Good Amp or a DAC/Amp for the Monolith M1060C?

Hello there

I’ll be buying the Monolith M1060C’s in the near future, and I’ve been told I need to upgrade my Amp to fully enjoy them. My current setup consists of FiiO E10, powering the Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro’s (250Ohm).

My question is, should I get a new DAC/Amp combo (Something like the FiiO K3) or get an Amp (like the JDS Labs Atom) and use the E10 as a DAC only?

Bear in mind that I’m doing this on a student’s budget, so I’d prefer to keep it low.


JDS Labs Atom. You will not find a better all-around, neutral, clean power amp until you start spending $400+, and even then, many at that price cannot match the clean power of the Atom.

No need to overthink this one :slight_smile:

Also, it’s American made and JDS has WONDERFUL customer service!


Concur with the Atom suggestion, or go big and get the El Stack or Element! I would stick with solid state with the 1060s tubes don’t pair great with them…Though tube hybrids are ok…


Thx lads, I’ll probably end up getting the Atom. I was also considering the Monolith Liquid Spark, since it’s supposed to be pretty close and I wouldn;t have to pay shipping twice, but… eh, I’ll just get the Atom

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