Hello there
I’ll be buying the Monolith M1060C’s in the near future, and I’ve been told I need to upgrade my Amp to fully enjoy them. My current setup consists of FiiO E10, powering the Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro’s (250Ohm).
My question is, should I get a new DAC/Amp combo (Something like the FiiO K3) or get an Amp (like the JDS Labs Atom) and use the E10 as a DAC only?
Bear in mind that I’m doing this on a student’s budget, so I’d prefer to keep it low.
JDS Labs Atom. You will not find a better all-around, neutral, clean power amp until you start spending $400+, and even then, many at that price cannot match the clean power of the Atom.
No need to overthink this one
Also, it’s American made and JDS has WONDERFUL customer service!
Concur with the Atom suggestion, or go big and get the El Stack or Element! I would stick with solid state with the 1060s tubes don’t pair great with them…Though tube hybrids are ok…
Thx lads, I’ll probably end up getting the Atom. I was also considering the Monolith Liquid Spark, since it’s supposed to be pretty close and I wouldn;t have to pay shipping twice, but… eh, I’ll just get the Atom
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