That said it IS pretty damn good. Just not on that level of the best I’ve heard.

The treble does well in its support role: It provides good clarity and resolution over the larger frequency, doesn’t really push into harsh or fatiguing territory, and is exactly what it should be, in a monitor tuning. One thing on it though, is that while it is more neutral-warm than bright, it does have too much bite to be a good fit with faster rock/metal types of music genres. Wouldn’t play back on this. As for Soundstage and technicals, I like them. The stage is fairly wide and has good depth and a little bit of dimensionality to it. It’s not full-on 3D sounding, but it is definitely not playing back like a flat wall of sound. Imaging and separation elements are very solid. Resynthesis has a good sense of the elements dancing around in your headspace, so if the song you’re listening to makes you pick up cues in different parts of the soundscape, you’ll do well with these.


  • Very solid across the board
    • Outside of midbass this does everything well
  • Midrange-centric sound pushes vocals ahead of other elements
  • Strong imaging and technicalities


  • Not for fans of either end of the V-shape spectrum
  • Not really an all-genre IEM
  • Still more of a monitor than a music-listening IEM if that’s not your thing


  • People who want clean playback and enjoy that more monitor-like sound
  • Vocalheads
  • People who prioritize clean imaging


  • People who wanna dance on the people
    • This isn’t your party IEM
  • Someone who is more into faster, complex genres like metal
  • Someone who wants a more musical or more technical set
    • This wants to be more Goldilocks than the 3 Bears


I think it means we’re in the process of fucking up, as a hobby. There’s a slew of IEMs getting a lot of hype and press right now: Sets like Elysian Pilgrim, Ziigaat 2-5 and 5-3, the Simgot SM4 and EM10, Gizaudio DaVinci, Aful Explorer and others all getting their days in the sun. I’ve heard some of them (The Ziigaats and the Pilgrim, soon to be the DaVinci) and haven’t heard others (the Simgots), and this isn’t about dismissing those sets outright. They deserve to be judged on their own merits, in the end. But how is the hobby not comparing them to the Studio 4, and holding them accountable for being better or not better than this set that has been on the block a while? Like, for every mention of Pilgrim (OG or Noir) that blows smoke up Elysian/Effect’s ass, how have I not heard someone say the OG Pilgrim is just a very comparable set to Studio 4, while Studio 4 has been out almost a year and a half now? I get it, we all like the new shinies, but let’s get it together here. Say it with me, together:


Not only does Studio 4 hit my preferences a little bit better than Pilgrim, so I may be a little extra feisty about this, but the discourse in the hobby is kind of insulting. Especially if you’re willing to be patient and get a good deal on a used Studio 4, I’d recommend that all day over something like Elysian Pilgrim, and I think it’s flat out negligent of the hobby to constantly push new IEMs on people, like the old stuff they already have (or already know about) just magically doesn’t keep up. So basically yeah, Softears Studio 4 still (more than) competes in mid-2024, and I don’t think you need to chase the new hotness. Cause this set is not old and busted, thank you very much.

This is going to be my call-out of reviewers to be more critical. Do more comparisons with your gear. Take the damn bat off your shoulder and be wiling to take a damn swing and tell people the truth and not just what they want to hear. You’re the ones that keep the health of the hobby. Do the damn job. Kthxbai…kidding. But seriously, take a swing once in a while. And that’s going to be it for this review. Enjoy your days, and take care till next time!

Rank for Softears Studio 4: B+
Rank With Personal Bias: B+
Recommendation Level: Highly Recommended (Warm-Neutral)
Rank As a Food: Chocolate Fondue


Just when the world needed him the most, he returned!

Fabulous write-up, brother


The legend returns, With a banger writeup.

Studio 4 & ISA :heart:. Isa is my fav DD. Studio 4 best all BA(that doesn’t sound like all BA). I’d say its better than pilgrim, Aful p8, b3 (hella biased). S4 hits my preference better than both.


Those are definitely some all-star IEMs. Good compliments to each other!!!